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Goblin Squad Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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It's hard to believe after all these years, but i'm feeling pumped about starting up the Age of Worms, DMing it for the second time, with an all new group of players!

I DMed this starting in about 2006 all the way to 2014 where the party was left resting in the Roc King's nest in the Library of Last Resort. While we started in 3.5e, we moved to PF Beta then PF1e where I was converting everything before each session. At the higher levels while the roleplay was a blast, the combat was slow going! It was such a great campaign, everyone was pretty invested it.

Now, living in a new city and new stage of work/life, I'm decided to run Age of Worms again, this time in 5e. I'm not so secretly hoping that we'll see new publication of this with a full conversion to 5e, but in the meantime, I'm grateful to posters here and elsewhere who are keeping this fantastic story alive.

I've warmed the new group up by running Mad God's Key (Dungeon 114). I had the human fighter of the party be from Diamond Lake, and a couple of the party's gnomes (bard, wizard) be from Grossetgrottel. The halfling cleric is a bit of a transient. They chased Irontusk (who will be Kullen) through the dockyard, investigated the missing book (which I will have be stolen by the Vecna cult of the Ebon Triad, whisked away to beneath Dourstone mine), and will be sent out to the Cairn Hills via Diamond Lake after sorting out the Green Dagger gang where they will find the book and key which was the last part in getting the Ebon Aspect going. It has been a great way for me as DM to get used to 5e (both converting the old Dungeon content and actually playing it for the first time), and I think has gelled the party nicely.

We're going to arrive at Diamond Lake soon with the Cairn Charm in hand, not knowing at all which cairn it might be associated with or how it works (Allustan will eventually help them with that later, also leading them to the collapsed Dourstone mine). They will end up checking out Whispering Cairn, which will set them on their journey! I may replace the whole Vecna maze in Two Faces of Evil with the cairn ruin from Mad God's Key.

Anyway, happy to be running this again and if you are playing in 5e, let me know any advice you may have had making the shift!

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I just finished running cartographer Christopher West's Unfamiliar Ground published in Dungeon Magazine 119. It was great! It was the third phase of the first campaign I'm running with my kids -- 8 and 10 -- using the Pathfinder Beginner Box (with a bit of on the fly tweaking for the GMing as we went along).

endgame spoiler:
The undead dragon skeleton Snapper was absolutely the biggest thrill. The party walked around the room, trying the doors, getting fried by the trapped door, and opening nothing. Then the fighter thought to toss a pebble into the pool, and the splash back that they got was way more than expected! Everyone but the fighter failed their initial frightful presence save and ran out of the room. The fighter/barbarian took one unlucky swing and followed them all out. They cowered in the rubble in the hall for a few minutes and fixed their resolve to go back in. Second time round, everyone made their will save except the wizard, who headed back out into the hall. They started bashing with and smacking at him, while he hopped out of the pool and responded with random full-round attacks again. A rogue with a cure moderate wounds wand jumped around healing and getting in the occasional cause moderate damage. Out pops the crazy imp Hezzrack, who greeted Snapper amiably and was glad to see him playing with some new friends -- and then walked away (this was too much for the players who couldn't figure out what to do with such craziness in the midst of their toughest battle to date, and just watched him walk away). and the cowering wizard (who had just reached level 4) finally decided to summon an Earth Elemental who walked in and got in a couple of blows on his behalf. Finally, using the blunt side of his great sword, the raging fighter/barbarian who had been brought to zero HP twice, smashed his undead foe and the dragon bones collapsed onto the ground.

This has been a lot of fun to play. Thanks for the great adventure Christopher! Hezzrack and Neegla were compelling and fun to run, and the trip to the goblin cave was tricky and interesting, and as I said above Snapper gives a thrill and challenge. I certainly recommend anyone checking this one out to adapt to a Pathfinder Beginner Box game!