Hey, I'm running your run-of-the-mill bladebound/kensai dervish magus in a campaign I'm starting soon (we're going all the way to LV20 so I'm pretty hyped to see how kensai will develop) and I had an inquiry regarding feat selection.
My current feat list is as follows:
LV 1: Weapon Finesse
LV 3: Dervish Dance
LV 5: Lunge
LV 5+: Armor of the Pit
LV 7: Intensified Spell (Meta)
LV 9: Spell Penetration
LV 11: Improved Critical
LV 11+: Authoritative Spell (Meta)
LV 13: Empower Spell (Meta)
LV 15: Spell Perfection
LV 17: Staggering Critical
LV 17+: Stunning Critical
LV 19: Critical Mastery
Running prehensile tail tiefling.
Armor of the Pit is definitely getting axed. I know I could technically go for maximize or quicken instead of authoritative spell, but for roleplay reasons I think the whole concept behind authoritative is sick so I'm keeping it. My thoughts are as follows:
Should I keep lunge or axe it and use something like long arm?
My feat selection is incredibly offense-heavy. I'm a little worried I haven't invested enough in defense.
I tried to keep a reasonable balance between spellcasting and crit-fishing since I don't want to pander too much to one or the other. Should I drop staggering critical (along with armor of the pit) and replace them with critical focus + bleeding critical?
Feat order??? Should I swap anything around, or?
I'm picking magus as my favored class. How many hitpoints/ranks should I take, if any? Or should I dump everything into CHC?
Any spell/equip recs or general strategy is greatly appreciated. Thanks.