benwilsher18's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I would really like to see some new Eidolon types for summoner that are not creature types like the others, but actually change how the summoner plays a bit.

One thing could be a "clone" eidolon that is a translucent copy of your character and uses your weapon runes rather than your unarmed runes.

Another could be an "animated armour" eidolon which would give you unique options and proficiencies when you use the Meld Into Eidolon feat (maybe with a new feat chain to make melding more interesting for players with other eidolon types too).

Last idea I had was a "time" eidolon which could let you store actions into it when you Act Together, in order to cash them in later and have a crazy turn - along with adding some time and space options like Blur, Haste, Slow etc. to the spell list for more flavour and power.

Castilliano wrote:

There's no singular space where tattoos go and block other tattoos (unless both specifically go on the same space or whole body). So multiple is fine, their "slot" being the investment cost.

Yes, you could have multiple of the same, much like you can invest multiple 1/day boots, cloaks, etc. (though in the latter case you'd have to swap them out between special uses).

If tattoos were a consumable, I'd say Dispel Magic could destroy them, but a permanent tattoo would simply be suppressed like a magic dagger would be. Not sure when "altered" would factor in.

This all makes sense to me, I'll pass this on and hopefully he has a good time with this character. Thanks for the quick reply!

A player in one of my games wants to play a magical tattoo artist orc barbarian, which sounds like a cool idea - but there were a couple of rules I wanted to check before OKing it.

1. Can you have and simultaneously use multiple magical tattoos of different types at the same time? Or are you limited to "wearing" one at a time like you are with a cape or a pair of boots?

2. If the answer to question 1. is "yes" then can you have multiple of the SAME type of tattoo? For example, investing multiple tattoos which have a a once-per-day trigger in order to use the triggered power multiple times?

3. It is mentioned that tattoos can be altered or removed with dispelling magic - but does this just remove the magic or does it completely remove the tattoo?

Thanks in advance

Ysoki's incisors are interesting. They are a very basic finesse 1d4 piercing attack at first like a dagger, but with the improvement feat they are bumped up to a 1d6 and also gain backstabber. Combining this with the 5ft extra movement granted by the desert rat heritage when you are empty handed is quite nice for many melee Dexterity builds. You can also retrain out of them later any time you like, unlike most other ancestry feats.