I just need to tell this to everyone, we ran a one shot last for the last two weeks because some of our regular players were out of town. I pulled out the dragon with “The Mud Sorcerer’s Tomb” and let everyone make a one shot 15th level player and gave them all 150,000 gold with no restrictions on characters or what they could spend the gold on. We ended up with a human cleric of Wes Jas, a Goliath barbarian, a Halfling wizard, and cat folk rouge. The game was going nicely until the last 50 before the ship. We had the rouge and barbarian fall into a 40’ pit with silence on the last 20’. It was at that time they realized no one in the party has any rope at all. The only thing they had were boots of levitation and they are code word activated and will not work in the pit. They ended up having to use a limited wish to mimic fabricate to create rope so they could get out. It was great between them all 600,000 gold to spend and no one bought 1 gp of rope.