Iron Dragon

anksanis's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened with Pathfinder Society play at Winter Fantasy this year.

My friends and I went last year and had a blast, there was a lot of support from Paizo, Jason Buhlman was there running a couple of tables, we all had a great time.

This year, when we arrived on Friday evening, we found out that there were only two Pathfinder Society judges for the entire convention. We were very surprised, to say the least. For a fairly big convention, only two PFS judges is almost unbelievable! We found out that that was the situation for the entire weekend, and to say that we were disappointed is understating it. We have since talked to other attendees, and everyone who came for Pathfinder is more than a little let down.

The staff at the con were very nice, and offered to print modules for us and enter them as well after we had played them, we just had to find a judge of our own from amongst the attendees, quickly prep the module, then run it.

I think the con staff was doing their best to bring some good to a bad situation. They've been very nice about the printing and such, but not having judges to run them seems like an incredible blunder. None of my friends are interested in coming back to Winter Fantasy ever again, and I have to admit, it does make me pretty reluctant to spend the time, effort, and money to go through this again.

Could anyone tell me what happened? What was the breakdown from plan to execution? There are plenty of rumors, but no one seems to know the real story. I'd appreciate it if anyone could clue me in, I'm planning to go to Origins this summer, but not if this is the sort of thing that would likely happen again.