Brother Swarm

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Hi there!

I'm Damien, and I got so busy I forgot to write my blurb for the article, so I'm writing it here for posterity!

I've been working with Paizo since all the way back in 2009 as a freelance artist. Right now, I am working with them as the principal Starfinder cartographer and poster map artist for Pathfinder (along with some of the usual fun we've had for 10 years).

In the 10 years of working with Paizo I've always admired and cherished the inclusive way that they added in characters and iconics in the LGBT spectrum, and it means a lot, being a gay man myself!

I am always humbled and honored to be working with such a great team of people, the best in the industry, and knowing they have open arms for people like me makes it all the better.

Here's to another 10 years, thank you Paizo!

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I'm sorry, but neither is side A an "expansive docking bay" (even for tiny starships), nor is side B very useful for play - it has lots of toilets from the looks of it, but almost no shops.

I have to say i am increasingly dissatisfied with the designs of the Starfinder flip-mats.

Most of the starship maps are not very useful and a lot of the generic maps - like this - are of very limited use in play.

There are exceptions of course, but it is frustrating.

-Please make ("bigger" if necessary) maps of the starships from the Core Rulebook and the AP volumes instead of generic ones that are not even fully depicted.
The "Sunrise Maiden" was great!

-The location maps inside the AP volumes are a lot more useful for (general) play, than most of the ones in this line.
Isn't it possible to do them as flip-mats?

I love 90% of the "Pathfinder" flip-mats, but it is less than half with the Starfinder ones.

Hi there! I'm the cartographer for Starfinder, and I definitely love to hear feedback on the designs and layouts of the maps. If you have some feedback that you think would improve the layouts and usefulness of the maps, please feel free to let me know.

Do note that since the sizing is standard, having larger mats isn't really my call; I get to work in the size I'm given, but of course, want to provide enough on the map itself to be of use. I am also not meant to put in specific starships for the mats (unless specifically noted), because of course the players will prefer to use their own ships :)

I hate to see that anyone isn't enjoying the quality of the maps, so if you do have some critiques, I'm happy to listen!