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Carol Steffes

About carolsteffes

The people who are behind the development of "on cloud nine" remain obscured largely. However, it presented itself to the scene near the 1950's and was spread throughout the use of radio programs. When Johnny Dollar, the eponymous protagonist found himself unconscious he would find himself floating about this popular common English idiom. Even though it had probably existed sometime before the show, it had been caught as slang for ecstasy that was induced by substances which were intoxicating. This was before it underwent the general broadening to encompass any form of happiness.
Skeleton In The Closet
Within the UK, the shameful secrets of one are usually kept within the cupboard instead of in the closet. This is even though the almost identical idioms come from the buy my essay resource. Both figurative and literal skeletons came into the popularity. This was close to the time when William Hendry Stowell figured one's desire to hiding genetic diseases came from shoving bones into the closets. Within narratives that are fictional, a murderer that hides corporeal evidence usually used areas out of the way, which turned domestic, safe scenes into terrorizing grisly torrents.
Bitter End
Those speakers of English that were rather fond for the vocabulary of the military knew that a "bitter" referred to a line wound found around a wooden or iron pike on the deck of a seafaring vessel. Now days, professionals of the Navy call the final parts of the lines as "the bitter end". This is regardless of whether they are attached to the post or not. Also, the mainstream speakers and sailors alike use this phrase to mean extreme loyalty. This could be towards a cause, an event or even to an individual.