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I've found some inconsistencies on the tml


The following have their prices in sp in the table, but in gp in the descriptions below the table:

Buoy, common: 50 sp or 50 gp
Shaving Kit: 15 sp or 15 gp
Troll Slayers Kit: 30 sp or 30 gp

The following have prices where the table and the descriptions simply disagree:

Shovel Folding: 10 gp or 12 gp
Waffle Iron, mithral: 1260 gp or 1001 gp

Also, the Survival Kit, common, has a superscript of 4 on the weight, and there doesn't appear to be any explanation of what that superscript means. Oddly enough I didn't see a superscript of 3 anywhere on the page.