
Zerin Vale's page

12 posts. Alias of Walter Lindie.

Full Name

Zerin Vale




2 barb

















Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Zerin Vale

Tentative Crunch
Zerin Vale

Favored Class Barbarian 2
Favored Class Bonus +2 Hit Points

Experience: ?
Experience to Next Level: ?
Religion Irori
Age 20
Height 6'
Weight 198 lbs
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/c7/22/83c7220b02fe3c2fb2d3b827 b4294954--character-reference-character-ideas.jpg
Transformed state
Reference Image

Male Chelish Skinwalker Barbarian 2
LE Medium Humanoid (skinwalker/shapechanger)
Init +3; Senses; Perception +5
AC ? (Touch ?, FF ?)(+2 Dex, Armor +)
Hp 27 (2d12+6[Con]+2[Favored])
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0 -1 vs fear
Speed 30 ft (30 ft base)
Melee Scmitar +5 (1d6+3/19-20x2) or Silver Warhammer +5 (1d8+3/x3) or Cold Iron Longsword +5 (1d8+3/19-20x2) or Claw +5 (1d6+3/20x2) or Bite +5 (1d6+3/20x2)
Str 16{18,shapechanged}, Dex 12 Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8
BAB +2, CMB +5 , CMD 16
Feats Power Attack
Rage Powers Beast Totem
Skills (8 - 8[Base]+0[Int]) Acrobatics [1] +4 Perception[2] +5, Climb[1] +7, Bluff[2] +5, BS:Craft Alchemy [2] +1, BS: Profession (librarian)[2] +5
Armor Check Penalty -5
SQ Rage, Rage Power, Uncanny dodge
Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic, Shadowtongue, Strix
Traits Traumatic Shift, Natural Born Leader, Reactionary, Staying up on Current Events
Drawback Secret Shame


Ability Modifiers +2 Con*, –2 Wis (+2 Str while shapechanged)
Alternate Skill Modifiers Stealth, wild empathy?
Alternate Spell-Like Ability scare 1/day
Bestial Features
Bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage or Darkvision to a range of 60 feet or Swim speed of 30 feet or Ferocity

Traits & Drawback:

Traits Traumatic Shift, Natural Born Leader, Reactionary, Staying up on Current Events
Drawback Secret Shame: –1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects, and the DC of any Intimidate check to demoralize you is reduced by 1


Power attack

Carrying Capacity:
{Light (0-100); Medium (101-200); Heavy (201-300);}
Current Load: lbs (Light)
Combat Gear: ] (0 lbs)
Scimitar (4 lbs)(15 gp)
Silver Warhammer (5 lbs)(102 gp)
Cold Iron Longsword (4 lbs)(30 gp)

Ammunition: (0 lbs)
Magic Gear: (0 lbs)
Scrolls/Wands: (--)
Consumables: (0 lbs)(0 lbs HH)
Other: (0 lbs)
Camping Supplies: (0 lbs)
Jewelry: (--)
Wealth: (--)
0 pp
1000 gp
0 sp
0 cp
Total Coins: 1000 (--)


Description: Black haired and black eyed Zerin Vale already broken nose has been set a little of line. His hair only has a short stubble left and he is now clean shaven. He sports a blue clothing under which the rings of his armor are occasionally defined due to his motion. He carries a satchel with a few vials of brackish liquid, a battered thesaurus and a few loose herbs. A few weapons sit on his hip two swords on his left side and a tarnished silver hammer on his left.
Transformed, Zerin is a monster all hair gone and thick scales covering every inch of exposed skin with a thick elongated jaw carrying rows of sharpened teeth on them. He is noticeable taller and broader with muscle. Every change is followed by a gross crack as his nose snaps into place just to be drawn deeper into his face the teeth make talking difficult so his speech slows down and he loses the ability to say the letter L.[/i][/b]
Personality: Zerin is quiet and careful in his speech like he has to carefully go over every word before committing them to his mouth. He stays on guard against most people who don’t know him but is overly trusting toward any he sees as allies. He has a desire for learning he gained from being a part of the Sacred Order of Archivists since his pre-teens and rarely has a harsh word for anyone.

Zerin’s life was hard from the start. His mother was a blonde farm girl, from a family with too many mouths to feed, turned street performer in Aria Park who got lucky. She was picked up by a young blonde member of the aristocracy who was enamored by more than her singing skills. She was tucked away in a little house halfway between Alabaster Academy and the Sarini household. She lived in the house for one year before falling pregnant her protector overjoyed by the event. Then Zerin was born a black haired black eyed child his “father” immediately dropped him to the floor and tore into his mother shouting curses and magic. Her life ended that day and due to the quick action of the midwife the house ended up short one baby and one black haired black eyed footman.
Zerin’s life stayed hard as he grew up living in a backroom of the Lucky Bones. Not knowing why he had no mother and a father who kept to the bottle but always meticulously keep his head shaved bald. His father worked there as a bouncer with cold dead eyes that could sober up even the drunkest man. As a child he would run around with a group of other little urchins doing small tasks for a few coppers. Unlike the others he never felt the need to lift anyone wallet but never stopped or really cared when others did. Unfortunately a half drunken lout decided that he had taken his wallet and needed to be dragged into an alley and “dealt with”. His nose shattered and head ringing from being thrown against the wall his body cracked and changed before his mind calmed and his teeth grabbed the man’s throat as pulled the gurgling noises coming from his throat shaking him back into human form, one of his “friend” Pete looking on in horror and running from him, that child and the rest avoided him from then on. At around 11 his luck turned worse and the Luck Bones burned down his father within, he went from playing around with a pack of urchins to joining their numbers.
This worked well for him until winter set in and he needed to find a warm place to sleep. The spots held by the urchins around the area wouldn’t take him. From what he gathered over the months Pete talked about his killing a man but not about any of the particulars so sleeping near the others wasn’t something he felt safe doing. He found an abandoned building and took his more bestial form to force a trapdoor leading to what he hoped was a snowless basement. A little to late his enhanced senses breathed in the scent of candles, old books and person behind him, before he turned and saw who it was a thump sounded out from behind him and he passed out.
He awoke in a bed with two men standing on either side of him the symbol of an open hand on both of their chests stopping their argument as he began to stir. After a long conversation where he found that working for them would involve living his same urchin life but with a warm place to sleep and food with only a bit of writing about what he saw and heard he agreed and began the first truly lucky part of his life as a member of the Sacred Order of Archivists. He worked hard and while the learning was never his strong suit he took care of the books. During this time he saw an Alchimst fighting with the guards. The man was killed but the liquid he took altered his features and body massively. Zerin then studied alchemy to look for ways to mask his condition if he ever needed that extra strength in a fight. Many years later Martial Law was declared and the Order attacked by Thrune’s soldiers. Zerin was out at the time moving some documents and knew he had no chance of helping by the time he found out about the raid he went into hiding unknowingly aping his father as he removed the thick black hair that was one of his defining features. Sometime later he found out about a rally against Thrune something no revisionist would allow to stay in the History Books. It seemed like it was important to observe it for the memory of the Order and maybe if Zerin was lucky he would find a member doing the same.