anonymous101's page

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Papa-DRB wrote:
anonymous101 wrote:
LazarX wrote:
anonymous101 wrote:
This might a bit embarrassing to Paizo, but it needs to be said; Your South Koreans (Republic of Korea) customers won't be able to purchase your products, while North Koreans (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) customers will be able to.
The two dozen North Koreans that have decent internet access perhaps. Have you looked at a satellite image of the Korean peninsula at night?
Hehe, I've said nothing about North Koreans being able to purchase Paizo products. I have no problems with it at all. In fact, I encourage to sell stuff to North Koreans if anyone can (I know, it won't be easy, but again, IF YOU CAN). It's just that it irks me a bit that South Korea, a country that can mostly likely give FAR more profit to Paizo than North Korea, won't have the chance to buy directly from Paizo, while North Koreans can, due to a simple honest ignorance of distinguishing between which Korea is which (S. Korea = Republic of Korea [ROK] and N. Korea = Democratic People's Republic of Korea [DPRK]). That's a bit dumb and unfair, if you ask me.

whiskey tango foxtrot?

You seem to know what you are talking about, but I do not believe the rest of us do. Please explain, in detail, and use simple words. Do not assume any knowledge on our parts as to what you are saying / implying.

-- david

For the sake of simplification, let's just say that in August 14, 2014, did not have an option to use a cc registered to Republic of Korea (South Korea) address, but it did have the option to use a cc connected to Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) address. Hence my rant.

LazarX wrote:
anonymous101 wrote:
This might a bit embarrassing to Paizo, but it needs to be said; Your South Koreans (Republic of Korea) customers won't be able to purchase your products, while North Koreans (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) customers will be able to.
The two dozen North Koreans that have decent internet access perhaps. Have you looked at a satellite image of the Korean peninsula at night?

Hehe, I've said nothing about North Koreans being able to purchase Paizo products. I have no problems with it at all. In fact, I encourage to sell stuff to North Koreans if anyone can (I know, it won't be easy, but again, IF YOU CAN). It's just that it irks me a bit that South Korea, a country that can mostly likely give FAR more profit to Paizo than North Korea, won't have the chance to buy directly from Paizo, while North Koreans can, due to a simple honest ignorance of distinguishing between which Korea is which (S. Korea = Republic of Korea [ROK] and N. Korea = Democratic People's Republic of Korea [DPRK]). That's a bit dumb and unfair, if you ask me.

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This might a bit embarrassing to Paizo, but it needs to be said; Your South Koreans (Republic of Korea) customers won't be able to purchase your products, while North Koreans (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) customers will be able to. Please, fix this silly mistake and make your products available for S. Koreans.

I personally really like the sneak attack modification. Rogues are among the most useless class, starting round level 6, and with this small change, they now have some viability in combat, which is a very good thing, imo.