alevanoff's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


I can't access my downloads in Chrome or Safari, for about the past five minutes.

I've been running two iterations of Council of Thieves over the course of about three years now (we had a kid, our buddy had a kid, people moved, etc.), and while *Oh MAN* I wish this had been available back when I'd started, it's awesome even now as I'm sending one group to Walcourt (which was TERRIBLE when I ran it as-is for my more-available players) and the other is wrapping up the early running-around portion of Book 6.

I greatly appreciate the dissertation, and thanks to your wife and goblin toddler as well!

Just throwing in some more thanks! :)

I wish I'd found this before I got to almost-the-end (starting book 5 with one group, a little into book 6 with the other), but I'm looking forward to running one group through a non-faceroll version of Walcourt, and having the last book be a *LITTLE* challenging for my incredibly-overpowered 3-man group.

Bright side: my players are REALLY looking forward to playing through Hell's Rebels as the kids of their current Council of Thieves characters.

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