
bastrak's page

35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hi. I'm the DM of a fairly "mature" (ages 17-35) experienced D&D 3.5 group based on the edge of Paignton. We're currently looking for 1 or maybe 2 new players, preferably experienced with D&D and aged 17+. We play in the Greyhawk campaign setting, so familiarity with that setting would also be useful.

We have no plan to move to 4e in the foreseeable future.

Those interested can post here.

I haven't actually got my copy yet but the cover of Dragon 336 is up and looks very cool. Nice to see an alternative take on a Mummy that is not classically encased in bandages and also feminine. At least I think she's a Mummy. The covers of Dragon and Dungeon have been excellent for several months now IMO.

The Undead articles sound interesting too and I'm particularly looking forward to the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, to see how Iggwilv is developed.