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Zerberus's page

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A mage specialized on illusions gets the power "extended illusion". Does this only apply to spells which have a duration listed as "concentration" or also to spells with a duration of "concentration + x rounds"?

Thanks in advance

In D&D 3.5 there was a penalty on swim checks according to the weight of your equipment. If I remember correctly it was -1 per 5 pounds
Is this gone in Pathfinder?

I have a question about Composite Longbows. Can you add a Magic Bonus + 3 to a Longbow with a Strength bonus +3.

How many damage is done by that bow? 1d8 + 6?

This bow should cost 400gp + 300 masterwork + 9000 gp = 9700gp. Is that correct?

Thanks for the help!

I have a little problem with the price of SR items.

Why is SR as an armor ability so cheap? SR 19 normally costs 70000gp, on an armor it is a +5 equivalent, so it costs 25000gp.

Can someone enlighten me?

I always thought I would understand the rules for magic item creation - well, until now.
I encountered two problems:

  • A magic armor +4 costs 16000 gp.
    Why should a mage pay these 16000gp for a robe +4 if he can simply make mage armor permanent with a "continuous spell effect"?
    This would cost 1 (spell level) * 1 (caster level) * 2000 gp * 1 (hours/level) = 2000gp

    I think it even gets better when you think about shields. For the double costs as above (2000gp * 2 (because of 1/min per level)) you can have a floating magic "shield" spell around you all the time without the negativ effects of carrying a shield. A normal shield + 2 would cost the same and you would have to equip it, carry it around and so on.
    Oh, I didn't mention the immunity to magic missiles...

  • Assuming that you want to cast alarm permanently on an item or area. Why should you bother to wait till level 9 and cast Permanency? This would cost you 2500 gp. If you use a "continuous spell effect" you only pay 2000 gp (same calculation as with mage armor)

There has to be an error in my calculations! Perhaps I got the whole "continues" thing wrong?

Hope someone can help!


My fellow players and I want to start with Pathfinder after playing a few 3.5 campaigns. I love the new rules, but I'm not sure why exactly there was a change in the attribute rules.
What was wrong with the old system with starting attributes at 8 etc?
We were playing with 32 attribute points at first level and I would like to change the rules, but not before I understand why they were changed. Furthermore I would like to know, how many "new" attribute points I can give my players so that their characters are equally powerful.

I have been searching for this answer for a few hours now, I hope I didn't miss it in the forum.

Hope someone can help!
Thanks in advance