Tin Golem

cannen144's page

Organized Play Member. 104 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Hey all,

I'm looking at creating a (likely) Aasimar battle cleric of Ragathiel for a CotCT game I'm going to be in, and was looking for some advice from you all on how to make an effective front-ish liner out of such a character. The only real thing to be aware of for this is that I have two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait for CotCT, and that stats are generated with a 25 point buy. Other than that, I am looking at using a bastard sword, potentially with some form of shield.

From my brief investigations into such matters, it looks like the Crusader archetype could be useful, and that for domains, the Destruction Domain, with the Rage sub-domain would be a good fit.

Any input or advice on this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

So I was reading through my copy of Inner Sea Gods last night, looking at the different heralds of the various deity, and I noticed something off about the stat block for The Prince in Chains. The stat block lists the following ability:

Chainstorm wrote:


Chains and flesh tendrils constantly lash at anything that approaches the herald. A creature that enters the area or begins its turn within it takes 1d12 points of bludgeoning and slashing damage. The chains entangle any creature so long as it’s in the area (Reflex DC 25 negates). The save DC is Constitution-based.

But I'm having trouble figuring out what area to use for this ability.

Should I use the reach (10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle))?
Is there a different number I'm missing?
Has the maximum strength NyQuil made me go crazy?

Thanks for your help

(Link to The Prince in Chains Stat Block)

Hi all, I am looking for advice on building a decent and functional monk for an Iron Gods campaign I'm in. I'm also looking to go mainly unarmed strike (yes, I know this isn't the best, but it works better with the theme of the character), and I would prefer to be strength based. The rest of the group is primarily newer characters, so I don't need to be optimized out the wazoo, but some mild optimization is going to be helpful. The rest of the part as of now is a sword and shield paladin, a blasting focused sorcerer, a cleric of Sarenrae (the most experienced player after me and the GM, focused on Buffing), and a ranged Ranger. We were all given a stat array to work with of 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, 8. Also, humans, half-orcs, and half-elves have two floating +2s instead of one, so I'm looking at going human. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, and let me know if there is any more information you need.

Alright guys, so I have a player who is dead set on playing a spellthief (he's coming over from 3.5) and I wanted advice on either a top-notch conversion or an analog for the spellthief that I could direct this player towards. I am a bit wary of 3rd party materials given a bad experience with them in the past, but I also understand that this maybe my best course of action. Alternatively, if anyone can point me in the direction of the original specs for the spellthief in 3.5, I could try converting it myself, though this would preferably be a last resort.

Alright guys, so I have a player who is interested in playing a paladin with the Redeemer archetype, which is normally restricted to Half-Orcs, as a full Orc. Now, I know that at the end of the day, it is my call as to whether or not I allow this, but I wanted to get some second opinions on this from y'all.
It is important to note that character creation is being done by using 4d6, drop lowest, rolled 7 times and dropping one set and that my players aren't really heavy optimizers, and this player does understand that the penalties to mental stats may impact some of the classes abilities.
So yeah, go ahead and tell me your opinions on this.
Thanks in advance

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As the title says, which deity or faith do you think you would worship or belong to if you lived in Golarion and why?

For me, I feel like I would worship either Erastil or Torag, mostly because I've always felt a strong sense of community with those around me and have always felt a need to help protect them.

I'm working on making a list of the iconic spells for each class (that can cast spells), and wanted to get some input from the community as to what those spells are. Ideally, there would be a list with 2-5 spells for each class that are iconic for that class. These spells don't necessarily need to be the best spells for each class, but the spells that you think of when you think of that class.
For example, 2 of the iconic spells for Wizards would be Magic Missile and Fireball, at least for me.

So I was looking for advice building a character. This character would be a human paladin of Torag who wields a dwarven longhammer. Now, as part of the backstory, this character was raised by a dwarven cleric of Torag after his parents were killed by giants while travelling in the five kings mountains area when we was a young child, as such he has a relatively strong hatred towards giants. Now the part I was looking for advice on is how to integrate this into the character mechanically. I was looking at either taking a level dip into ranger with humanoid (giant) as the favored enemy or maybe an oathbound paladin. What do you guys recommend or think would be the best way to do this? Thanks!

Hey guys, as the subject says, I'm looking for help dealing with a powergamer in a group of non-powergamers. To give a little background, I'm running Iron Gods with some old co-workers/friends and we (relatively) recently lost a player due to other commitments. As such, another ex-coworker, who I've played with before, though only for a few sessions, asked if he could join up. While I was tempted to say no (and feel as though I should have, simply due to the number of people I am comfortable running a game for), I ended up saying yes and gave him basic information on what to do to get his character started up and then had him roll his ability scores in front of me before our most recent session. Well, about 10 minutes into our said session, he already came into conflict with the rest of the group

Adventure Path plot spoiler:
involving them having just been called to the Scrapmaster's arena by scroll, which he took and tried to keep from the rest of the group.
I've noticed, based on the times I've seen this guy play that he likes to make himself the center of attention and what not, as well as optimize his character to try and make the rest of the party redundant (he's playing an alchemist, if that helps), and he's also gone over the budget I gave him for character creation, which may have been an accident, but still means I will need to audit his character sheet thoroughly.
Now, I know that if things are bad enough, I can ask that he leave, but I want to give him another session to see if things can still work out without ruining things for the rest of the group. I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone could give me. Thanks.
tl;dr Powergamer is making unnecessary conflict within party, what do I do (may kick if nothing else is feasible).

I am a relatively new (4th time) GM (and first time poster) looking for advice on how to work with a player who wanted to originally play Chaotic Evil as an excuse to essentially cause as much mayhem and destruction as possible, but has since ceded to playing Chaotic Neutral (leaning towards Chaotic Stupid, unfortunately) so that everyone, myself included, can enjoy the game. The main issue is that this player has acted in ways that are consistently preventing the other players from progressing much, if at all. Ultimately, I believe that if he cooperated with the rest of the group so that they could start getting into actual encounters he would find things much more enjoyable, as he would be able to start killing and wrecking things without disrupting the other players' attempts to gather information about bad guy jr and bad guy sr. I have talked to the player about this problem and he got better at working with the party for a few sessions, but he has since relapsed into his previous behaviors. This has impacted both my own level of enjoyment and the enjoyment of other players. I would like to avoid giving the player the boot, as I believe that he is capable of working with the group if he wants to. Therefore I am hoping for recommendations as to how to work with this player and the rest of the group so that everyone enjoys themselves. Would it be recommended to talk to the rest of the group and see if they are willing to help me out on this front?
Thanks for any and all help.