Zarat's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Dirk Wößner.


Horizon Hunters

Sanityfaerie wrote:
Hurl at the Horizon does on of two things. If your Meapon Ikon is a thrown weapon, then the immanence increases its range by 10. Cool, cool..

For a divine effect, addition 10 feet for a thrown weapon is not very much. If you have a spear you will increase 20 to 30 feet. A bonus of e.g. 20 or 30 ft. would be cool.

Horizon Hunters

First I thought that I can build a kurgess like exemplar with the fated shot weapon ikon. But rules as written the transcend ability says that "you fire a projectile ... with your weapon ikon". So there is no room for thrown weapons.

Horizon Hunters

I wonder whether in the 3rd Level Feat "Reconfigure" the text "You’ve become an expert in all crafts ..." means that the character gets an update from trainted to expert in crafting.