
brothershadow's page

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Irontruth wrote:

As others have noted, there are multiple cultures where the most "honored" warriors were expected to be highly proficient with bows. Romans, Persians, Japanese, Chinese, Mongols and many others. Henry VIII was even an experienced archer, in addition to the laws he (and his predecessors) passed to encourage archery in their country. Even the French have some strong archery traditions, but they were greatly overshadowed by the English.

All this tells me that the bow has never been considered a "dishonorable" weapon. On the other hand, when two opponents of stature meet, the "proper" way to fight is in melee. A knight, or knightly paladin, who issues a challenge to an opponent (on a battlefield or off) would probably do with a melee weapon.

Besides the horse, the bow was one of the most prevalent and powerful weapons available throughout most of history. Therefore, it seems silly that a martial caste of society would ignore it.

Well said Gru. I find that there are many here being "subjective" to the differing cultures of Paladins. Pathfinder leaves it quite open to create a Paladin from differing cultures and not limited to an image of Christian Crusaders. Was not Genghis Khan revered by the Mongols as their holy warrior empowered by their god? What of the Persian Immortals, who also wielded bows in service to their divine god. I also find it interesting that the point of shooting down an animal or monster with a bow is fine, but somehow many forget to watch the player behind the bow and his/her reactions. If my player shot down a defenseless villain willing to give up after they asked for mercy, i'd say highly dishonorable. They should be brought to justice. I'd also tell an NPC to "Drop their sword" so they could be brought to justice. If they lunge at me, then face my Paladin gods light. lol

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

You're fast there James ;) I only had that post up for half a minute before I reread seeker's last reply and decided I was being redundant.

I completely look forward to what's in the book regardless of what the classes or archtypes turn out to be. Maybe you'll even toss in a few of the more popular Round 2 entries from the RPG Superstar *wink wink nudge nudge*

Sidenote; "Seven Samurai" is one of the best movies. For those of you who may not know, it is also available on Netflix Instant Watch!

Truer words were never spoken. I've always wanted to make a character like Blondie or Angel Eyes. My DM knows this & told me asap that the pistol & rifles, although rare had made an appearance in the Pathfinder settings, which promptly brought me back into the fold of gaming again. I simply hope people take it for what its for, an amazing new resource of flavor that can be added to an existing campaign. Keep up the good work.

"Who's your huckleberry"
~Doc Holiday

c873788 wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
c873788 wrote:
Stomphoof wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:
You might want to make the file public.
Indeed. I would love to check it out but I cannot at the moment.

Oh dear. I'm still a noob at Google docs.

Guide to Witches

Does this work now? I clicked on the 'Publish to the Web' option under the 'Share' drop down box. Hopefully that fixes it. Please let me know if you still can't get in.

I am not able to save it as a pdf. It seem more permissions need to be opened up.

To the right of the original document is a dropdown list under the word action. In that list is the word share. You can then click on share settings and change private to "anyone with this link". It will only be for that particular file so everything else still stays private.

I have changed the share settings as you have requested. Hope that helps.

Thanks to everyone for their feedback so far. I will try to respond to everyone who has made the effort to comment so far when I have time as well as edit the guide once I review closely what each of you have suggested.

Well done guide. Although my meat shields benefit highly from the spell "Screech." The Outflank feat they each have turns them into meat grinders once i continue screeching.