aricene's page

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Goblin Junk Tinkerer Mom: "We have dolls and blocks at home."

(The dolls and blocks at home: -2 item penalty to all play checks.)

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Hello! I'm a representative of the sinister collective of entities known as the Dominion of the Black.

If anybody has any questions about our identities, I'd be happy to clear them up with a few lies. Or make them more obfuscated by telling the truth. One of those two. Let me know, thanks!

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Here's another Devise a Stratagem possible boost or house rule: on any enemy not the subject of Pursue a Lead, Devise a Stratagem still costs an action *but* only the first time. That would represent the investigator's brain switching gears and getting caught up, stuttering a little bit, but then adapting afterward. It keeps Pursue a Lead meaningful, too, because if you don't have it, you're still paying an action tax on the first round of combat (i.e. the most important round).

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This is definitely one of those rules that I'm going to have to play through and experience before I decide how to use it. But I've done that with a bunch of rules that I couldn't quite game out in my head until I saw it on the virtual table, and it usually worked well.

About healing in-combat being a trap: I'd suggest that GMs play hostile encounters differently, too, with the enemies treating a wounded and healed PC limping away from the fight like that PC is not a threat, because they genuinely (probably) will not be. The PC will likely be trying to just get away. Unless the enemies are the recklessly vengeful or mindless types who would ignore a threat right in front of them to kick a wounded non-threat, that is. Even bullies have some sense.