Timeshadow wrote: Of note will this spell work underwater? It seems like RAW it shouldn't due to there being no "Room" as the space is already filled with water? If it can displace water, then humans and other creatures have a similar density, and it becomes, erm, a game changer ;-) So probably best to err on the side of not allowing it to displace anything with bulk when unshrinking.
Atalius wrote: With Calm Emotions as long as you don't harm the creature who's affected it continues to work? So harming it's allies is ok correct, or? Yes but if one if their allies is in reach and realises what is happening then their ally can use their last attack to punch some sense into them and as its at -10 likely miss or do minimal non lethal damage. As its a burst it seems generally solid, though incapacitation trait means it needs to be your highest level spell.
Atalius wrote: Would anyone consider Confusion a decent save or suck? It could last 1 round or if your lucky 2-3. You are giving up a turn so one opponent might give up a turn, and might attack one of your team anyway. I would only do it when the only folks the target can move to and attack are its allies.
Polymorph general rules: "You can only be affected by one polymorph spell at a time. If a new polymorph spell is cast on you (or you activate a polymorph effect, such as wild shape), you can decide whether or not to allow it to affect you, taking the place of the old spell. In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell."
Also see this recent rules thread where these rules and amazing tools of manufacture is discussed.
Armillary amulet gives a +5 spellcraft - from one of the paizo modules. You can double speed craft by taking +5 to the dc as per standard magic item crafting rules. So this would help where you also dont meet one or two of the prereqs. Valet familiar lets you double your crafting speed again. So you can craft 4k price worth a day while not meeting one or two prereqs and taking ten.
Matthew Morris wrote:
Good idea. "I will let you copy this unique spell providing you refer to it as Neldeth's Vanishing Act to spread my reputation".
See The 100-gold leopard problem and Battle Cattle for earlier discussions of this issue.
The building is also painfully hot so it wont want to walk on the stone floor with its bare feet and if not carried will be dancing about uncomfortably and trying to find cooler footing. It will likely be in heat distress unless under an Endure Elements spell. There are dead bodies just outside the door and in the armory which are going to be distracting scent wise, not to mention the PCs own strong sweat. There is a lot of stuff for an animal to be upset about here.
uzaithemonki wrote: I know I played at least one scenario in which you are trying to get a centaur to represent the society in the ruby Phoenix tournament. What scenarios are those? The Kortos Envoy Quote: And I've played one 7-11 in which there was something to do with sine words of power or something concerning a rune lord? What are those scenarios? The Refuge of Time Words of the AncientsThe Waking Rune In the same arc but not 100% necessary:
Mackenzie Kavanaugh wrote:
Quote: and claiming that background-only choices can only be made based on the Core book and PFS Guide would mean that the only nations a person could come from are Absalom, Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira, Taldor, and Thuvia. Even Numeria is never referenced as an actual nation, and I can't find a single mention of Varisia anywhere in the book. But hey, sure, why not throw out all the lore as well as the mechanics, and people are no longer allowed to name the city they're from unless it's Absalom or Oppara.
A Hargur monologue to set the scene for the trip from Okeno to the Fort.
Hargur intro script: Listen up slaves: I am Master Hargur, this is Master Vangru, this ball of fun is Snapper, and we are your guards for this trip. These are the rules: Number 1: You do what we say, when we say it. Number 2: You are on your best behavior. • If you don’t follow orders - you get a beating. • Any talk of freedom or escape - you get a beating. • Any disrespect, if you even look at us wrong - you get a beating. • Any of that magic funny business - you get a long hard beating • And take note Master Vangru here likes to tenderize the meat so much, sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop. So don't give him reason. Number 3: Don't run. • Snapper here likes to chase things and chasing things makes him hungry. • That can lead to unfortunate accidents. • Tasty eating, but bad for business. Don’t run. I trust I made myself clear. I won’t be taking any questions. Now mush.
Prethen wrote: Anything that I've seen with drugs in play has basically painted them as bad/problematic. I see that as a public service announcement. Are there scenarios that "promote" drug use? Performance enhancing drugs are common and encouraged in RPGs, albeit labelled as magical potions, e.g. Potion of Bear's Endurance.
I am working on a mission completion letter to print on the back of the chronicle sheets as a permanent reminder of the scenario. This is in the style of the mission completion letter for Wounded Wisp. Are there any suggestions on improvements to the following or anything I missed? Mission Completion Letter: Pathfinder, Your recent undercover investigation on Stonespine Island and recovery of the mirror of treacherous sight has helped secure Absalom from external threat. Through your actions the Pathfinder Society has strengthened its ties within the city. Your journals detailing first-hand experience of the slave trade based in Okeno and insights into Gnoll hierarchy, lifestyle and tactics are valuable assets to the society. The potential new contacts made are also of significant value. Last but no means least the successful field test of the chest is valuable feedback. The intelligence you recovered has helped Lady Darchana Madinani in her further investigation of this threat, and the pursuit of Pasha Muhlia al’Jakri. Second Spell Lord and Archdeacon of the Arcanimirium, Lady Darchana Madinani has asked Aram Zey to convey her esteemed thanks. Master of Spells Aram Zey and I are working with Lady Darchana to ensure she has all the information she needs to predict the Pasha’s next step. I suggest you remain in Absalom for the next few days if you want to see this through. Highest Regards, Venture Captain Ambrus Valsin Master of Spells Aram Zey
I think the only thing the randomization adds to it is that a player cannot carry knowledge over from a previous run through. On the random ambush party stats: 1) Is the intention that every 3rd party does not have a healing PC, or should that be a D2 rather than a D3? 2) The brute's to hit is not listed, it should be +6. 3) I note that the brute does +12 damage when raging and power attacking - rolling high damage or a critical is one hit one kill against first level PCs - so possibly not to be used on an all new player table and also used with care against an all level one party. 4) The Evoker has a bonded item and no spell book listed. So the other 3 spells in his spellbook are at GM discretion. I guess we pick area affect spells like Color Spray with great care. I note a short first level spell book would be a nice find for a low level wizard - so it is a shame it isn't listed in his gear. 5) Touched to hit: should this be +0, not +1?
On the handouts: My thought when I first saw these as a player was ugh, tiny scratchy font, and no paragraph spacing, making it very hard to scan. I am running this several times later this month, so I decided to do something about it. I have reformatted the first two and final handouts onto a full page each with larger easier to read font, paragraph spacing and bolded names, to make it easier to read and pick out pertinent information (but no change of content). There will be multiple copies for the table, each on a different hue of paper. On the final VC handout I am considering printing these (reformatted full page) on the back of the chronicle sheets, as this then serves as a permanent reminder of what was achieved in the scenario. I like Thurston's suggestion of Fimbrik's illusion delivering the message, so will be ready to do that if the circumstances warrant it, or just have the (reformatted) handout ready.
GM Prep Checklist (from the GM shared prep site): Getting started
Story and RP
Beyond the scenario (extra mile)
Michael Brock wrote: Mine too! And I still have this idea in the back of my head that the girl from Black Waters should become a serial killer that hunts down Pathfinders. Just saying.... Nah. She abducts them, Spoiler: and locks them in a casket for a year (even if its not for tax reasons) to learn the true meaning of life, then lets them go. puts the ring on them,
I use the free Masterwork Tools (Android) to look up rules/spells quickly and find it is very useful as both GM and player. I also use my tablet to show some scenario images, though prefer to have print outs for most things. I use Herolab to generate my PCs but generally just have the print outs at the table. Though have noticed the relatively recent iPad Herolab interactive sheets look very useful.
You can annotate (write in the boxes and drop in signatures) using the free Foxit PDF reader on the scenario PDF, and then print the chron page to pdf writer. (You will probably wan to save an interim version with most things filled out and then fill in a variant for each PC.) Or old school: print the chron, sign it, scan it, email. Probably a few other ways. This should be in the online play section.
Stabilize them on negative HP (not dead) or make them undead.
PFSRD: If a bag of holding is overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag immediately ruptures and is ruined, and all contents are lost forever.
David Neilson wrote: So hypothetically if you have the old boons that let you play a Tiefling then you can use them again? Though I guess I know what my ball of GM credit is becoming now. I had stopped applying GM Credit at all. Now I will just use it to create 1XP GM credit babies so that I can use them much later to play a race that was in scope at the time I created it. That seems like a way to get good value from GM credit.
GMs please signup to run more Pathfinder at UK Games Expo. This is the best UK convention for getting new players into the hobby. UK Games Expo is the biggest general gaming event in the UK. It had 3500 unique attendees last year in its first year at the bigger venue (almost 6000 attendee days over the weekend). It has 8 game slots from 10am Friday until 7pm Sunday with Friday games being free to enter. Expo has probably the best GM rewards package of any convention with free entry and cash allowances for running any games and free accommodation for GMing 5 games. The draft RPG schedule is up with many PFS and other Pathfinder games already on the list. Numbers are expected to more than double from the current draft schedule.
With a week to go and the GM schedule nearly finalized we now have 34 GMs signed up to run over 140 tables of PFS. Draft schedule (Caveat Lector)
For reference it does cover spellcasters in the PFS guide. I had assumed there was a similar limitation for all hirelings. "Please note that PCs may never purchase the traveling service of a spellcaster — in other words, a wizard from the local town is not, for any price, going to accompany the PCs on their mission into the nearby haunted castle."
Conception UK 2014 will have a huge PFS presence. With weeks yet to go we already have volunteer GMs signed up to run over 110 tables of PFS over 5 days. With something for everyone from beginners to those with level 11 PCs (and possibly beyond). We already have GMs planning to run at least 39 different adventures: Every season 5 scenario so far released
Modules - 2 or 3 slots each
Previous seasons replayable intro scenarios
Previous seasons scenarios (level 1-5)
Previous seasons scenarios (level 3-7)
Previous seasons scenarios (level 5-9)
Previous seasons scenarios (level 7-11)
Expect the number of tables and scenarios available to rise as we get closer to the event. We ran over 120 tables last year and are already 20 ahead of last years GM sign ups at this point.
1) The scenario says the Blackfire adepts set the BT trap. So it could be one of the adepts that already left. 1+2) Possibly its in her main spellbook sent ahead with the others or hidden elsewhere. The one in the scenario is her core or travelling spellbook - it is very light on lower level spells for a main spellbook. Alternately just assume one of the other adepts cast it and keyed it to her. Sophini is not the leader of the adepts. She is a trusted lieutenant. EDIT: and trusted lieutenant amongst an evil sect might mean patsy! 4) I too was surprised the scenario didn't call this out as an evil act, or at least an unlawful one. I agree they would be wanted criminals as described in the scenario at this point and leaving Azir later would be tricky. I planned to at least record it on their chronicles as per my suggestion in the "GM timeline" item I uploaded to the GM prep area. They would have to lie low or go in disguise or use proxies while prepping the raid and flee quickly afterwards. This is the scenario that puts the murder hobo approach to bed.
I have an idea that might help approach this from a different direction. Casters have children, same as everyone else. Their children have seen casting most everyday of their lives. We know in a Thorp at least 1 in 20 folk are casters. They may or may not be married to other casters, but around one in ten children have been around a caster all their lives. These children are not going to be phased by casting. One suspects perhaps that mummy cast cure light wounds whenever little Kyra scraped her knee (and on any of her friends) or that daddy cast mage armor on little Valeros when he went out to play with the big kids. And probably a ton of other stuff, including the magical parent being a major attraction at birthday parties. Hmm, "Why cant you cast spells daddy?" has got to hurt.
The introduction to the Players Guide to Ptolus (free PDF download) written by D&D 3rd edition co-designer Monte Cook is how I envisioned Absalom was with its attitudes to magic. extract: The effects of 1st-level spells come as a surprise to no one here. Tanglefoot bags, rings of protection, and a druid’s animal companions are taken for granted.
I loved it when one day a player of mine said, “I polymorph myself into a troll and run out into the street after the thief.” Another player said, “Dude, you can’t go out there like that!” And the first player replied, “Don’t worry about it! This is Ptolus—they see this stuff all the time.” I knew then that the first player really got Ptolus.
Eric Saxon wrote: If your PC pulls out a wand and points it at my PC and he has his bow on him, your PC is going to be shot with 5 arrows doing 1d8+19. Now tell me again, how stupid is your PC? Is he stupid enough to point a wand at my PC or his wizard finger? You PC is going to die before the last syllable escapes his lips How do you know it is a wand rather than for example a pencil or just a stick? Unless you just cast detect magic yourself of course. Aside: Hmm, there must be thousands of used empty wands in circulation, otherwise known as sticks. One suspects Golarion children play wizards and dragons with "wands" all the time. Hmm, ambushing someone while disguised as a child playing magic games, that has possibilities... How do you know that someone pointing a finger is a wizard or that means he is casting a spell at you? Quote: That's the reality of casting spells in public. Your PC gets killed. And my archer's initiative is +14, he will get your guy 90% of the time before your guy get to finish. And he doesn't give 2 bits about whether it was a healing spell, or a benign one. Your PC does it without my PCs permission, they are going into initiative. Initiative doesn't work that way. Once casting has begun only a readied action could interrupt most spells. Quote: If they are party members, that's one thing. Just two strangers at a social gathering, your PC is going to breathe his last. So your PC kills anyone at a social gathering who talks and gesticulates at the same time? Does he get many invites? ;-)
EDIT: found the huge cage cost 60gp Heavy wagons are 100gp each
So cost of the 2 heavy wagons plus animals is 400gp-600gp plus 60gp for the cage How have others handled these pack animals when the Bulette is around and with keeping them alive in other cinderlands encounters? How have your PCs lifted several tons onto the back of a wagon?
GMs can also get a head start by checking out the GM shared prep area on Google docs. This typically contains useful prep within a week or so of a scenario being published. It already contains useful prep for all scenarios published up to now (eg Veterans Vault, Night March of Kalkamedes, Halls of Dwarven Lore, Words of the Ancients, Way of the Kirin). |