Barl Breakbones

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Organized Play Member. 187 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I am preparing the crimson sunset part of ToD; alas it's fun but too less piracy for my taste. So I made concepts for the other four captains. They will be either encountered if th PCs opt to scuttle a ship, or in the final battle with Vantus (he needs flanking buddies :)

On a side note, I am running this campaign with pathfinder rules; but the follwing statblocks are by no means detailed writeups.

I regularly hand out paper print-outs of villains; in the stat blocks I have some google search hints to help you visualizing)

Captain THE MAD RED of the Kraken
male human Lich cleric 9 of Tharizdun
(former cleric of the scarlet brotherhood gone mad and rogue)
(picture search google for "crrll2wo")
Ini +5
hp 70
AC 19 touch 12 flat 18; DR 15 blud. + magic, CMD 19
Save: Fort 7, Reflex 5, Will 12
touch +8 (1d8 + 4) + paralyzing touch DC 18
fear aura DC 18
channel negative energy 5d8 DC18
O slay livingm melee tough +8 (12d6+9) DC20
O plane shift, O unholy blight 5d8 + sick DC 19, OO inflict critical wounds 4d8+9, O blindness DC18, OO dispel magic
gear: captain's hat (+2 enhancement to CHA; +4 on ship decks if captain of that ship); scarlet robe (+1 enhancement to armor; +1 res on saves)
cast on self: air walk, freedom of movement, magic vestment

Captain DEATHKISS of the Soulshark
female succubus rogue 3
(picture search google for "4293 epic skarre")
Ini +3
hp 105
AC 25, touch 13, flat 23
DR 10/cold iron or good
Fort 8, Ref 12, Will 11; SR 20
CMD 25
Immune: death effects, electricity, paralysis, poison
2 claws +14 (d6+2) + 2d6 sneak attack
or +1 scimitar +15 (d6+2) + 2d6 sneak
or mw pistol +11 (d8+4)
at will: greater teleport, charm monster DC22, ethereal jaunt, suggestion DC21
OOO enervation, silence, vampiric touch
O dominate person DC23
kiss > neg level

Captain LONGTOOTH of The Hag
male half-orc barbarian 6 / fighter 3
black skin, dreadlocks, gold chain, studded leather armor
(picture search google for "Studded Shoulder Plate Armor")
Raging stats:
Ini +3
hp 75
AC20, touch 10, flat 18; uncanny dodge, CMD 28
Saves: Fort 14, Ref 4, Will 7 (+2 vs fear)
+1 falchion +16/+11 (2d4+12 / 15-20)
gear: +1 falchion, +1 studded leather armor, boots of striding & springing

Captian BLOODCURSE of the Sea Witch's Curse
female human summoner 10 (houseruled)
dark olive greenish skin, black silken robe, crazy eyes
Ini +2
hp 60
AC 15, touch 11, flat 14; CMD 17
Saves: Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 6
mw cold iron dagger +2 (d4-1)
OO dimension door, baleful polymorph DC19
OOO stiking cloud DC18, haste, summon monster 3
OOOO glitterdust, invisibility, bear's endurance (cast), summon monster 2
OOOO grease DC16, mage armor (cast), protection from good (cast), rejuvenate eidolon
gear; lesser metamagic rod (silent); scrolls: obscuring mist, see invisibility, black tentacles; cloak of resistance +1; headband of Cha +2; black wooden idol of demogorgon

Eidolon: Appearance resembles Demogorgon: Large furred biped with apehead (only one), 4 rubbery tentacles
hp 90, AC15
bite +17 (d8+9) & 4 tentacles +15 (d6+4)
grab (CMB +18)


due to a recent move, I'm craving for a nice dice throwing and role playing. Pathfinder preferred, but you can convince me about other systems. German or English, I don't care. Age 33. Oh - I only play on weekdays. Tue, Wed, Thu work best.

I'd like to hear from you!


Hi there,

I just received dragon issue 351; the poster map of the isle of dread is missing. Any chance that it is lying around somewhere in your warehouse?


Hi Savagers,

last weekend the PCs ran after the Lotus Dragon thief that slid the note in one of their pockets (TINH); They chased him beginning in the market in south-east direction, ran into the ambush, and after some fighting, continued the chase untill it ended in Dead Dog Alley. It was the first time I tried the chase rules, and it worked like a charm.

If you are interested in the chase obstacles, raise your hand, and I will happily post them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In my starting Savage Tide campaign, one of the players wants to play an Olman druid from the jungle; shaman style. I devised the jaguar shaman archetype; modifying the lion shaman. Feel free to use and critique:

Jaguar Shaman
A shaman with this totem calls upon the jaguar, king of the jungle and implacable predator, master of the jungle hunt.
Nature Bond: A jaguar shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a jaguar (counts as Cat, Big).
Wild Empathy (Ex): A jaguar shaman can use wild empathy with felines as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.
Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a jaguar shaman may adopt an aspect of the jaguar while retaining her normal form. She gains one of the following bonuses: movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed, +4 racial bonus on Climb checks), senses (low-light vision, scent), or natural weapons (bite [1d6] and 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium shaman, rake, +2 to CMB on grapple checks). While using totem transformation, the jaguar shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (felines only) at will. Using this ability is a standard action at 2nd level, a move action at 7th level, and a swift action at 12th level. The jaguar shaman can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape.
Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, a jaguar shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning felines, and these summoned creatures gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. She can apply the young template to any jaguar to reduce the level of the summoning spell required by one. She can also increase the level of summoning required by one in order to apply either the advanced or the giant template, or increase it by two to apply both the advanced and giant templates. This ability replaces a thousand faces.
Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a jaguar shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of a feline, she instead uses her druid level + 2.
Bonus Feat: At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a jaguar shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Dodge, Athletic, Nimble Moves, Acrobatic Steps, or Skill Focus (Stealth). She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Hi folks,

What is your opinion on pathfinder vs. 3.5 for the purpose of playing and mastering a whole adventure path?

I have read some pathfinder rule books, and have been lurking in the boards - what i see is appealing, yet I have not had the chance to play and g-master it. Is it worth the effort to relearn if you play only once or twice a month? Is it worth the effort to converse a whole campaign from 3.5 to pathfinder (savage tide)? What are the biggest benefits? the drawbacks?

Thanks for your biased opinions!

Last weekend my group finally encountered Dragotha, and succeeded in slaying the original undead dragon, Dragotha the First. This is a report of their battle.

Campaign / Material:
- 3.5, core with very few restrictions
- some changes on high-level spells (gate, mordenkainen's disjunction; similar to pfrpg versions)
- spells from SC and other books under individual consideration; some in (revivify), some out (death pact)
- Feats from Complete series and PHB2: most allowed
- High recommendation for alternative class features from PHB2 and other late 3.5 material; in fact, almost every PC has taken one
- Items from Magic Item Compendium quite conservatively approached; though some unique effects for "Tensers Gifts" allowed

Party roster:
Emrys, female human Ranger 15 / Homebrew Ranged PrC 5; minor artifact bow, favored enemy undead, low Will save
Galliard, male human Bard 7 / Rogue 3 / Homebrew roguish bard PrC 10; low attacks, low defense, much-needed inspire courage, some tricks up his sleeve
Grimmig, male dwarf Fighter 20; greataxe
Rickas, male human Favored Soul 10 / Homebrew kord-chosen PrC 10; bufficer and luck feats, greatsword just-in-case
Pallas, male human Paladin 15 / Wormhunter 5; wields Sword of Aaqa, lots of divine and smite-related feats
Sama, male half-elf Sorcerer 10 / Fiend-Blooded 10; "the many-blooded": Celestial feats and fiendish PrC. And half-elf. Spell-list just as versatile (with a slight nod towards battlefield control)
Arexis, planar bound ghaele eladrin, armor added

Changes from adventure as written:
- Bucknard's items did *not* provide the additional benefits vs. Dragotha: Neither +10 to attack, nor +10 to saves, no nothing else besides the initial benefits when found.
- Changed Mahuudril to avolakia Cleric 21 (of Kyuss). Domains Magic and Death. I sort of needed a high-priestess :)
- Changed Venk to Warlock 20. Signature move: Beshadowed Doom.
- Dragotha had Arcane Strike instead of Maximise Spell. Quicken Breath instead of Clinging Breath.

Adventure progress so far:
- Venk and Zyrith have been avoided by PCs, thus they joined Dragotha
- Mahuudril fled the initial encounter via refuge to Dragotha
- Wormdrake fled the initial encounter via teleport to Dragotha
- All avolakia clerics have been killed

Buffs prior to encounter:
Party in general: astral projection, fortunate fate, death ward, fly, mass conviction
Rickas: divine power, freedom of movement
Pallas: freedom of movement
Other minor buffs.
Dragotha: As written + protection from spells
Mahuudril: protection from spells, freedom of movement, spell turning
Venk / Zyrith / Wormdrake: Nothing special

Party: Resources somewhat depleted (no rest since entering the tabernacle of worms)
Enemies: Full health; Mahuudril lost a few prepared spells including mordenkainen's disjunction on the first encounter


The Tale:

After quite easily defeating the three wormcrawlers, the Diamond Knights venture further; Pallas as always going first. He is the first to be awed by the sight of Dragotha sitting on top of the ziggurat; the wormdrake standing guard in from of him, while Mahuudril and Venk/Zyrith observe from the ledge. Dragotha, much to his surprise, adresses him:
"And there finally comes the lapdog of evil visiting his grave"
"Lapdog of evil? I have come to destroy you and halt the Age of Worms!"
"No you have not. Think: Why are you here? What is your goal? And - who sent you here?"
"I am here because the prophecies speak of the undead dragon that is to usher in the Age of Worms, and so you will be destroyed"
"And the prophecies are right, whereas you are wrong! The prophecies do not speak of Dragotha, and they do not speak of a dracolich. Thus I ask again, who sent you here? I know the answer already: Lashonna! Is this not true?"
"Yes, and she is a proud silver dragon and a great ally."
"Bwahahaaa, so she fooled the fool. Don't you see it? She is a vampire dragon, long ago transformed by none other than Kyuss himself. While you were causing trouble in the Rift Canyon and here, she stole his monolith."
"I... no... "
"Leave my abode immediately, or serve as wormfood. I will count to five. 1... 2... 3..."

Pallas rushes back to his allies, who have used the opporunity to buff a bit (Rickas: mass spell resistance, Galliard: inspire courage, Sama: quickened haste + time stop + spell turning & move + displacement & move + project image & move + ready action: mordenkainen's disjunction on all enemies timed to go off as time stop runs out [We ruled this legal; your mileage may vary]. The disjunction removes all buff spells but failes to affect any magic item.

Initiative is rolled.

Round 1:
- Zyrith and Venk fly past the projected image of Sama; using beshadowed doom and a flyby attack to little effect (and both not making the Will saves to disbelief the illusion)
- Dragotha breathes his death wind into the party's faces. Thanks to death ward, there is very little effect; only Galliard is blown back a bit.
- Emryss uses her bow's special ability to invoke a "lightning ice storm" (call lightning + ice storm); Venk falls of saddle in the process [I deliberately added this effect to enhance the impresson of the bow's power which was used for the first time, because I didn't think that Venk would do much of a difference anyways, and because, well, I thought it was a cool effect]
- Rickas uses a bead of karma.
- Mahuudril recasts protection from spells, now including all except Zyrith and Venk. Too bad her mordenkainen's disjunction has been spent already!
- Galliard casts fugue (SC), affecting only Zyrith and insinuating that he should attack his hearest target: Venk, who is subsequently grappled. Hooray for the bard who just neutralized two opponents!
- Grimmig flies towards the ledge, drawing a successful attack of opportunity from Dragotha; failing his Fortitude save and thus ending his turn paralyzed. The aghast party registers the truly deep wound just one bite of Dragotha inflicted and painfully remembers that they have been told of the danger of paralysis.
- Sama casts quickened orb of cold on Mahuudril to no effect. His meteor swarm fails to penetrate Dragothas SR, but the other meteors inflict some damage on the Wormdrake.
- Pallas calls his combat spirit (alternate clas feature) and uses divine shield (only a move action thanks to a unique shield that was gifted to him from Tenser for turning in the rod fragment)
- Arexis casts plane shift on the Wormdrake, but to no avail: The area is dimensionally locked!
- The Wormdrake full attacks Arexis, landing some hits.

Round 2:
- Dragotha full attacks the paralyzed Grimmig, ripping through all his hit points including those granted by fortunate fate, thus ending the astral projection. Grimmig finds himself unbuffed in Tenser's castle.
- Emryss full attacks Mahuudril with her deadly arrows, inflicting 268 points of damage. 6 left.
- Rickas casts flame strike on Mahuudril, killig her.
- Galliard continues to concentrate on fugue, thus inflicting damage on the grappled Venk through Zyrith
- Grimmig drinks a potion of fly and is wondering about his options, and whether the others would join him in defeat.
- Sama casts time stop + acid fog (on the area the wormdrake, Zyrith and Venk were in) + some minor buffs + moves + readies a otto's irresistible dance on Dragotha to go off as time stop runs out. He failes to overcome his spell resistance! And is now standing right next to the gargantuan dragon. The panic on the sorcerers face is all to well visible.
- Pallas moves forward and activates sun devotion (feat from complete champion).
- Arexis moves back a bit and casts disintegrate on Dragotha, inflicting 5d6 points of damage, slightly annoying big D.
- The Wormdrake cannot move due to acid fog, forgets his ability to greater dispel it, and thus full attacks close-by Zyrith who apparently went rogue. Zyrith is down to a few dozen hp.

Round 3:
- Dragotha full attacks Sama, whose displacement grants him concealment, and shreds the sorcerer to pieces. But, behold, fortunate fate activates, and after two futher attacks from Dragotha - Sama lives! He has 13 hp left, and cannot believe his luck. Dragotha smiles and obliterates his astral projection with a quickened fire breath.
- Emryss full attacks Dragotha and inflicts moderate damage. Very uncommon for her, only few of her rapidly shot arrows strike true! Worse, she fumbles [critical fumble deck] and receives a bad injury to her arm! Dragotha down to about 650.
- Rickas casts mass heal, failing to penetrate Dragothas SR, but healing Zyrith (!) and Arexis in the process, and curing Emryss.
- Galliard continues his fugue; and thus Zyrinth finally kills Venk.
- Grimmig and Sama greet each other, far away in Tenser's castle, and begin re-buffing.
- Pallas moves towards Dragotha, the dragon's opportunistic attack fails to hit the brave Paladin! He returns the favor with lay on hands and inflicts 135 points of damage! [Does SR prevent lay on hands? I ruled that no, since there is no caster level] Dragotha down to about 520.
- Arexis fails to inflict damage to Dragotha with something I forgot. Probably a heal spell.
- The Wormdrake inflicts some damage to Zyrith.

Round 4:
- Dragotha is a bit unsettled by the damage taken, but as he has more than half his hp left, and there is a Paladin standing right in front of him, he full attacks with arcane strikes that use an 8th level slot. He inflicts murderous damage, well over 300, but the Paladin's good health and fortunate fate leave pain-wracked Pallas at 30 hp.
- Emrys, facing a very hard to hit target, does not use rapid shot. The plan is good, the result even better: She hits him four times, inflicting 209 damage. Dragotha down to about 310 hp. He becomes a bit wary; it does not go according to plan.
- Rickas buffs himself and moves closer.
- Galliard continues the fugue. The wormdrake takes only a few hits from Zyrith.
- Grimmig and Sama continue their preparations to return.
- Pallas, deeply wounded, stands in front of his nemesis. This is the enemy he believes must be killed in order to prevent the Age of Worms! Or so he thought only a few moments ago... What is real? What are the lies? He finds comporture, and focuses on the task at hand: Kill Dragotha! Survival is optional! Recklessly, he neglects self-defense, withdrawal or healing. Instead, he full attacks, smiting each time + divine might! All or nothing! Life or Death!
His fate is resolved: 17 - Hit! 18 - Hit! 19 - Critical hit! [Automatically confirmed due to bless weapon; ability to critically hit undead thanks to Wormhunter PrC] 18 - Hit! Four strikes hit! The Sword of Aaqa inflicts extraordinary amounts of damage to the mighy dracolich, each one marrying his old bones. The final hit is enough - Dragotha falls, his skeletal figure falling apart, and turning into age-old dust even before hitting the hard ground. The First Undead Dragon is no more.


Lessons Learned:
- I forgot Dragothas paralyzing gaze. Make sure you don't.
- Weaker monsters (e.g. Zyrith, Venk) are a liability, especially if the party employs mind control
- Fortunate Fate is too good a spell. I had previously increased it's level to 8, but still - the duration is so long that it doesn't matter. I will rule it out, or revise it's duration. 1 min/ level seems a good idea, since then the caster has to decide whether to spend the slot (and on whom).
- A paladin optimized for fighting undead is truly a remarkable force. As is a ranger optimized for fighting undead. Consider this when comparing the power-level to your group. And remember that mine has six PCs, so be careful not to overdo it.
- Battlefield control is good! Don't forget the Wormdrakes ability to greater dispel at CL20 at will to undo some of it.

How to make it even harder:
- Change Dragothas spells into good buffs [which would have been moot in my case]
- Add a level of sorcerer to Dragotha: 9th level spells. Foresight is a good idea.
- Let him use some of his equipment; for instance, his Cha bonus is superb, so that he could profit well from the wishes granted by the talismans of Zagy. The prospect of a CR27 Dracolich having some wishes at his disposal is appealing...
- If you steal the idea of Mahuudril beeing a high level Cleric with the Magic domain, make sure that she has a mordenkainen's disjunction left, perhaps on a scroll. Of course, that depends on your ruling of MDJ. The 3.5 core version would be outright brutal.
- Give Dragotha an antimagic field. I reserved this trick for Kyuss...

In preparation for our AoW endgame, I came across the idea of divine apotheosis through deicide. I'm happy to hear your ideas on this! But let me explain the situation:

The group I GM for sports a very well played favored soul of kord who has taken levels in a homebrew prc that is called "Chosen of Kord" which at the expense of some spellcasting progress gives abilities to more closely match Kord (i'll post details if anybody is interested). We will not continue the campaign any further than DoaNA, and I have woven in epic destinies for all the PCs. Thus I thought, divine ascension would be a fitting end of campaign for this character.

In deities and demigods, there are many possible ways of apotheosis. One of which is deicide: Kill a god, become one. It seems plausible, at least in Greyhawk which sports a number of mortals that became gods. After all, Kyuss was a mortal as well! He ascended through the sacrifice of a whole city - with the monolith as a focus. In one of the visions in SoLS, there are even visuals to this; energy that flows towards the monolith. So - killing this god might free that divine power, and I plan on having checks for each involved to capture it and ascend to a hero deity (rank 0).

Now if one of the PCs could potentially do it, others can as well. Namely: Lashonna. She is an intriguing villain, but her motives lack some mojo IMO. All this careful planning and scheming, all the work with the Ebon Triad rouse, just for being second in command after Kyuss? No, she wants the whole deal :) and become a god by herself. Her plan is to use the PCs to track down Dragothas phylactery, destroy it, and then bring him down. This removes her biggest threat, and gives her time to prepare the Age of Worms. When the PCs return to Alhaster, she will time Kyuss' emergence precisely (on a side note, that removes the railroady feeling I had when reading through DoaNA). She would observe the confrontation, and try to snatch divinity.

Now, Dragotha should not suspect this; otherwise he might tell the PCs too early if they talk in Wormcrawl Fissure. It can be argued that he is blind to her true intentions because he is too upset when discovering that she wants to upstage him.

Still, the PCs will probably not trust her after learning from Dragotha that she is actually a vampiric dragon and used them to slay him; but: In LoLR they saw her fall, and so she could convince them that she has ever sought a) revenge , and b) a cure for her vampirism. The latter, she might explain, can be achieved through destroying both dragotha (her creator) and Kyuss (his creator). It is entirely likely that they won't trust her; but that is assumed in DoaNA and thus poses no problem. On the other hand, if they do fall for her trap, she might enjoy a prime tactical position when Kyuss emerges, as she might offer them help in slaying Kyuss.

Either way, the PCs would have to confront both Kyuss and Lashonna in the showdown, but *shrug* that's the price for apotheosis :)

Again, I'd be happy to hear your ideas on this!


I will soon be able to play in a Lagacy of Fire campaign, and while flipping thorugh ToB, the Ruby Knight Vindicator got my attention. Now, WeeJas is a badass godess, but not in Golarion, and doesn't fit Katapesh. Sarenrae is badass as well, and fits. So I thought to myself, if I want to play a Blazing Knight Vindicator, what would the appropriate changes be? I came up with:

- Prerequisites: As is, but Tumble 4 instead of Hide 4 (or Acrobatics 4 instead of Stealth 4 in PFRPG)
- Maneuvers: As is, but Desert Wind instead of Shadow Hand
- Class features: As is, but Armored Mobility instead of Armored Stealth (no armor check penalties to Tumble checks)

What do you say?

So for some sense of urgency my PCs went to Kongen-Thulnir without having buffed Heroes' Feast, as that would take a whole hour (which is considerably longer than their typical adventuring day). At first, I thought, uh nice, finally I can scare them and use poison again (since it's been a while), but then, you know, there are about three dozen dragons, and all of them have frightful presence. And fear effects are cumulative.

It isn't that bad for the PCs, as they tend to make their saves (and have a Paladin), but... considering the very low Will saves fo Giants, the whole city should be screaming, running, fleeing... panicking.

Has anybody else dealt with that problem? Any solutions other than Achaim Silvereye casting multiple heroes's feasts for the whole freaking city? Or is my gut right that tells me to just handwaive this?


as written, Lashonna casts scrying on Heskin in the beginning of LoLR. She (and the PCs) get to see Darl and some of his gang, as well as the ship they are located on (at midnight, in heavy storm). My group will probably discuss teleporting there right away (after some buffing, naturally). Lashonna would probably encourage this, as it would give them a chance to get rid of their competitors early on.

Question 1: Can they teleport right onto the ship ("viewed once") or would they end up in ice cold waters as the ship will have moved? The wording on teleport is not precise on this, i fear. "A location viewed once" could well be the area around the ships main mast - or the geographic location where the ship was. Strategically, it would be an advantage (Darl does not know anything about them yet, and would have little time to prepare). Tactically, it might be a very interesting fight (Balance checks for movement of ship, no flying above ship due to hurricane-force winds, etc...).

Question 2: Malhazzar the Exiled Flame can grant up to three wishes to nongenies. How does this work, mechanically? If Darl, for instance, wants all allies to be healed to full hp, would he have to...
a) take a standard action to word the wish (as if he was casting it), and would then Malhazzar grant it as an immediate action?
b) take no action at all (speaking = no action) to word the wish, and would then Malhazzar take a standard action on his turn to fulfill it?
c) take a standard action to word the wish, and would then Malhazzar grant it later on his turn with a second standard action?
d) or rather could Malhazzar grant his wishes beforehand (sa), and Darl use each of them as a standard action later?

Question 3: Who of you have run this encounter as written, and how did it go? Did you make adjustments, and why? When I played the campaign as a player some years ago, it was a TPK and campaign ender for us. Now, as a DM, I don't want to end the campaign yet (barrying unforgiveable dumbness on the PCs side).


Kyuss is a complex and impressive opponent, but considering the comments others have made, he will spend his short freedom mostly casting harm on himself. He deserves better. Many have suggested increasing hitpoints, adding minions, or gating in meanies, all of which are viable options. But I'd like to discuss another option: Changing feats, and adding epic spells.

With 30HD, Kyuss can have 4 epic spells, and has taken two already (improved spell capacity, twice). Maximize Spell and Extend Spell, on the other hand, are largely unused in his spell selection (and he has little to benefit from those, even if rewriting spells known). I'd rather give him those:

1) Multispell - cast two quickened spells per round. He has plenty of them.

2) Epic Spellcasting - he can now cast three epic spells per day (spontaneously). That he has spent 1500 years trapped in a monolith gave him enough time to develop some.

If only he had one epic feat more; I'd definitely give him Spell Stowaway (Time Stop)...

Now for the epic spells (Maximum Spellcraft DC for automatic success if taking 10: DC62)

Necromancy [Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 62
Componets: V, S
Casting Time: free (counts as quickened spell)
Range: 300ft.
save/SR: none
Seed: Animate Dead DC23
Factors: cast as quickend (+28), change from touch to ranged touch (ad hoc +4), create up to 25 HD (+5), favored spawn of kyuss (ad hoc +2).

Kyuss points at a corpse, and as a stream of worms fly towards it, they transform it into an undead menace. The creature rises as a favored spawn of kyuss (template in Dragon 336). Note that he can control the creature, as his CL for evil necromancy spells is 25. He also can use his Familiar ability on it.

Necromancy [Death]
Spellcraft DC: 61
Components: -
Casting Time: sa
Range: 300 ft.
Save: Fort DC41
SR: yes (d20+27 to overcome)
Seed: Slay DC25
Factors: cast as standard action (+20), increase save DC x3 (+6), gain +1 bonus on CL check to overcome SR x3 (+6), no verbal component (+2), no somatic component (+2)

Kyuss glances at you, and his divine will crushes your life force.

The target dies instantly. If it makes its saving throw, it takes 3d6+20 damage instead. Death Ward protects from this spell (so Kyuss will cast ABATE DEAD only after successfully dispelling death ward. Any ally with Mordenkainen's Disjuction would come in very handy, too).

Conjuration (Healing)
Spellcraft DC: 59
Components: V, S
Casting Time: sa
Area: 20-ft. radius
Save: Fort DC36
SR: yes (d20+20 to overcome)
Seed: Heal DC25
Factors: cast as standard action (+20), change from touch to target (+4), change from target to area (+10).

As Kyuss bashes his wormy fists together, millions of shadowy worms explode outwards.

All living creatures in the area are reduced to 1d4 hitpoints unless they make a fortitude saving throw. Undead (and creatures with negative energy affinity) are instead restored to full health.

(This makes for a much more effective healing mechanism than time stop + harm, harm, harm, harm. Also, may heal allied undead such as those created by Spawn the Worm)


I was about to order the Shackled City Hard Cover along some dungeon issues, but at checkout it said that there would be two seperate shipments - one for the hardcover and one for the rest. As I am living in Germany, that's a lot of shipping costs - why can't you sent them all along in one shipment? Or would that cost even more, and if so, why?



intrigued by your insane dungeon clearance, I had ordered Dungeon #146 (among others) in my order # 1187291. I received, however, Dungeon #145, which is a fine issue as well, but not the one I wanted. How do we proceed? Shall I send you back #145? Will you refund the $2 for the #146 I didn't get? Or would you rather ship to me a #146? Naturally, the last option is the one I prefer, but any other will do as well.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wanted to describe the games in more detail to my PCs - and so came up with a quick list of the other teams.

Teams with an * won their respective fight in the first round.

Arcane Auriga
Badlands Revengs
Sapphire Squad
*Diamond Knights (PCs)

*Pitch Blade
Final Phoenix - Firemage, Cleric with Fire Domain, Swashbuckler
Snow Leopards - Ranger, Wizard, Rogue aus den Snow Mountains
Fisthammers - 4 Monks in stahlgrauen Roben aus Greyhawk

*Auric's Warband
The Skull of Murq - Human Figher with Spiked Chain and Iron Mask, two Mercenaries, female Halfling Wizard
The Woodchuckers - Elf Druid, Gnome Ranger
Iron Hill Monkeys - Cheery Group of Mercenary Bastards

*Teeth of Kord - Female Half-Orc Cleric of Kord, Human Fighter (SW&BO), Elf Ranger (TWF), Hakko the Bear
Rauth's Dragoons - 4 Knigths (lance/sword) on Horseback
One of Us - Arcado, famous local hero, Duskblade and his comrade Ernest, Healer
Drunken Devilry - Gnome Sorcerer, Dwarf Fighter, Human Bard

*Draconic Brood - 6 Kobolds: 2 Sorcerer, 2 Barbarians, Favoured Soul and Rogue
Chuko's Ravens - Chuko: Hobgoblin Fighter, 1 goblin archer, human female druid
The Gravediggers - 2 Clerics of Nerull, 1 Monk, 1 Fighter
Varmint Patrol - Monk, Ranger, Wizard (all without metal armor/weapons), and a Rust Monster

*Guttuggers - Half-Orc Wrestler (Barbarian with Improved Grapple), 2 Rogues, Human female Swashbuckler
Night Owls - 1 male human Beguiler, 3 female human Rogues
The Unhumans - Halfling female Cleric, Lizardfolk Ranger (ranged), Goliath Barbarian
The Crazy Eight - 1 Ettin and his six guards, who hold him by chains

I applaud at the new options presented in PFRPG - but for fighting styles, we need more, IMO: Even with the new power attack, two-handed weapons are the way to go unless you deal extra damage. And IF you do, well, you take two-weapon fighting feats.

Many threads have discussed this - swoard&board petitions, threads dedicated at two-weapon fighting (which thankfully has improved a bit), even threads that cover damage reduction. Here, I want to present a whole set of additional feats to start a discussion in a common place. Only if we compare many fighting styles at once, we can evaluate OPTIONS against each other.

Here are some feats intended to balance fighting styles:


You have trained hard, and have mastered the art of fighting with two weapons.
Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting
Benefit: When fighting with two weapons, you get a +2 bonus on each melee attack you make.


Shield Specialisation
as in PHB2. We could call it Shield Focus, though...

Shielded Fighting
You have learned to use your shield to full effect in battle.
Prerequisite: Shield Specialisation
Benefit: When fighting with a shield, you can take an immediate action to avert an melee attack directed at you. Roll d20 + your base attack bonus + your STR score + shield bonus. If the result is higher than the attack roll, that attack is averted. You must declare the use of this ability before you know if the attack roll was succesful.
Normal: You cannot avert attacks with your shield.

Improved Shielded Fighting
You have mastered the use of your shield in battle.
Prerequisite: Shield Specialisation, Shielded Fighting
Benefit: You can attempt to negate as many melee attacks from a single opponent directed at you as your base attack permits. Use your subsequently lower base attack bonus for later attempts.
Normal: You can make only one attempt to avert an attack.

By pushing your opponent's weapon aside, you gain a little momentum you can use for a powerful counterattack.
Prerequisite: Shielded Fighting
Benefit: If you have averted an attack with your shield, you get a +2 bonus on all attack rolls you make against this opponent on your next turn.
Normal: You don't get a bonus on attack rolls after averting an attack with your shield.


Baffling Strike
Your attacks strike through the toughest skin.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (any)
Benefit: When attacking a creature with any weapon you have the Weapon Focus feat for, you can overcome up to 5 points of damage reduction except DR/- and DR/epic. You can take this feat multiple times. It's effects stack.
Normal: You cannot overcome damage reduction.


Improved Weapon Finesse
You know that as small as a weapon may be, the wounds it causes depend on where it is placed.
Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse
Benefit: You can apply your DEX bonus to damage rolls made with light melee weapons instead of you STR bonus. When your STR bonus to damage rolls is reduced (e.g., when fighting with weapon in your off-hand), your DEX bonus to damage rolls is reduced accordingly.
Normal: You apply your STR bonus to damage rolls.


Contrary to popular belief, you know that focussing on one weapon has its merits.
Prerequisites: -
Benefit: When fighting with a one-handed or light weapon, and carrying nothing in your off-hand, you gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls and to your armor class.
Normal: You don't get a bonus on attack rolls or armor class when fighting with a one-handed or light weapon.

And you were right - focus is the key.
Prerequisites: Fencing
Benefit: When fighting with a one-handed or light weapon, and carrying nothing in your off hand, you can make a special riposte attack as an immediate action if a melee attack directed at you misses. The riposte attack uses your highest base attack bonus. You cannot make a riposte attack in response to a missed attack of opportunity.
Normal: You cannot make a riposte attack.

as in PHB2. Or similar feat that gives bonus to fighting defensively while fighting one-handed.

Gripe 1) I like it that fighters get a little bit more than feats. But weapon and armor training doesn't cut it for me - it's BORING.

Gripe 2) Combat maneuvers are, in itself, great and make encounters memorable. However, why is it that raging Barbarians (being "wild" and such) are better at these than (drilled) fighters?

IDEA: Why not give the Fighter class a bonus on CMB? (Say, +1 at first and an additional +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level)

That way, the fighter class wins in versatility, and is on par with raging barbarians in respect to CMB.

For a structured discussion, we need - at least - as many as in Alpha Playtest.


I'm looking for 3.0/3.5 conversions of 2nd ed. greyhawk spells such as drawmij's adventurer's luck, otto's rousing anthem, tenser's eye of the tiger. Are they in dragon magazines? What issue(s)? Could you please point me in the right direction? Where else shall I look?

I *know* they are somewhere out there (old DM once ganve me a stack of printed sheets of paper), but I can't find them (neither does google).

Pleeeeaaase??? Thanks!


my parties' sorcerer cast invisibility and see invisibility on himself, and then flew into the collapsed chamber (D9). I had the invisible stalkers attack, sorcerer drops dead, but uhm, had to correct myself: Thay cannot see invisibility (and thus not themselves). Did I miss something? Or is it true that they are totally vulnerable to their best weapon?

Weird monster, as is, don't you think?

Hi everybody,

IMC, the PCs will pobably face Telakin soon. Preparing for that encounter, I came to understand that the mirror room is much cooler, encounterwise - despite the fact, that the encounter with Telakin is the last one prior to resting and going after Zyrxog. So, long story short, I want this one to be very cool, hard and memorable; come on, it's the FINAL doppelganger encounter.

My thoughts:
Single casters are sooner dead than seen. So...
a) Level up for Telakin! At level 9, that's 5th level spells... sweet.
b) The guard that warns him is there to stay and fight!
c) There are so many nasty illusion/transmutation spells out there in SC, PHB2; I will certainly tweak the spell list (corporeal instability, evard's menacing tentacles, greater mirror image, persistant image + greater invisibility in wizard form, legion of sentinels + nightstalkers transformation in barbarian form)
d) I dislike the room all is taking place in. A throne? huh, seen that. How about Telakin casts mirage arcana, and the hall resembles a magical library (with plenty opportunity for cover)? And then when he switches to frost barbarian, the room disappears and voila - snowstorm, iceblocks, and balance checks! No, when he is finally dead, the room reappears as an mostly empty, grey hall of smooth stone.

What are your thoughts? Too deadly after the whole dungeon? Too much visual effects? Still too less oompf? had your PCs a particularly easy time with Telakin? What tactics did he emply in your campaign?

Well, if anyone out there is actually considering adding an ebon blessing; I'd like to share some tweaking I did to it.

First, I removed the saves, as it adds unwelcome randomness to a reward which should be split evenly. I don't want one PC to get all three blessings while another might get none.

Second, I played a bit with all of the blessings and have found more fitting powers (I think). And I wanted to separate them more from existing feats in order to make them special.

Third, I will give the players a hint at to what awaits them, and then let them choose which one to capture - and they can only capture one.

So, it now stands as the following:


"A dark wave of divine energy overwhelms you. Raw power has lost focus and blasts away. If you want, you can capture a tiny fraction of this energy for yourself - if you decide quickly. You feel three different powers, which one do you want to digest?

There are visions of long battles, where the hardest die last. You recognize that if you capture that power, you will be able to take more.
There are promises of secret knowledge; whispers that will guide you. You understand that if you capture that power, you will be able to reveal what is hidden.
And there is the sheer lust for destroying your enemies. You feel that if you capture that power, you will be able to kill faster."

Ebon Blessing (Hextor): You do not die at -10 Hitpoints. Instead, you continue dying. Only at -20 Hitpoints, death overcomes you.
Ebon Blessing (Vecna): You can choose to add a single divination spell of 1st or 2nd level to your spell list (and list of spells known, if appropriate). If you have no levels in a spellcasting class, you can cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability at CL3.
Ebon Blessing (Erythnul): If you kill a creature in combat, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls for the rest of the encounter. This bonus does not stack with itself.

I will play with the thought of altering, extending or restricting the blessing in PoR; or maybe there will be a (terrible?) drawback then. But this is roughly one year of playing ahead...

My party heavily distrusts Allustan - after all, they know that he is corrupt governour-major Neff's brother, and don't see it plausible for an upright wizard to inhabit shady Diamond Lake. This goes so far as to not mention where they encountered the brown mold for which to overcome they bought a scroll of ray of frost from him.

As I am inclined to let Allustan play a minor role as well (too much railroading otherwise), I am looking for replacements. One of the PCs has ties to the bronzewood lodge, so I will have a ranger or druid state that they had sighted worms in the mistmarsh; thus omitting Allustan from EaBK. Another PC is a Crusader/Cleric of WeeJas; the Green Lady cultists could sent them to Eligos in Greyhawk for HoHR (Maybe Eligos is a former lover of Amariss, the high priest of WeeJas in Diamond Lake?).

From that on, it gets difficult though. Eligos beeing killed, they sure will come back to Diamond Lake (to report to Amariss), and will find the Dragon. But probably they won't go for Allustan in GoW (notwithstanding that he would have never heard of the other portal in the first place). On the other hand, if Amariss gets trapped behind the portal in the Cairn, they would go rescue her (some PC-NPC romance here?), but I don't see how to tie them to Tenser afterwards (whom I would like to keep).

Any suggestions on how to omit / replace Allustan, while keeping the Tenser part?
