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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Feat #1 - Afflict Poison

Afflict Poison - Feat 1 - 1 action activity - Attack - Requirements: you are holding a weapon which can deal piercing or slashing damage which has been coated with a poison with the Infused trait and was created by yourself.

You are particularly adept at delivering their poisons with your weapon, at the expense of the effectiveness of the weapon itself. One target creature within reach of your weapon (or the first range increment if your weapon is ranged or thrown) makes a save vs the poison on the coated weapon, with the following effect:

Critical Success - no effect

Success - Apply the poison at stage 1

Failure - Apply the poison at stage 2

Critical Failure - Apply the poison at stage 3

Your class DC takes a penalty equal to your multiple attack penalty for this activity.

Feat #2 -

Quick Affliction - Feat 6 - 2-action activity - Attack - Prerequisite: Afflict Poison - Requirements: you are holding two weapons, both of which have the Agile trait, can deal piercing or slashing damage, and have been coated with a poison with the Infused trait and was created by yourself.

Afflict Poison on two creatures within reach of your weapons (or the first range increment if your weapon is thrown). This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty.

Feat #3 -

Fan of Toxins - Feat 14 - 3-action activity - Attack - Prerequisite: Quick Affliction - Requirements: you are holding two weapons, both of which have the Agile trait, can deal piercing or slashing damage, and have been coated with a poison with the Infused trait and was created by yourself.

Afflict poison on any number of creatures within reach of your weapons (or the first range increment if your weapon is thrown) which are not currently affected by a poison. This counts as three attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Automatic Bonus Progression is frankly my absolute favorite variant rule in Pathfinder 2e. It has completely unshackled me from being forced to hand out potency, striking, and resiliency runes, and allowed my players far more freedom when it comes to spending their treasure on consumables and utility magic items.

However, it should be noted that it appears Paizo completely forgot that Alchemy exists when creating this variant rule. The problematic line is buried in the second paragraph under the "Adjusting Items and Treasure" section of the variant rule.

Items that normally grant an item bonus to statistics or damage dice no longer do, other than the base item bonus to AC from armor.

This completely neuters alchemical mutagens, making Alchemists bar-none the worst class in the game when using an incredibly simple variant rule.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Should everyone be able to get a copy of the Pathfinder Society Scenarios and Quests? Or just the scenarios? It seems like I automatically get the scenarios put into my digital content but not the quests.