bellabiased's page

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Hello! I'm running kensai DEX-based magus, and my DM has said she will ignore arcane spell failure if it is 10% or less (so treat anything with 10% or less as though it is 0% ASF), which opens up quite a few options for me armor-wise. I'd like the usual things, high max-DEX bonus, high armor bonus without incurring too many penalties. I'm thinking of going chain shirt made of mithral, but if there's like, secretly another option I'm missing that would be way more suited for my build, I'd love any insights! Thank you.

Hey, I'm running your run-of-the-mill bladebound/kensai dervish magus in a campaign I'm starting soon (we're going all the way to LV20 so I'm pretty hyped to see how kensai will develop) and I had an inquiry regarding feat selection.

My current feat list is as follows:
LV 1: Weapon Finesse
LV 3: Dervish Dance
LV 5: Lunge
LV 5+: Armor of the Pit
LV 7: Intensified Spell (Meta)
LV 9: Spell Penetration
LV 11: Improved Critical
LV 11+: Authoritative Spell (Meta)
LV 13: Empower Spell (Meta)
LV 15: Spell Perfection
LV 17: Staggering Critical
LV 17+: Stunning Critical
LV 19: Critical Mastery

Running prehensile tail tiefling.

Armor of the Pit is definitely getting axed. I know I could technically go for maximize or quicken instead of authoritative spell, but for roleplay reasons I think the whole concept behind authoritative is sick so I'm keeping it. My thoughts are as follows:

Should I keep lunge or axe it and use something like long arm?

My feat selection is incredibly offense-heavy. I'm a little worried I haven't invested enough in defense.

I tried to keep a reasonable balance between spellcasting and crit-fishing since I don't want to pander too much to one or the other. Should I drop staggering critical (along with armor of the pit) and replace them with critical focus + bleeding critical?

Feat order??? Should I swap anything around, or?

I'm picking magus as my favored class. How many hitpoints/ranks should I take, if any? Or should I dump everything into CHC?

Any spell/equip recs or general strategy is greatly appreciated. Thanks.