Zebado's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for EricMcG.


Grand Lodge 4/5

Wands need to have some disadvantage, bulk buy 50 charges is a reasonable trade off.

You could offer "flawed" wands that have less than full charges at time of manufacture, but they trigger AoOs when activated. It is still a spell trigger activation device, but it doesn't necessarily trigger reliably. Even Press ENTER and nothing happens? You stop, look at the keyboard, press ENTER again and look at the screen. All very distracting.

Or you might include spell failure chance equal to the amount of the unusable charges after item completion. 40 charges available would be a 20% failure chance, 10 charges available would be 80%. Defective products are sold all the time, why not the same for magic items?

All items have 3 qualities: Cost, Advantages and Disadvantages. You can not change one without changing the other two. If the qualities are not balanced properly, you get items that are either OP or UP.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Mordant Torrindale wrote:

I see nothing!!!


No Monocle for you!