armadeous's page

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Got a few here!

Name: Godrick the Lionheart
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric 4
Adventure: Shards of Sin
Location: C24, Southern Guardpost
Catalyst: Aquatic sinspawn versus an armorless cleric

The Gory Details: The fighter and cleric, who typically take turns breaking and smashing things, decided to try to cross the water together. Neither of them noticed the aquatic sinspawn. They attacked and thoroughly eviscerated Godrick. Poor Kayven only just got away with his life - this time.

Name: Kaven
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 5
Adventure: Shards of Sin
Location: D14, Khrysm's Labratory
Catalyst: Lockerbie Brast

The Gory Details: The fighter who only just deftly escaped from the aquatic sinspawn encounter had no luck here. Khrysm managed to bust him up pretty bad with her bombs - unfortunately, Lockerbie (who they befriended by returning his amulet to his widow) also took the brunt of the splash damage. Kaven went unconscious and Lockerbie, whose HP dipped into the single digits, decided to take off. Since the adventurers had told him that they cleared out the laboratory, he had no problems high tailing it out into the waters and enjoying a snack on the Liza Jane. Mmm, noble fighter meat.

I've got two here. Thankfully, they're also related so this works well to have them in the same post!

Name of PC: Krystis
Class/Level: Cleric 2
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Rope bridge into Thistletop


As the players were heading into Thistletop, the wizard crossed the rope bridge solo. He came upon the goblins playing kill gull and turned back, informing the party that they could catch them by surprise if they hurried across. They charged across the bridge and...snap! Poor Krystis didn't pass her reflex save and got washed down stream. She made a tasty snack for the bunyip though!

Name of PC: Skylar
Class/Level: Fighter 2
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Goblin tomfoolery


The PCs crossed the bridge and went into the fortress. After a tough fight with Ripnugget (3 out of 4 PCs falling unconscious) which came down to the last hit, they limped back to town for a week. In this time, they goblins looked to Gogmurt (who they ended up missing on the way through). Gogmurt decided to stay in the Nettlewood, but they fashioned a conch horn to call for him if one of the goblins on watch saw anything suspicious. The idea was that they would trap the longshanks before they crossed the bridge and Gogmurt would deal with them with a few goblin friends. Sure enough, the goblin on watch saw them crossing the rope bridge and blew the horn. The party rushed across the bridge except for Skylar, who went into the watch tower to get a better view. Two boblins spring from the Nettle and cut the rope bridge down, trapping Skylar on the side with Gogmurt and two goblins. Needless to say, she was dispatched fairly quickly. Gogmurt drug her body to the bridge and shouted a warning to the longshanks that this would be them next if they did not leave Thistletop as he slit her throat and kicked the body into the surf below. Now the PCs are trapped in Thistletop for the time being.