Wild Watcher

brent norton's page

Organized Play Member. 839 posts (843 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Silver Crusade

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Disney's The Black cauldron was great as well

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Shepard Book in Browncoat uniform. love it.

Silver Crusade

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B-a-l-a-n-c-e, Balance.

Silver Crusade

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What? No catfolk to defeat mum-ra.

Silver Crusade

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You got me Joana on that one. Since they knew they were going to be late they should have made sure the PDF's would be sent out on time or earlier as a way to apologize to the subscribers.

Silver Crusade

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Do think it is interesting that most of us who have posted here spend on the average of $30-120 dollars a month on Paizo products, but we don't have our orders but any knuckhead at GenCon can pick it up a book there. I understand it's the big show and should be given special attention for sell and possible new customers, but at least mail out all the subscribers stuff so we can get our orders at the same time. If something happens to where you can not do that send us an email saying as such with an apology.

We are special people too.

Silver Crusade

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Starting to get mad......Yesterday I was disappointed the PDF's didn't come out after I had been looking forward to them for a week ( and this AP since the first campaign setting book)all the while each product was counting down to yesterday.
Now, I am getting upset that people can purchase them and read them. When I look at the top of my screen and it still says," purchased on Aug 8th". and nothing.... Guess instead of reading my PDF's I will watch The Browns Pre-season game.
Who would have thought Paizo would let me down more than my football team.

Silver Crusade

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Has anyone compiled a list of music for this AP yet? I know was thinking classical russian composers, but I was what about Narnia soundtrack, or find some old slavick folksongs? Any thoughts.

Silver Crusade

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So,my first time at Paizo Con was amazing. I can say this and all so tell you I did not play one game the entire time. Go to a con and not play one game. Yep, that's right my wife and I went seminaring the whole time. We went to the seminar and learned about the history of mmos'(goblin work for Pathfinder on line), how to build a better character,Secrets of TSR, Plus the Rise of the Runelord AP panel, and the one of six people the Pathfinder Society seminar. All of them were fun and great. My wife was a trooper and set beside me the whole time, which was awesome and found everything interesting. I would like to thank the entire Paizo staff for such a great con. I think by the time the con was over Lisa and James could have legally gotten a restraining order becuase they seemed to be in all the same seminars.

The other great thing that happend was, we did not have tickets for the Banquet but we waited in line at the non-ticket line and two tickets showed up. Bonus. We had to turn in early because we had an early flight back to Oklahoma. So, we would like to apologize for leaving the couple in the back before the quiz. The banquet was great and made me feel like I was a part owner of such a great company. In a way I am, because I will continue to support Paizo as best I can. This means I will work extra hard to find players where I am at and begin running PFS again. My new goal for next year Paizo con will be not to play again, but run PFS at the con.

Thanks again to everyone, and whoever had to give up their tickets thank you very much.

Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs wrote:

The basic way the barrier works (which has been heavilly revised from our first stab at it in "The Demon Within"—the Demonscope and Goriath, if they still exist, are likely quite changed) is that there are a series of wardstones that run along the Mendev, Numeria, and Ustalav borders along the Worldwound, sort of creating an arc of wardstones along the eastern and southern border of the Worldwound.

These wardstones focus their energies into the Worldwound, creating a sort of "sheet" of energy over the region that has a hard border along the east and south sides, and a soft border to the west and north—since those regions have a lot more uninhabited areas, the crusaders were satisfied with saving the time and effort of completely enclosing the Worldwound with wardstones (something that time and resources wouldn't have let them do anyway).

The wardstones effectively create a field along the southern and eastern "hard" borders that works similar to that of a forbiddance spell in the form of a 300-foot-long path that bars teleportation and damages demons in the area each round. This prevents invasions and enforces a no-man's-land strip.

But the big thing these wardstones do is they blanket the Worldwound with an effect that prevents demons from teleporting into our out of the Worldwound. They can still teleport inside the zone, but not out of it.

Demons can smuggle themselves out of the Worldwound if they're tricky, but not on anything near to approaching a mass scale.

There are other effects and things going on as well, but that's the basic way the barrier works. (And to answer the original poster's question—the barrier is indeed invisible.)

More information about wardstones appears on page 301 of the Inner Sea World Guide.

And yes... we WILL be speaking more about the Worldwound someday in the future. Stay tuned!

I hope this means that this will be the first AP to use the the slow progression and filled with so much info that it has to take a full 12 issues to do this conflict justice.

Silver Crusade

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So, after watching one of my favorite shows, I have started to think about how to add Reavers to the campaign. I will start it with rumors about sailors gone mad at sea destroying ports, pirates, and merchants alike. Stat wise I am thinking barbarians. Anyother ideas might even add the Reavers floatila. Yes, I am completely ripping of firefly. Should do a .floatila or Miranda with a black pearl from Savage tide type crazyness to the island.

Silver Crusade

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I think Sheldon on Big Bang Theory is a good example of a 7 Chr.

Silver Crusade

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We will be naming our cutter...Serenity

Silver Crusade

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Can we get an example of what's in side?

Silver Crusade

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Why do all the hot chicks want to kill you or would rather hang out with demons.

Silver Crusade

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I was always fond of the way Dragon's Lair looked. I loved the ability to play a cartoon.