chilispag23's page

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keftiu wrote:
I would argue that they’re distinct. The bounded spellcasting feats also come online later than those given for the full casters.

While I understand that they are distinct, that shouldn't change the fact that eldritch tricksters should still be allowed to pick it up.

In regards to your comment of being able to pick it up later than those of full casters, there is nothing in the eldritch trickster wording that states that I am required to pick up the spellcasting feats. Sure that's the whole point of the trickster to pick up magic, but it never says "you are required to pick them up at this level".

Of course, I am sure there will be an errata that may address this question later on

Currently, I am in an abomination vault campaign playing as an eldritch trickster rouge, and I told my DM that if the Magus has basic, expert, and master spellcasting features that I would like to switch to that from the sorcerer dedication that I picked up from the eldritch trickster to the magus dedication as I think magus would synergize well with the class.

Though, when released my DM said I couldn't pick it up because it is "bounded" spellcasting.

So my question is can I actually pick it up?
I would think the answer is yes because when reading over the rules there isn't any wording that prevents me from doing it, as it seems bounded spellcasting is just another form of spellcasting just with the word "bonded" in it.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated