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Organized Play Member. 40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Are there any feats / class abilities / magic items that allow movement (even a 5-foot step) as an immediate action? Thinking about making a monk or barbarian with fast movement and spring attack. Spring attack requires you to start your turn non-adjacent to your enemy, so looking for something that would let me move outside of my normal turn to facilitate this.

If a witch were to cast reduce person on the bat familiar (which has a size of diminutive) using the "Share Spells" feature, would the familiar gain +4 to it's AC / to hit (the effect of reducing a creature's size from diminutive to fine) or would it only be +1 as detailed in the spell (which probably assumes it's only being cast on a small / medium humanoid)?

I have a character that has advanced past level 9 with a wolf animal companion, giving the wolf the multiattack ability and thus a second attack at a -5 penalty.



An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.

The wolf has the trip ability on its bite which works like the following according to the universal monster rules.


Trip (Ex) A creature with the trip special attack can attempt to trip its opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if it hits with the specified attack. If the attempt fails, the creature is not tripped in return.

Format: trip (bite); Location: individual attacks.

Two questions:

1) If the wolf takes a full-attack action and hits with his second bite attack does he take a -5 penalty to CMB on the trip attempt? (I would guess no, as the trip is a free action that seems to be made "outside" of the iterative attacks).

2) If the wolf had a permanent greater magic fang +5 cast upon his bite, could he add the +5 to the trip attempt? (I would guess yes, as the wolf can make the free action trip attempt with any weapon, including his bite).

If skirnir magus had a shield that was enhanced as a weapon and given the spell storing property, could he use his spellshield ability to store a second spell in the shield?



Spellshield (Su)

At 7th level, as a standard action, a skirnir may store a magus spell in his shield by spending 1 point from his arcane pool per level of the spell. This functions as the spell storing weapon special ability, but activates only on a successful shield bash by the skirnir and is not limited to spells of 3rd level or less.

This ability replaces knowledge pool.

Spell storing weapon property:


A spell storing weapon allows a spellcaster to store a single targeted spell of up to 3rd level in the weapon. (The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action.) Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the spell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires. (This special ability is an exception to the general rule that casting a spell from an item takes at least as long as casting that spell normally.) Once the spell has been cast from the weapon, a spellcaster can cast any other targeted spell of up to 3rd level into it. The weapon magically imparts to the wielder the name of the spell currently stored within it. A randomly rolled spell storing weapon has a 50% chance to have a spell stored in it already.

Consider a magus wielding a two-handed weapon with some levels in alchemist giving him Vestigial arm.

By RAW, he cannot use spell combat with the two-handed weapon despite the free vestigial arm.


Spell Combat (Ex)

At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

1) Are people of the opinion this is RAI with a vestigial arm?

Now imagine a magus with two vestigial arms. Let's say he's wielding a two handed weapon in two of his arms, a one-handed weapon in the third, and his fourth is free.

2) Is the magus allowed to spell combat using his one-handed weapon and his free hand?

After a TPK in Serpent's Skull, I'm working on bringing in a new fourth level character to continue the adventure. Our DM was generous and is allowing us a 25-point buy. I've decided to go with a fauchard wielding Alchemist/Magus with four arms.

Race Half-Elf

Level 2 Alchemist (Vivisectionist) / Level 2 Magus (No archetype)

Str 20 (17 base +2 racial +1 4th level)
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 7
Cha 7


1) Ex. Weapon (Fauchard) [Half-Elf Ancestral Arms], Combat Reflexes, Brew Potion [Alchemist], Throw Anything [Alchemist]

3) Extra Discovery (Vestigial Arm)

Level 2 Alchemist discovery was Vestigial arm as well.

Magical Knack [Magus]
Accelerated Drinker

All future levels in magus.

Future stat boosts: 1 point into wisdom, 2 points into intelligence (don't think we'll reach level 20 so no last point).

Ideal battle conditions will have the magus start with fauchard in 2 hands, mithral light shield + metamagic rod in the 3rd, potion of enlarge person in the fourth.

1st round's actions will be to consume the potion (move action w/ accelerated drinker). With his 20 foot reach, he can hopefully cast and spell strike something within range (or just cast if the enemy is farther off). If the enemy approaches he gets an AoO at 20 feet and 15 feet with the fauchard and 10 feet with a shield bash (I know armor spikes would be better, but I feel that's a little too cheesy :-) ).

So the question is how to plan the remaining feats to best take advantage of his capabilities...

I have 2 builds in mind, one trip based and the other power attack based.

Trip based:

5) Weapon Focus (Fauchard)

7) Combat Expertise, Improved Trip (Magus bonus feat)

9) Greater Trip

11) Fury's Fall

13) Tripping Strike, ??

15) ??

17) ??

19) Critical Focus, Staggering Critical

The ? feats will likely be magus power enhancing feats: Extra Arcane Pool, Extra Arcana. Maybe Arcane Strike or Weapon Specialization if I want more damage. I could throw in power attack, but that doesn't seem to synergize well with the trip build (just gives you a minus to your trip attempts, and if you power attacked during your main turn any trip attempts made as AoO will get the penalty as well).

Power Attack based:

5) Weapon Focus (Fauchard)

7) Power Attack, Pushing Assault

9) ??


19) Critical Focus, Staggering Critical

This leaves a lot more feats free for fun misc. things (maybe even lunge for the 25 foot reach lol!). I'm just not really convinced that power attack is worthwhile with 3/4 bab. He doesn't have a high intelligence so I don't think arcane accuracy will be much use to compensate (Arcane Pool will be scarce and probably not worth it to blow one point for +2 to hit for just one round). I figure this build can cast true strike if he really wants to trip something at higher levels.

Does anybody have any thoughts on which feat selections will make for the more effective character?

Am I correct in my reading that temporary bonuses / penalties / damage to dex will not affect the number of attacks of opportunity granted by combat reflexes?

Say my character has combat reflexes and a dex of 14. If he drinks a potion of enlarge person (temporary penalty to dex of -2), he would still have 3 AoO granted by the feat, correct?

Ability penalties are treated like damage

Some spells and abilities cause you to take an ability penalty for a limited amount of time. While in effect, these penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die. In essence, penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1.

Dexterity Damage Rules

Ability Damage: Damage to your Dexterity score causes you to take penalties on Dexterity-based skill checks, ranged attack rolls, initiative checks, and Reflex saving throws. The penalty also applies to your Armor Class, your Combat Maneuver Bonus (if you are Tiny or smaller), and to your Combat Maneuver Defense.

Combat Reflexes text


Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Even with the dexterity damage penalties it seems that with a 14 dex naturally and a 2 dex penalty, the dexterity bonus referenced in the feat is still +2.

My (2-armed) character normally wears a mithral chain shirt + 1. I'm planning on giving him the vestigial arm alchemist discovery. Is my only choice to sell the armor and buy a new one with three arm holes? Can I simply cut a new hole in the existing armor? Any other ideas?


Vestigial Arm (Ex)

Benefit: The alchemist gains a new arm (left or right) on his torso. The arm is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The arm does not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though the arm can wield a weapon and make attacks as part of the alchemist’s attack routine (using two-weapon fighting). The arm can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms (for example, allowing the alchemist to use one hand to wield a weapon, another hand to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). The arm has its own “hand” and “ring” magic item slots (though the alchemist can still only wear two rings and two hand magic items at a time).