Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
It seems like it's worth a shot, until she remembers that the undead are immune to petrification. Too bad. A zombie statue would have made for an effective barrier. Seeing that she's no good where she's at, she retreats from the knot of fighters pressed near the door and begins examining the other entryways. Double move to the door on the far side so I don't ruin Snikket's shot. Also to be far away if they break through. For anybody that might have the same problem moving their token, the torchlight aura will need to be sent to the back layer by right-clicking on it. After moving your token, you can right-click again to bring it back to the front.
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
Copper's valuable these days, or so I hear. I'll start checking the other doors, to make sure we're not going to get caught between multiple groups of foes. Oh no, am I giving him ideas?
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
That Hakak fellow is smarter than he looks... Considering the vial in her hand, Zebrynna realizes that forcing the enchanted water down a zombie's throat may be harder than she thought at first. * * * * * * * Jail cell. Rough, unworked stone. Iron bars, space to reach an arm through. Space to reach for freedom. A ring of keys, hanging on the wall. A world away. Reaching, stretching, desperation. It's no use. Then - a sudden jangling. Hope! Reaching again, more jangling. Floating keys, freedom impossibly traversing the void. Falling keys, clattering on the floor. * * * * * * * Approaching the others, Zebrynna remembers the keys and the plan, once broken, reform anew in her mind. I don't know if I can pull that off, but it's worth a shot. Move action to the others, standard action to cast Mage Hand. Next turn Zebrynna will use two move actions to propel the vial up to 30 feet, targeting the nearest zombie's mouth. This may be a little too gonzo to work, but what would I need to roll to attempt to poison the zombie? Ranged touch attack? Called shot?
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
"Gah! I hate zombies!" The others are crowded around the door, keeping the creatures at bay. This suits Zebrynna just fine. Taking mental stock of her inventory, she realizes that she doesn't have anything that would be much use here. Looking around the room, she spots the fountain again. That water is definitely magical, and not in a good way. An idea forms in her mind, and she retrieves an empty vial, filling it with water. Move action to retrieve a vial, standard to fill. I don't have much of my gear selected, but I assume I'll have some sort of poison-making kit. Come to think of it, I should really put a rank or two into craft (alchemy) for that.
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
Zebrynna wheels to face the source of the banging, now coming from the other side. The Don's words echo in her mind. You may live, or you may die. Deciding she'd prefer to keep on living, she draws her hand crossbow, loading it with a bolt. What's behind that door? As she furiously wonders about the incoming threat, her vision flashes with a blinding green light. Round 1: Drawing and loading her hand crossbow. Round 2: Casting detect magic, looking at the door. Will use 3 rounds to look, leaving one round left to communicate the results and prepare accordingly.
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
A sumptuous chamber, full of expensive but unimportant baubles. A stone, glowing green with unnatural light. Reaching out, touching it. BANG! The chamber's door slamming open, exposing treachery. BANG! Jail cell clanging shut, barred from the rest of the world. A jail cell, small and cramped. Unworked stone, rough and cold. A cavernous courtroom, somewhere deep in the bowels of the earth. No jury, just a judge. Bang! Bang! The judge's gavel, sentencing death. "The verdict is rendered thus: GUILTY!" A small-looking drow appears. Green eyes. Wait, green? In the dark? ...glowing? A thin smile, white in the glow of his eyes. "Give her to me..." Bang! Bang! Thrust forth suddenly into the woken world, Zebrynna's body jerks into a roll, landing in a crouch some feet from where she was laying. This is her first clue that she's still alive. Her eyes dart about as she whips her head around, searching for the danger. She finds no attackers, discovering instead a large room filled with quarreling humanoids. Relaxing her tensed muscles, she works her jaw as her nerves begin to cool down. The subsiding adrenaline is her second clue that she's still alive. Looking down, she finds her daggers in her hands, drawn before her conscious mind had a chance to catch up with her body. Replacing them in their sheathes, she opens her mouth to address the others, but can't make a sound. Her throat feels drier than it ever has. This is her third clue, the one that finally convinces her that she has not died. Unable to speak, she coughs lightly as she looks at the room more carefully, with fully woken eyes. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Spotting the fountain, she darts toward it, her path unobstructed by the others in the room. Cupping her hand, she greedily drinks from the pool until, by the fourth or fifth handful, she notices the strange, gravelly taste. "Pleh! What's with this water?" Fort save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
Snikket, creating water is fantastic! It's those types of mundane abilities that will make this survivable. Our best strategy will be to find defensible locations for a base and gradually make our way to the next defensible location. After a cursory scouting mission to figure out the lay of the land, we can start sending out teams to make forays further into the dungeon and trailblaze.
Drow UnRogue 2/Psychic 1 | HP:15/15 | AC 18 T 15 FF 13 Fort 3 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percep +5 | Init +6 | Spells: Level 1 - 2/3; Amnesia 1/1
This looks like a straight-up dungeon crawl of the randomly deadly variety. If we want to survive, it might help if we discuss what each character brings to the table so we know what we have to work with. For my part, Zebrynna is built to be a great scout. With superior darkvision, trap-finding, and the trap spotter rogue talent, she should have a pretty high chance of auto-spotting, if not auto-disabling, any trap that we come across. Her psychic powers should be useful for getting information from other sentient denizens of the dungeon. The only knowledge skills she has untrained are engineering and local. She's...not particularly good in a fight, and absolute rubbish without flanking. |