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Organized Play Member. 90 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Is the formula for a rune considered a magical item for picking as one of your four free formulas when gaining the magical crafting feat?

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I understand the part about reducing the time to learn, what I don't get is the part about using downtime to learn a spell.

1. What task level do I use for learning the spell via downtime? Spell level?
2. Do I still have to make the "Learn a Spell" check?
3. If I do, can I still get it for half price if I critically succeed?
4. Do I still need a teacher or a copy of the spell on scroll or in a book?
5. If not, can I use this to get any spell from my tradition's list?
6. Also, if not, can I get access to uncommon, rare and unique spells this way?
7. How is this any more economic than just working a day job and spending money the traditional way?
8. Is it really going to take a month to learn a 3rd level spell for free?
9. If I do understand how the "Earning an Income" table and this feat work, is there really no difference between expert rank downtime checks and legendary rank downtime checks? (except for 10th with you earn an extra gold per day on success.)


There are many rules that seem unclear as written, or that are missing altogether. Much of that is by design, and some are just typos or omissions that could easily be cleared up in one sentence. I see a lot of threads that could be resolved with a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

Where is the best place for the FAQ-like closed ended questions to be raised where they have a high likelihood of getting a Developer answer?

The section on flanking seems a little abiguous. Note the bolded word is actually bold in the printed book, so I expected to find it's definition in the glossary.

Both you and the ally have to be threatening that enemy: this means you both must be wielding weapons or ready to make unarmed attacks and not under any effects that prevent you from making attacks. If you have reach, you determine whether you are flanking creatures out to the distance of your reach because you threaten all of those squares.

Do ranged attackers threaten?

Each of the archetypes have a level 4 basic feat that gives you access to the level 1 or 2 class feats of that class. e.g basic discovery, fury, muse's whisper, dogma, wilding, maneuver, kata, benediction, hunter's trick, trickery, blood potency, or arcana.

Can these feats be taken more than once?

When crafting ammunition is there a batch or do you always just craft 1?
Can you supply a casting of other spells to vary the spell arrow effect?

I'm pretty sure the answer is 1 and no for the playtest, but will this sort of thing be fleshed out in the final edition?