ak86grown's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.

as the title says i have a question about the group leader prestige class, specifically it says
Close Group (Ex)
As a standard action, a Group Leader may designate a number of allies up to 3 + her Charisma modifier as part of her group. Members of a group must remain within 30 feet of the Group Leader in order to gain the benefits granted by a Group Leader's other class abilities, detailed below; if they leave this range, the Group Leader must designate these allies again for them to be included in her group.

does this mean that all the other abilities you get from leveling (sneak, the teamwork feats, the bonus damage) are given to your "group" as well? or do they only get the speed bonus and the barn bonus??

as the title says i have a question about the group leader prestige class, specifically it says
Close Group (Ex)
As a standard action, a Group Leader may designate a number of allies up to 3 + her Charisma modifier as part of her group. Members of a group must remain within 30 feet of the Group Leader in order to gain the benefits granted by a Group Leader's other class abilities, detailed below; if they leave this range, the Group Leader must designate these allies again for them to be included in her group.

does this mean that all the other abilities you get from leveling (sneak, the teamwork feats, the bonus damage) are given to your "group" as well? or do they only get the speed bonus and the barn bonus??

so a new question has arisen in my attempts to build a improvised weapon character, specifically can you magically enhance a improvised weapon (in this case I wish to make a beer stein that will have plus's added to it)

as the title implies im wondering if you can take weapon focus improvised weapon, I know you can have catch off guard and throw anything and they will remove the -4 penalty to using said improvised weapons, but my question is does that give you the proficiency required to then apply weapon focus to them?