Black Magga

cthughua's page

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Good Morning,

I got an email message June 18 notifying me that my Game Mastery subscription order had been placed, order number 753053.

Tuesday, June 26 I received another email letting me know that my ongoing subscription created an order for D1: Crown of the Kobold King.

On the "Store Orders" portion of my account it lists these two orders separately. The first at $12.99 and the second at $16.08 (cost plus shipping).

It looks to me as if I am being charged twice but I am unsure. Can someone please clarify this for me? I realize I am probably not being charged twice but this subscription order style is new to me (the Dragon and Dungeon subscriptions don't generate new orders like that every month).

Many thanks as always!

Hello the link to "Underdark Singles" is broken.

The link points to: ames/dnd/singles/underdark%E2%80%9D

But should point to: /underdark

I searched for this issue and didn't come up with anything so I apologize if I missed it and it has already been addressed elsewhere.

I have half a years worth of subscription left after the last issue of Dungeon. The problem is a) it was a gift subscription and b) it is with Amazon. I would like to roll those over to my subscription to Pathfinder.

Is Amazon doing the rollover or do I need to work that out here?

Thank you very much.