So my Pathfinder games have been going down the toilet lately. One game I'm playing in is frustrating because our GM is always busy taking care of her kids and husband. I'm not trying to harp on her, we all have things we have to do; but we hardly get anything done in a session.
So I decided to start a new game on Sundays with my boyfriend and some of his friends. It started out great with a bit of metagaming but mostly getting things done. They finished with the first magazine for Carrion Crown in a month. However, things have since gone down hill. The problem is largely conflict between myself (the GM) and one other player. He is one of those people who have played a lot of DnD games (though he's younger than I am by a couple of years), but all the games he's played have been those *crazy* kind of games. You know, the ones where everyone plays by the game mechanics, but all kinds of crazy things go on such as characters from anime jumping in and the like. He's played by the rules by never played *by the rules*. I like to run a game that is logical, orderly, and run by the social/economical/judicial rules.
The conflict all started with alignment. He decided to make his ratfolk Lawful Good. The problem is that he does not play his character as a Lawful Good character. Now I understand that alignment is not set in stone, but he tries to justify all of his actions and thoughts within his alignment. For example, thinking that it's a good idea to punch through a wall in a derelict farmhouse with the entire party in it. No matter how hard he tried to argue the point, lets face it that was not thought or act of a LG character.
I also think that he is one of those people who like to incite party conflict for "fun" while trying to justify it as roleplaying. Example, this evening he tries to explain that he does not trust my character and thinks she is psychotic. I am also role-playing a LG Inquistor of Pharasma. The PC's reasoning behind this was when I started off the group running them through the Godsmouth Heresy my character rushed in to attack the alchemist who was *clearly* creating undead. He (and the other party members) also let one of the undead creations go without my character's knowledge. Now I kind of get that action and it could possibly be construed as a "good" and/or "lawful" action since we were in Kaer Maga at the time. However, claiming conflict with my character based on a general convention against undead and necromancers of any kind does not make sense to me. Most societies view undead as evil and the destruction of them as good. As a LG character, viewing another LG character as crazy evil is ridiculous.
I get that he is *trying* to roleplay his character, but the problem I'm having is "is he roleplaying his character realistically, or is he just trying to stir up conflict". He has already stated that he likes party conflict, but in this game he seems to have singled out me as his target. I don't think dropping my character from the game would actually solve any problems because I think he would just turn the conflict on npcs and cause problems with the campaign and throw a fit when I have npcs act accordingly to his attitude.
I played with a group when I first moved up here where I had the same problem. Only with this group of people, a few of them went out of their way to do things in game to piss me off. I ended up quitting that game because it ended up feeling like a chore.
I don't want to act like a douchbag dm dictating how people play their characters, but no one HAS to start crap with other players and be purposely distrustful or annoying to roleplay.
At this point my boyfriend is pretty much going to quit the game because he doesn't want to deal with the arguing. I would kind of like to have a sit down conversation about this, but also feel like that particular player is just going to claim that he's not trying to start fights and feel like I'm trying to control him by telling him to knock off the party conflict.
At this point I think it might be a good idea to take a break from roleplaying for a couple of months.