Djarrus Gost

bigbubba2's page

Organized Play Member. 118 posts (150 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

the start

Liberty's Edge

Just to start it out

Liberty's Edge

I needed to give my party a few more encounters to bump them up to 5th level before sending them off to the Isle of Dread. So I was looking on the boards for some inspiration and I saw where a DM let his part use the Sea Wyvern as a place for teleportation. I thought this would be a great idea to make a side trek into the forest to find a tree that would be able to do this. One hook later and the party are walking in the forest looking for a tree with a dieing dryad in it who wants her death to help the world again. She gave the party a small task to remove a young adult green dragon from her forest before they would be able to use the tree. I set this up as an EL7 encounter but giving the part an advantage of the dragon losing mobility from an old wound that did not heal correctly that hurt his flying capability. The first decided to try to ask him to leave the forest with the druid leading the way with some flattery. I let him make a heal check and he realized that he did not have strong enough magic to heal the dragon. So the wizard pipes up, I have a wand of restoration. I was thinking that this is strange they can't have one of those, but then I realized what was happening, I called for bluff/sense motive and he rolled an 18+3=21 and I rolled a 2+15 for sense motive and the wizard surprised the dragon with his wand of ray of enfeeblement. Max damage!! And the dragon goes from 19 to 12 for strength. So we roll INT and the wizard beets the dragon and hit him again with the wand and rolls a 20 for a critical hit with a confirmation and bam another 11 points of strength. The dragon lets out his breath weapon and hurts a few of the players including the wizard. Everyone else starts to run up to the dragon who is having a hard time right now and they all decide to delay and do not HP damage at all. Then we have EOR and the wizard decides to withdraw because after a failed save he is at 1 hp. Dragon then makes a feeble full attack at the fighter who has run up and decided not to hit him. Everyone else is delaying and the wizard then uses his wand again to put the poor dragon at 0 strength and then they decide to finish him off when he is helpless. The great and glorious dragon fight that no one actually hit the dragon with any weapon.

Liberty's Edge

Hi there guys,
Did I set up my tranistion for pathfinder wrong because I never recieved Dragon #357? Thanks for the help

Liberty's Edge

I just need to tell this to everyone, we ran a one shot last for the last two weeks because some of our regular players were out of town. I pulled out the dragon with “The Mud Sorcerer’s Tomb” and let everyone make a one shot 15th level player and gave them all 150,000 gold with no restrictions on characters or what they could spend the gold on. We ended up with a human cleric of Wes Jas, a Goliath barbarian, a Halfling wizard, and cat folk rouge. The game was going nicely until the last 50 before the ship. We had the rouge and barbarian fall into a 40’ pit with silence on the last 20’. It was at that time they realized no one in the party has any rope at all. The only thing they had were boots of levitation and they are code word activated and will not work in the pit. They ended up having to use a limited wish to mimic fabricate to create rope so they could get out. It was great between them all 600,000 gold to spend and no one bought 1 gp of rope.

Liberty's Edge

I just wanted to give a public thanks to you for the great post with the menu for the feest. We attended the feest this saturday and all of our players had a great time. The purple worm aspic was great. The look on one of my players face when she took the first bite was priceless. Thanks again for the great idea. Kevin Brown

Liberty's Edge

I pulled a brain damaged moment this weekend, I was at my daughters house in Virginia and we were driving back and stopped at a rest area and I left my binder with my notes and maps for the AOW campaign that we are starting. I can replace the notes from the computer but I no longer have any of the poster maps. Does anyone have a scan of the maps even in different pieces out there that I could get? My email address is Kevin_J_Brownatpeoplepcdotcom any help would be appreciated. Thank in advance I would even be interested in purchasing just the maps if the bunch at Paizo could do that.

Liberty's Edge

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