crackjackflood's page

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Can we please get BW version of this. I can't print this in BW with Ink saver enabled.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
crackjackflood wrote:
Can this book get an update for Pathfinder 2e - This post is just to show interest in PF2e tech book
Thanks for your feedback. It sure would bring Pathfinder and Starfinder closer together. Be sure to check our Guns & Gears and Treasure Vault.

I noticed some items/features in these books use some of the mechanics of some items/features in the Technology guide. Sadly not really a fan of Starfinder rules or how it does Sci-fi overall. I like the Idea of having technology that is completely divorced from magic. I also like having magical technology. It really comes down how items and features decribed I don't really get or like the description for the Chameleon suit in G&G as an example (It seems like it would be uncomfortable and somewhat noisy I also personally find it hard to imagine) Where as the Chameleon suit in the Technology guide seems to me at least is more thematically tangible.

The Technology guide Chameleon suit also is a good alternative to invisibility. This is to me is how technology should function as a way of bringing magical abilities and effects to someone who doesn't have them.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" while the qoute is true, in a world of high magic wouldn't their be people trying to essentially develop technology so you are not reliant on magic.

Thats for the reply.

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Can this book get an update for Pathfinder 2e - This post is just to show interest in PF2e tech book