
bubbagump's page

372 posts (382 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Years ago I had a player who named his fighter "Bob". Surprisingly, he made it work. Whenever he was asked for his name, he'd say, "Bob. Just Bob. That should be enough for the likes of you," or something similar. The character refused to tell anyone, including other players, about his origins or history. He even went so far as to describe himself as "just a fighter." "I'm not some noble barbarian 'warrior'," he'd say, "and I'm not a 'knight' or a 'soldier' or a 'swordsman'. I fight because that's what I know and because circumstances don't leave me much choice. If you have to call me anything, just call me a 'fighter', 'cuz that's what I am." Thus was born 'Bob the Fighter'. With all the oddball names I've heard since then, I think Bob was the most aptly named.

But more to the point, if you release a list of names or some other sort of naming convention, please please PLEASE try to avoid the random-consonant, multiple-vowel sort of gibberish I keep reading in current Forgotten Realms products. Give the elves elvish-sounding names, give the dwarves dwarven-sounding names, give the halflings hobbit-sounding names, and try to come up with something for humans that doesn't make them sound like dwarves who've learned to like light beer.