blackcat |
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Hi James,
I am DMing the Seprents Skull AP and we are currently running "Racing to Ruin". My players took on the Rival Faction Agents on p34 and it was a battle royale. At the end of the battle the PCs analysed the poison the Agents were using and realised it was Spider Vine Poison. The only description I can find about it is in "Heart of the Jungle" page 6. My PC's would like to try to harvest some of the poison from the plant to use (they have craft alchemy, survival and can use poisons so I do not have a problem with it).
My question is - how common is the Spider Vine in the Mwangi Jungle? For example, If they are travelling the Route to Tazion, would they easily come across it somewhere on the journey (if they were keeping an eye out for it) or would they need to take time out from their race to Tazion to specifically look for it? I would like to know if I need to make a side adventure about the hunt for the spider vine or they just come across it in their travels.
Also just wanted thank you or 10 years of awesome PF1, the innovation of the different APs and the stories you and your team have told have been nothing short of fantastic!