About Zealot-Brother Calidus▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
“In an hour of Darkness, a blind man is the best guide. In an age of Insanity, look to the madman to show the way.” ― Anon (Dark Heresy Core Rulebook) “Cleanse and Purify!” ― Unnamed Terminator (Nemesis the Warlock, Book 1) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SYSTEM NOTES - CORE MECHANICS:
Rounding & Multiplying: If a fraction is generated when dividing, unless specified otherwise round the result up, even if the fraction is less than one-half. When two or more multipliers apply to a value, add them together to form a single multiple, with each multiplier beyond the first adding 1 less than its value to the first multiplier. Thus a double (x2) and a double (x2) applied to the same number results in a triple (x3, as 2 + 1 = 3). SYSTEM NOTES - ACTIONS:
Using Actions: During their turn, a character may perform one Full Action or two different Half Actions. ⚔ AIM [Type: Half Action or Full Action Subtype: Concentration Description: +10 (Half) or +20 (Full) bonus to character’s next attack.] ⚔ ALL OUT ATTACK [Type: Full Action Subtypes: Attack, Melee Description: Give up that round's Evasion reaction to gain +30 WS.] ⚔ CHARGE [Type: Full Action Subtypes: Attack, Melee, Movement Description: Must move at least 4 metres, +20 to WS.]
STARTING THRESHOLD: 2 + 1 EMPEROR’S BLESSING = 3 A Fate point can be used at any time, either on the character’s own turn or in reaction to the action of another character. Spending a Fate point is a Free Action, and allows a Player Character to do one of the following: ☠ Re-roll a test.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • CHARACTERISTICS:
Weapon Skill [WS]: 31 (26+5) WSB: +3 Ballistic Skill [BS]: 28 (28) BSB: +2 Strength [S]: 33 (33) SB: +3 Toughness [T]: 30 (30) TB: +3 Agility [AG]: 36 (36) AGB: +3 Intelligence [INT]: 30 (30) INTB: +3 Perception [PER]: 35 (35) PERB: +3 Willpower [WP]: 35 (32+3) WPB: +3 Fellowship [FEL]: 34 (34) FELB: +3 Influence [IFL]: 25 (25) IFLB: +2 • SKILLS:
Skill Rank 1 (Known): Use the skill without the –20 penalty for being untrained.
Skill Rank 2 (Known): +10 on all tests with this skill † Skill Rank 3 (Known): +20 on all tests with this skill † Skill Rank 4 (Known): +30 on all tests with this skill † † Characters only use the highest bonus. Specialist Skill: A character can take a Specialist skill more than once, taking a new speciality each time he takes the skill. If he takes a Specialist skill more than once (each with its own speciality), then these are treated as separate skills and must be advanced in rank individually. Untrained Skill Use: It is unlikely that a character will be trained in the use of every skill, instead focusing on the mastery of a few and a general knowledge of a handful of others. A character can, however, still use skills in which he has no training when needs must, such as attempting to hide from a slavering group of mutants or frantically deciphering the coded messages in an ancient tome. In these instances, the character makes a skill test as normal but suffers a –20 penalty in addition to any other modifiers. Charm 1 [FEL]|[Fellowship, Social] Command 1 [FEL]|[Fellowship, Leadership] Common Lore (Adeptus Ministorum) 1 [INT]|[Intelligence, General] Inquiry 1 [FEL]|[Fellowship, Social] Intimidate 1 [S]|[Strength, Social] Linguistics (High Gothic) 1 [INT]|[Intelligence, General] Scrutiny 1 [PER]|[Perception, General] • TALENTS:
Frenzy [TIER 1]: Enter psychotic rage to gain combat bonuses.
Hand Flamer | Class: Pistol | Range: 10m | RoF: S/-/- DAM: 1d10+4E | Pen: 2 | Clip: 2 | RLD: 2 Full | Special: Flame & Spray Chainsword | Class: Melee | Range: - | DAM: 1d10+2R | Pen: 1 | Special: Tearing
Imperial Robes | Class: Basic Armour | Locations Covered: Arms, Body, Legs | AP: 1 MAX Ag: - | Armour Upgrades: Devotional Iconography ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • HOME WORLD (HIVE):
A character from a hive world applies the following benefits during character creation: Characteristic Modifiers: [+] Agility, [+] Perception & [-] Willpower
A character with the Adeptus Ministorum background applies the following benefits: Starting Skills: Charm, Command, Common Lore (Adeptus Ministorum), Inquiry or Scrutiny, Linguistics (High Gothic)
The Imperium thrives on belief. Belief drives the Adeptus Ministorum in its eforts to unite Mankind in worship of the Emperor. For most citizens, belief might be as simple as the forlorn idea that tomorrow might be a better day, or that they can expect a tomorrow at all. For a Fanatic, though, belief is all. It consumes his life, and the depth of his conviction creates the purity of utter certainty in his actions and utter obsessiveness towards his goals. He might easily hate anyone not agreeing with him as much as he hates the target of his beliefs, and burn friend as well as foe in his quest. Death holds no fear, and any setbacks only make him redouble his eforts. Convinced in the righteousness of his beliefs, no matter what they are, he strides fearlessly against his foes as an unstoppable force, and woe unto anyone or anything that dares bar his way. A Fanatic character gains the following benefits: Role Aptitudes: Leadership, Offence, Toughness, Weapon Skill, Willpower
Prophecy: Only the insane have strength enough to prosper.
• XP SPEND (1000/1000):
CHARACTERISTIC ADVANCES [100XP] Weapon Skill (Simple Advance) - 100XP SKILL ADVANCES [300XP]
STARTING EQUIPMENT & +2 ITEMS REQUISITIONED Weapons: Hand Flamer (2 Clips), Chainsword†
Max Carry WT (SB+TB): 36.0[smaller]KG
† Requisitioned Items
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ECCLESIARCHY OF ENOCH - DUTIES & STRICTURES:
☠ Let the Emperor’s Light guide us in these Dark Times.
☠ What is your character’s name?: Born one Quaiden Voss, he now goes by his Ecclesiarchy given name of Calidus. ☠ How old is your character?: 23 Standard Terran Year Cycles. ☠ What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, physique, race, and visible equipment)?: Brother Calidus is just under 6ft in height and the solid build from years of assembly line labour. His skin is pale having grown up in the sunless sprawl of the lower hive and eyes are slate grey. As a recent noviciate of the Ecclesiarchy he keeps his head shaved. He proudly wears his crimson Imperial robes dressed with numerous litanies and affirmations, and on his personage the tools of his trade: hand flamer, chainsword, pack and servo-skull. ☠ What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?: Calidus studies those he meets and engages with. It is difficult to determine if his questions are mundane or contain some hidden test that only he seems privy to. When speaking of the tenets of his faith his zealousness comes to the fore. ☠ Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?: Born on Gilead Primus, the capital world of the Gilead System, for the majority of his life Calidus was raised in Hive Gulgatha’s manufactorum hab 777. His parents, like him, were labour workers. ☠ Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?: His parents were Gnor and Halda Voss. His father; Gnor worked on vehicle production lines, while Halda, his mother, laboured on the uniform looms. To the best of his knowledge, both continue to live and work productively within Hive Gulgatha. ☠ Do you have any other family or friends?: Calidus was an only child with no friends, outside other children of the manufactorum workers. Once they were of age to fetch, carry and work, there was little time for play or childhood games. ☠ What is your character’s marital status? Kids?: None. No relationships of note. ☠ What is your character’s alignment?: Puritan zealot. ☠ What is your character’s moral code?: Calidus has an extreme sense of duty to his faith and cause. He has learned the value of hard work and sees the world in very black and white terms - tempered with his limited “world experience” as an extension of manufactorum labour in a sense. ☠ Does your character have goals? To serve the Emperor until gifted his death. To serve the Ecclesiarchy until gifted his death. To engage in righteous toil until gifted his death. ☠ Is your character religious? He strictly adheres to the tenets of the Ecclesiarchy of Enoch. ☠ What are your character’s personal beliefs? Pray hard. Work harder. Die hardest. ☠ Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? As touched on above, Calidus has lived a very channelled, focussed life - first in the manufactorum, then the Ecclesiarchy. He disguises his lack of worldliness behind relating everything to the strictures he now zealously follows. ☠ Why does your character adventure? He was inspired by his parish Preacher; Brother Vagaris, to serve the Emperor as an instrument of his will. To bring fiery redemption to those who have fallen. To smite the heretic, the mutant and the xeno. ☠ How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? Following his true calling and conduct the "righteous, honest work” of the Ecclesiarchy. ☠ Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? His scarred forehead bears the tattooed sigil of the "Blessed waters of Enoch" (an open palm gliding over closed fist) surrounded script: Sepulchrum Martyris est lapis angularis Imperii (HG: The martyr's grave is the keystone of the Imperium) - the symbol of his faith and fanaticism. Growing up as a manufactorum line worker Calidus' diet suffered and his rotten teeth were replaced with cheap metal replacements. Additionally he lacks eyebrows - having them singed off when standing too close to burning heretics. ☠ How does your character get along with others? Calidus is highly reverent of the Battle Sisters of the Order of the Sanctified Shield. He respects veterans of the Astra Militarum, particularly those of the Gilead Gravedigger regiments and manufactorum workers for their toil. Any who would serve the greater cause are welcome allies once trust is earned. ☠ Is there anything that your character hates? The heretical who have fallen and the mutant that is corrupted have his particular enmity. ☠ Is there anything that your character fears? He does not fear death in service to faith or Emperor, but failing in his duties is something that give him pause - one masked my the fanatical adherence and administrations of the strictures. |