Female Merchant

Zalania Sapphros's page

170 posts. Alias of stardust.


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Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Currently still suffering from a lot of pain. It's subsided a great deal, but still very difficult to concentrate on anything. Will try to get back in the game soon.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Vhat interesting toys." Zalania says as she follows behind, but her tone of voice makes it obvious that they are not interesting at all.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

lol, so impatient... :P I'm actually relieved that most of my games have kind of slowed down at the moment. :P (Going through extreme mouth pain at the moment. Impacted Wisdom Teeth)

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Vun (One) must always be willing to see what others do not see. But I have also found it true that vun does not go looking for spirits to help, those that are meant to help are usually already doing so. Zhose are the vuns for which you should be looking." Zalania says as she gathers up her cards once again.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Hopefully Zalania is coming across a little odd, but with all good intentions. I am trying to insert a Varisian accent, but finding it a little difficult for some reason. Either way, she should be enjoyable.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania looks over at the card in front of the mysterious character. A lone man sits on a throne, a pool of blood around his feet. "Been through a lot, have you? Don't worry too much about it, its all for the best. If we haven't been where we've been we wouldn't be where we are."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Lady Zellara, yes. We have met. In dreams, not too long ago, now." She is perplexed by the cards that Ashe holds up. "Interesting, 'twas she who said the Harrow would be the guide in the days to come. And I of course believe her."

She holds out her hand hesitantly, almost superstitious of the power that flowed through the haunted deck. "A strong spirit within, yes."

Zalania's own deck is also quite beautifully made. Solid black cards with gilt edges, bright jewel tone colors glimmered in the elegant designs.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Let me see, The Publican" Her linguistic pronunciation of "the" is a little off, and she pronounces it with a Z sound at the beginning.

"Someone who provides for others, food, nourishment, companionship. As a priestess of Desna, perhaps that fits you well." Her head twists a little, as though she were listening to invisible voices. "But perhaps you also have lost your home. Deception flows easily through the streets of Korvosa, and often at the most inopportune times."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Should be noted that Zalania hasn't revealed herself yet to everyone. But she is about to do so. Also, Graxer, Zalania does have a amulet of proof against detection and location, so you'd technically have to make a caster level check to get past that.

She gathers those who come up to her on the deck of the boat. "Let us gather in a more private location. Below deck would be better." She pulls them around her as she descends into the hold, casting a backward glance at those still on the deck.

Once they are in a more secure location, the strange woman stands up straight and her red robes melt away, with a few sparkles of light, revealing a woman dressed in red, blue, and purple Varisian silks, gold and silver threading throughout. Around her head is a red and gold headscarf, and she wears large golden hoop earrings and bangle bracelets.

Beneath her headscarf, a tattoo peeks out from under the edge: the lower two prongs of the seven pointed star and a purple-blue butterfly wing to either side.

At her throat is a large star sapphire pendant in a silver and gold filigree setting, of spectacular craftsmanship. The star of the sapphire is unusual, in that it has seven rays instead of six.

"I am Zalania Sapphros." She swirls her kapenra (shawl-scarf) around her, and it seems heavier than the others, double sided again in blue and purple, with a few twists in the fabric to show off either side. As the scarf again settles on her shoulders, she holds a deck of Harrow cards in her hand. "I've been led by Desna to find you here (of all places). But here is just as good a place as any."

She draws cards from the Harrow deck, dealing them out face up to each of those present, surprisingly revealing each of the cards they personally received from the haunted Harrow deck. She finally holds up the last card from the top of the deck, so that the others can see it: The Wanderer.

"And this is where I am now. Exactly where I'm supposed to be, which is nowhere at all, really." She says the last with a curious smile.

Let me know if you don't yet have a personal card given to you by the haunted Harrow deck.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"A moment, a moment, kenaspa." She says, as she finally crawls onto the fishing boat. She spits once in her hand, and draws the symbol of protection on the railing of the boat as she boards. She looks around at those she can see, also attempting to sense if everyone is trustworthy. "Let me meet the rest of your group, away from prying ears, and I will reveal all."

Her red robes give off a faint hum of magic, perhaps perceptible only to those used to such magics, and her features are still mostly obscured by the hood of the robes, but the robe is decorated with Varisian tattoo symbols along the trim, mostly the seven-pointed stars in silver and gold thread.

She gets a good look at Asherick. "Your hair is white. I did not expect that. But you wear a beautiful kapenia. Doesn't really go with the rest of you, but despite what you might think, you're a man of some contradictions." She states this matter-of-fact, as though reading out of a book of history or traditional lore. She looks around again, apparently more nervous from the fishermen aboard the boat.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

{No, Majenko. I work for no one, except perhaps DESNA as she reveals the mysteries to me.}

She attaches the line to the oarlock, and waits with never-ending patience for her raft to be pulled next to the boat.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Neither, but I know that you are. Can you help me up? You must be the Paladin."

She attempts to guide the raft closer to the Starfish.

She notes with interest that Ashe will look around for potential threats.

"I'm quite alone, I can assure you, but please look if you need to."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"Ahoy the boat." The voice coming from the sea was small and almost lost in the vastness of water that surrounded it. But looking over the railing of the ship does reveal a small raft with a tied on oar and a makeshift sail of sorts. The seven stars of DESNA are painted on the sail of colored silks, and a woman dressed in a red hooded robe stands on the raft as though the buoyancy of the vehicle meant little to her.

Una would be so like "Told you so."

Don't worry, I've played interuptive diviners before. :P

Care to let me in on a Cliff's Notes version of where we're at?

Okay, she should be updated now. I'm not sure about her magic items (she might have a little too much for a 7th level character). Don't have the time right now to check the finances on everything.

Well Zalania is neutral good, so not so Libertarian-minded. And provided you don't get all Lawful Annoying, we'll do good. I also like to think that Una is out there still fighting the good fight for Korvosa.

Well, we'll see if this one clashes as much, Asherick.

(Una Here)

Give me a chance to update her to 7th level.

I was hoping there'd be more comments. I'm sure I messed something up mathematically somewhere and expected one of you all to jump on it.

Supranim (sing. Supernal) (CR 20)
This golden being of light glows with multicolored hues as it releases a sweet melody of insurpassable beauty. Ten beautiful faces appear in different places on the heavenly body, singing songs about Creation.

LG Colossal outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init -1; Senses all-around vision, true seeing, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +37
Aura inspiring daylight, shield of law (DC 26)
AC 31 (+4 deflection, -1 Dex, +20 energy field, +2 insight, +4 luck, -8 size)
hp 372 (24d10+240); fast healing 15
Fort +28, Ref +15, Will +28
DR 15/cold iron or chaotic
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
SR 31
Defensive Abilities infused with light, never surprised or flat-footed
Speed 50 ft. fly 50 ft (perfect), beam teleport
Melee 2 touches +31 (4d6+15 positive energy plus grab; crit. 19-20/x2), 4 wings +26 (2d8+7 positive energy)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks beatific appearance (DC 30), celestial transformation, countersong, songs of creation
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +28)
Constant - shield of law, foresight, freedom of movement, true seeing
At Will - daylight, dimension door, dispel chaos, greater dispel magic, magic missile, plane shift (DC 25), wind walk, word of recall
3/day - dictum (DC 25), dimensional lock, greater magic weapon, greater scrying, summon monster VIII
1/day - quickened heal, imprisonment (DC 27)
Str 40, Dex 8, Con 31, Int 29, Wis 30, Cha 27
Base Atk +24; CMB +47; CMD 62
Feats Awesome Blow, Critical Focus, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (touch), Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (heal), Spell Penetration, Staggering Critical, Vital Strike
Skills Escape Artist +23, Fly +26, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (arcana) +36, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +33, Knowledge (geography) +33, Knowledge (history) +33, Knowledge (planes) +36, Knowledge (religion) +33, Perception +37, Perform (oratory, song) +35, Sense Motive +37, Spellcraft +36, Use Magic Device +35
Languages Celestial; truespeech
SQ light being, harmonious spirit
Environment Heaven, the Chorus of Creation
Organization solitary or host
Treasure double
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that succumb to the supernal's beatific appearance are affected by a joyful rapture effect and a permanent serenity effect. A successful Will save (DC 30) reduces the duration of the serenity effect to 24 hours.
Celestial Transformation (Su)
If a supernal establishes a hold on a creature of Large or smaller size, it can place that creature deep within its own energetic body. This is an engulf attack. At the start of the supernal's turn, an engulfed creature must make a DC 30 Fortitude save and a DC 30 Will save or be transformed at the spiritual level. Such a creature acquires the Half-celestial template and its alignment also changes to good if it is not already good. A creature transformed in this manner can be restored to its original form via break enchantment, miracle, or wish. Otherwise, slaying the half-celestial allows the poor soul to be restored to life via reincarnate, resurrection, or true resurrection.
Inspiring Daylight (Su)
The supernal constantly is surrounded by brilliant light, as bright as daylight, but significantly more powerful, with a radius of 240 feet. Living creatures within this aura are healed of any physical conditions: such as fatigued, nauseated, or sickened. They are also under the effects of the bardic Inspire Greatness ability (2 bonus hit dice, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, +1 competence bonus on Fort saves) for as long as they remain within the light.
Infused with Light (Su)
As long as a supernal has taken hit point damage, liquid light weeps from the wounds in its energy body. This liquid light extends 5 feet per round from the supernal, to a maximum range of 30 feet. All creatures in reach of this liquid light must make a DC 32 Reflex save or become blinded. If the supernal ends its turn with no hit point damage, the liquid light swiftly evaporates, releasing all blinded creatures from their fate. The Save DC is Constitution-based.
Songs of Creation (Su)
As a standard action once every minute, the supernal can sing out songs of creation from its ten mouths. Each of these songs of creation can be directed at a single target within 300 feet of the supernal, but no more than one song can be directed at any one opponent. Songs that are not directed are wasted. The supernal must make a +15 ranged touch attack, and strikes a creature with 40d6 positive energy damage (DC 32 Fortitude partial for 5d6 positive energy damage), a creature killed by this damage explodes in a 5-foot burst of positive energy (see Rebirth ability below). Any creature in this burst must make a DC 32 Will save or be staggered for 1 round, but this otherwise functions as a channel of positive energy, healing 4d6 damage (or causing damage to undead).
Each song also has a different randomly determined effect on its victim. Roll 1d8 on the following chart. This chart can be changed out for different supranim, but for the most part, the songs of creation have positive effects, even if the positive energy is generally more than mortals can bear.
1 Bear's Strength
2 Bull's Endurance
3 Eagle's Splendor
4 Owl's Wisdom
5 Archon's Aura
6 Make Whole (for any broken items) or Masterwork Transformation (if no broken items are present)
7 Discovery Torch (any single item)
8 Wrathful Mantle
Rebirth (Su)
Any living creature (excluding outsiders and undead) killed by the Songs of Creation positive energy attack is reborn 1d4 rounds later, and experiences growth in life rapidly until they reach their normal age. This process requires 2d6 rounds. When a creature is reborn, it also is accompanied by new life. Roll 1d6 on the following chart.
1 50 foot radius of verdant forest, flowery plains, garden or orchard.
2 1d8 plant creatures
3 2d6 animals
4 1d4 elementals
5 1d3 fey
6 1 dire animal
Creatures that appear during the rebirth are always Neutral and will leave the area unless provoked.

The most glorious of the Seraphim, with the exception of the Elohim, is the beautiful Supernal. No Supernal is ever encountered alone, however, as these beings of heavenly power are usually attended by its lightchildren, living creatures that have been absorbed and transformed in the Supernal's pillar of light.

The Supernal is the ultimate agent of creation, and works against agents of entropy and destruction by travelling the planes and using its songs of creation, enervating whole planes and planets with positive life-giving energy.

Supranim can be summoned by gate spells, and have vast knowledge of almost any aspect of Creation. They are very willing to instruct others via song or oratory and there are several books held sacred by good religions that have been transcribed from Supernal's knowledge.

If a Supernal is ever slain, the Chorus of Creation creates another one in a relatively short time. It does not share the memories of the previous incarnation nor any advancements it might have achieved. Lightchildren of a slain Supernal can attempt to transfer some of the slain Supernal's memories to their own conscience, but they must touch the place where the Supernal was killed and commune with the space by making a successful Wisdom check (DC 35).

A new Supernal is fully developed, as presented here. The more creations that a Supernal is responsible for, it grows more powerful, typically gaining more racial Hit Dice as a result. Supranim that take class levels are not unheard of; most who do take levels in oracle but do not gain an oracle's curse.

Tarshishim (sing. Tarshisha) (CR 18)
This divine faceless being is infused with celestial light, and the music of a thousand voices fills the air. She has three pairs of energetic wings, and three gleaming eyes of light surrounding her head.

XP 153,600
LG Large outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +31
Aura shield of law (DC 25)
AC 33, touch 25, flat-footed 21 (+4 deflection, +12 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp 290 (20d10+180); fast healing 10
Fort +25, Ref +30, Will +18
Defensive Abilities displacement, evasion, freedom of movement
DR 15/cold iron and chaotic
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
SR 25 vs. chaotic spells and creatures
Speed 40 ft. fly 60 ft. (perfect), beam teleport
Melee 4 wings +27 (1d6+4 and 1d6 fire, and 1d6 cold)
Ranged 3 eye rays +32 (ability drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks beatific appearance (DC 27), countersong, gleaming terror (DC 29)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +25)
Constant - shield of law (DC 25), displacement, freedom of movement, true seeing
At will - astral projection, greater dispel magic, telekinesis (DC 22)
3/day - quickened astral projection, dictum (DC 24), reincarnation
1/day - binding (DC 25), greater polymorph, telekinetic sphere (DC 25), temporal stasis (DC 25)
Str 26, Dex 34, Con 29, Int 24, Wis 27, Cha 25
Base Atk +20; CMB +29; CMD 55 (71 vs trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (astral projection), Staggering Critical, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +35, Fly +33, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (engineering) +27, Knowledge (history) +27, Knowledge (planes) +27, Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Perform (acting, dance, oratory, song, stringed instruments) +30
Languages Celestial, truespeech
SQ harmonious spirit, light being, orbiting eyes
Environment any (Chorus of Creation)
Organization solitary, pair, or host
Treasure double
Ability Drain (Su)
The gleaming eyes surrounding the tarshisha can each fire a 60 foot ray that drains a different ability score on a hit. One ray drains 1d4 points of Wisdom, another drains 1d4 points of Intelligence, and the third drains 1d4 points of Charisma. Any ray's drain is negated by a DC 29 Fortitude save.
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that succumb to a tarshisha's beatific appearance are inspired for 8 hours, gaining skill ranks in one skill equal to their HD. The specific skill gained is determined by the individual tarshisha, but they typically inspire artistic works, performance ability, or good relations between others. If the skill granted is a Wisdom-based skill, the creature also gains 1d6 temporary Wisdom.
Gleaming Terror (Ex)
If a tarshisa hits a single target with all three of its gleaming rays in the same round, it tears through the victim's spirit, draining an additional 2 ability points from all six of the victim's ability scores. A single DC 29 Fortitude save negates this additional ability drain.
Orbiting Eyes (Ex)
A tarshisha's three large eyes are red, purple-blue, and green, much like giant rubies, deep blue sapphires, and emeralds. These eyes are never more than 5 feet away from the tarshisha's body. An eye that shoots a ray is temporarily blind for one round; otherwise they can be used to perceive as normal eyes, in generally any direction the tarshisha requires. Note the direction that a tarshisha's eyes are facing if one is surprised.

The tarshisha often appears as a pillar of burning light, vaguely humanoid but faceless. She is surrounded by a choir of music, mostly 'female' voices, which is why tarshisha are referred to in the feminine. The three eyes of the tarshisha appear as floating crystals or gemstones of deep vibrant color, and each eye is capable of shooting forth a ray of pure spiritual and emotional destruction.

The tarshisha prefers to use one eye at a time as a weapon, but will bring all three to bear on a terrible foe if necessary.

Tarshisha are mainly seen as agents of inspiration and creativity, using their divine song and influence to inspire mortals to great and powerful deeds and knowledges. An individual inspired by a tarshisha gauns knowledge or ability in a single skill as though they had been practicing it all their life. Most tarshishim favor inspiring knowledge or performance abilities, but other skills are not unheard of.

Some tarshishim are instead used as influential agents of the Chorus of Creation, dispelling powerful enchantments or curses or even reincarnating the dead as some other aspect of creation. They are potent allies in any battle against the agents of chaos.

A tarshisha stands twenty feet tall and its wingspan is 10 feet.

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Why would you want an ambulance? Ambulances can't do anything for cars, just people. A tow truck is much more fitting.

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Malachim (sing. Malach) (CR 14)
An enormous two headed eagle regards you with eyes that are purely blue with only the stars reflected in them. Its four wings glow with heavenly light.

XP 38,400
LG Huge outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft, true seeing, all-around vision; Perception +22
AC 29, touch 7, flat-footed 29 (-1 Dex, +22 natural, -2 size)
hp 203 (14d10+126)
Fort +18, Ref +10, Will +9
DR 10/chaotic
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
Speed 50 ft., fly 50 ft. (Perfect), beam teleport
Melee bite +23 (2d6+11 plus 1d8 bleed and touch of the malachim),
2 claws +23 (1d8+11 plus 1d8 bleed and touch of the malachim)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks beatific appearance (DC 21), countersong, self sacrifice
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +19)
Constant - true seeing
At will - dimension door
3/day - hold monster, legend lore, wandering star motes
1/day - astral projection, heroes' feast
Str 32, Dex 9, Con 28, Int 5, Wis 20, Cha 19
Base Atk +14; CMB +27; CMD 36 (cannot be tripped)
Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Diplomacy +17, Fly +12, Perception +22, Stealth +24; Racial Modifiers +8 Diplomacy, +16 Stealth
Languages Celestial; truespeech
SQ light being, harmonious spirit
Environment Heaven, the Chorus of Creation
Organization solitary, force (2-4)
Treasure standard
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that succumb to the malach's beatific appearance are temporarily clarified with courage. This results in 2 points of temporary Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and the creature is effected by a blessing of fervor for 1d3 rounds. During this time, the creature is also immune to fear effects.
Touch of the Malachim (Su)
A creature that is struck by any of the malach's physical attacks (or touched as an ally) displays glowing runes that emanate choral singing. All living creatures within 30 feet of the touched creature can hear this singing and are inspired by it. Each of these creatures gains a blessing of courage and life and are bestowed weapon proficiency with the temple sword, including the one touched by the malach. The musical sounds and glowing runes also impart a -8 penalty on Stealth checks made by the touched creature.
Self Sacrifice (Su)
A malach can sacrifice itself as a full round action, blasting its enemies with an explosive empowered sunburst, which is then followed by a channeling of positive energy that heals living creatures by 7d6 damage (causing damage to undead). A tarshisha explodes into being at the center of the sunburst.

The malachim are the most miltaristic of the seraphim, and see themselves as the protectors of Creation. In battle, they inspire their allies to fight, often creating armies in defense of virtue and life with their special abilities. When fighting against terrifying foes, a malach is possibly the best ally anyone could have. A malach will use its self sacrifice ability if it must, but uses tactics to determine the best possible time. From the storm of sunlight and positive energy emerges a tarshisha seraph.

A malach has a wingspan of 30 feet.

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Illuminim (sing. Illumination) (CR 12)
A beautiful androgynous form of silver and gold light stands before you, two sets of giant feathered wings outstretched with loving arms.

XP 19,200
LG Large outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init +4; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +21
Aura love (30 ft), repel vermin
AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 23 (+4 Dex, +14 natural, -1 size)
hp 150 (12d10+84)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +15
DR 10/chaotic
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
SR 23
Weaknesses darkness vulnerability
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (Perfect), beam teleport
Melee 2 slams +16 (1d6+4; crit. 19-20 plus 1 Wis damage), kiss +19 (2d6+4 positive energy plus fascination), 2 wisps +14 (1d6+4 nonlethal)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with slams and wisps)
Special Attacks beatific appearance (DC 20), countersong
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +19)
Constant - arcane sight, repel vermin
At will - charm monster (DC 23), light
3/day - heroism, quickened daylight, dispel magic, protection from chaos
1/day - astral projection
Str 19, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 24, Cha 24
Base Atk +12; CMB +16; CMD 26 (30 vs trip)
Feats Improved Critical (slam), Intuitive Sense, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (daylight), Vital Strike
Skills Diplomacy +19, Fly +19, Knowledge (planes) +18, Perception +21, Sense Motive +21, Perform (acting, oratory, song, stringed instrument) +21
Languages Celestial; truespeech
SQ light being, harmonious spirit
Environment any, the Chorus of Creation
Organization solitary, pair, or charity (3-6)
Treasure standard
Aura of Love (Su)
An illumination radiates an aura of love and beauty to a radius of 30 feet. All chaotic and evil creatures in this area take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. Chaotic evil creatures take a -3 penalty and upon first entering the aura must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be sickened for as long as they remain in the area. This ability is Charisma-based.
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that succumb to an illumination's beatific appearance are energized with love for 2d6 rounds. During this time, they are effected by a gallant inspiration effect. An Illumination's beatific appearance also similates a memory of love effect, making it mostly impossible to attack an illumination. A successful Will save (DC 20) reduces the memory of love effect to 1d6 rounds.
Darkness Vulnerability (Ex)
An illumination within an area of complete darkness takes 1 point of Constitution damage per minute it remains in the area. An illumination also cannot use its beam transport movement ability when in complete darkness.
Heart's Enchantment (Su)
An illumination can cast charm monster as a spell-like ability at will, allowing the creature to believe they are in love. For the illumination, who believes in the beauty and valor of love in all its forms, it may also believe it is in love. But this enchantment is semi-alive. As soon as the enchanted victim is cured of the enchantment (either by making a save, being targeted with an effect like break enchantment, or enduring the full duration of the spell), the enchantment breaks free from the victim's soul, leaving behind gaping wounds of emotional pain, causing 1d6 Charisma damage and 1d6 Wisdom damage and rendering the victim dazed for 2d6 rounds sobbing uncontrollably unless he makes a final DC 23 Willpower save.
Kiss of Illumination (Su)
An illumination can kiss a target creature as a touch attack, inflicting positive energy damage and causing the target to be fascinated for 10 rounds if the attack hits. If the target makes a DC 23 Willpower save, he or she avoids fascination.

The illumination is a living manifestation of romantic love, purposeful love, and loving adoration. The energetic being of wisps and brilliant light is so fond of loving and being loved that it seeks to spread this feeling throughout the multiverse. This power of love is soul-touching and deeply penetrating, sometimes to the point of heart-breaking. It is a sorrow that is part of the beauty of the experience, though it can leave a mortal being devastated for some time.

An illumination's tear can be used as a material component when crafting an elixir of love to half the crafting cost (or in other devices that create sensations of being or falling in love). An illumination is 12 ft. tall with a wingspan of 20 ft.

Seraphim do not normally lie, believing in the beauty of truth as one of the highest ideals of the cosmos. The illumination has a skill in performance (acting), not in order to deceive or pretend, but rather as a means of portraying emotional truths and spiritual truths through storytelling and universal archetypes.

Hmm, well if you chart out the old D&D cosmology, like I did in one of my notebooks... You'll find you have to use three coordinates. And that there are three missing from the balance.

I forget what they are at the moment, cause I've lost the graph. But I remember LLE and LLG were ones that were missing. CGG was also one that was missing if I remember correctly.

Yes, that's fine. I may have used some 3rd party spells from d20pfsrd. (mainly because I couldn't find ones that I needed in the core rules).

Also, I've noticed that I haven't been putting the countersong special attack in all the entries, so if you notice that missing, put it in. All Seraphim also have the Special Qualities of light being and harmonious spirit.

Ophanim (sing. Ophan)(CR 10)
A beautiful throne of precious metals and sparkling diamonds, with a gleaming, holy aura stands before you. It has twelve wings of brilliant white feathers, studded with diamonds and rubies.

XP 9,600
LG Medium outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17
Aura stunning aura
AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+5 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 125 (10d10+70)
Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +7
Defensive Abilities diamond spray
DR 10/chaotic
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good)
Melee 4 wings +15 (1d6+3; crit. 19-20/x2 plus 1d4 force), slam +15 (2d6+3; crit. 19-20/x2 plus 1d4 force)
Special Attacks beatific appearance (DC 18), countersong, stunning aura (DC 18)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +13)
At will - magic missile
7/day - good hope, protection from chaos
1/day - astral projection, wall of iron
Str 16, Dex 21, Con 24, Int 9, Wis 19, Cha 16
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 28 (can't be tripped)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (slam), Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +21, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (planes) +12, Perception +17, Perform (song) +16
Languages Celestial; truespeech (disembodied voice)
Environment any (the Chorus of Creation)
Organization solitary or triumph
Treasure triple gems
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that succumb to an ophan's beatific appearance are enraptured for 1d8 rounds. During this time, the creature is struck by a euphoria effect. (-4 Wisdom, +4 Constitution, +4 save vs fear, disabled while with negative hitpoints, instead of unconscious.) A successful Will save (DC 18) negates this ability.
Diamond Spray (Su)
An ophan's body contains many diamonds, rubies and other gemstones. Each time an ophan is damaged by a bludgeoning or slashing weapon, all creatures adjacent to the ophan take 1d6 points of piercing damage. (2d6 piercing damage if the attack is a critical hit)
Stunning Aura (Su)
As an ophan is shaped like a throne, a single medium sized creature can sit on it (two small creatures). When an ophan carries a passenger, it releases a stunning aura. Those adjacent to the ophan must make a Will save (DC 18) each round, or fall prone. Those who pass the save fall to their knees and are staggered for one round.

The ophanim are flying thrones that have the duty of representing and proclaiming the pinnacle of mortal and natural creations and also of glorifying the Seraphim Lords (or their chosen representatives). An ophan and its charge(s) are usually the centerpiece of a triumph of Seraphim. When not serving the Seraphim Lords directly, the ophanim enjoy lifting up the spirits of astral travelers and aiding those on spiritual quests of enlightenment.

When it uses its wall of iron ability, the ophan produces a wall of gold, with diamonds and rubies studded throughout. These last only for the duration of the spell, which can be made permanent.

A typical ophan is 5 feet in diameter and weighs 260 pounds, with a 10 feet wingspan.

artavan wrote:
I'm really enjoying this game. I finished the recent Deus Ex full passive and unobserved and I find Dishonored more challenging so far. The art style and "whale-punk" elements are effective. The game not so subtly nudges you to play non lethal warning that more rats, weepers and increased guard level results from creating chaos through violence.

For some people, that's not a warning. It's an invitation.

Hashmalim (sing. Hashmal) (CR 7)
A being of pure holy energy crackles with lightning that hums with a symphony of celestial music, surrounded by colorful feathered wings of prismatic light.

XP 3,200
LG Large outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft, Perception +18
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size)
hp 80 (7d10+42)
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +9
DR 10/cold iron or evil
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
Speed 30 ft.
Melee blessed energy spark +12 (1d8+6), 4 wings +8 (1d4+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks beatific appearance (DC 15) countersong, inspiration strike
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +9)
Constant - telepathy
At will - bless
3/day - charm person (DC 13), protection from chaos
1/day - astral projection, charm monster (DC 16)
Str 22, Dex 16, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 15
Base Atk +7; CMB +14; CMD 27
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Weapon Focus (wings)
Skills Appraise +15, Craft (any one) +11 or Profession (any one) +14, Diplomacy +19, Knowledge (planes) +11, Perception +18, Perform (oratory, song) +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Appraise, +4 Diplomacy, +4 Perception
Languages Celestial; truespeech
Environment any (the Chorus of Creation)
Organization solitary, pair, or work force (3-10 plus 6-12 workers of various races)
Treasure double
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that succumb to a hashmal's beatific appearance are encouraged for 1d6 rounds. All creatures able to see the hashmal get +3 circumstance bonus on a certain skill check (determined by the individual hashmal) and +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Blessed Enegy Spark (Ex)
The damage from a blessed energy spark is half holy, half electrical.
Inspiration Strike (Su)
Once per round, in place of a melee attack with a blessed energy spark, a hashmal can make a melee touch attack with the blessed feathers on the tips of its wings, to inflict 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage. The hashmal only uses this ability as a last resort in self defense or in defense of the sacred order of the Cosmos. A hashmal can leave a seed of inspiration with this attack, which acts as a dream spell the next time the target creature is asleep.

The hasmalim are the seraphim most interested in inspiring great works, and are not often found in the choirs of seraphim. The hasmalim are also the most individualist of the seraphim, with each hashmal having a unique name and identity, usually related to the skill that their appearance inspires. While a hashmal has the powers of suggestion, it never uses it for evil, and uses its telepathy ability to communicate with others to determine how best to use charm person or charm monster spell-like abilities.

Those enchanted by the hashmal with such spells rarely feel compelled to do things they do not wish to do, and instead experience a sacred inspiration to perform the tasks the hashmal has in mind, whether it be planting a magnificent beautiful garden, building a majestic cathedral, writing an epic play of the struggle between good and evil, or some other noble effort that the seraphim approve of.

Although a hashmal lacks hands, instead surrounded by crackling holy energy and four wings of prismatic light, the feathers on those wings are capable of incredibly dextrous manipulations. It cannot wield most weapons, but is often equipped with artisan tools of its craft or profession, or even blessed artisan tools.

The hashmal's body is a column of sparkling energy about 8 feet tall - its wings are about 8 feet long as well, swirling around it in a cascade of brilliantly colored prismatic light feathers.

Sur-Hashmalim (sing. Sur-Hashmal) (CR 8) (4,800 XP)
The Sur-Hashmalim has the Advanced Template, and the Leadership feat. These special seraphim may be found on quests outside the Chorus of Creation, perhaps leading their own war band or a work band. Sur-Hashmalim are strange aspects of the Chorus of Creation. One celestial philosopher says that the Sur-Hashmalim are like the unexpected sharp notes in a grand symphony. Unlike other seraphim, the Sur-Hashmalim may be Chaotic Good or Neutral Good, and often have an independent streak that leads them to separate from other seraphim and the collectivist mentality that the seraphim are known for.

Feel free to make corrections as you see the need. :)

Cherubim (sing. Cherub) (CR 2)
A small, chubby winged child-like humanoid with glowing white wings floats about, laughing with pure joy.

XP 600
LG Small outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, seraph)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft, detect chaos, detect magic; Perception +7
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+1 natural, +2 size)
hp 12 (3d10-3)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4
DR 5/cold iron or evil
Immune fire, poison, sonic attacks, mind-affecting effects;
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee slam +5 (1d3-2, crit. 20/x2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks beatific appearance (10 feet, DC 9), countersong, lay on hands
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th, concentration +7)
Constant - detect chaos, detect magic
1/day - astral projection, compassionate ally, detect thoughts
1/week - commune (six questions)
Str 7, Dex 11, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +0; CMD 11 (19 vs trip)
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7, Diplomacy +7, Fly +15, Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +7, Perform (stringed instrument) +7
Languages Celestial, Common; truespeech
SQ light being, harmonious spirit
Environment Heaven, the Chorus of Creation
Organization solitary, choir (6), triumph, or host
Treasure none
Beatific Appearance (Su)
Creatures that can visually sense a cherub are immediately calmed for 1 round. A cherub's beatific appearance only functions at a range of 10 feet. Once a creature makes a saving throw against a particular cherub's beatific appearance, that creature is immune to the beatific appearance of all cherubim for 24 hours. A calmed creature is not affected by any mental effects and is freed from harmful emotion effects, while it is calmed. A creature can make a Will saving throw to resist this ability. (DC 9)
Lay on Hands (Su)
A cherub can heal wounds and certain conditions, by laying on hands, which it can perform a number of times per day equal to 1 + its Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, the cherub heals 1d6 hit points of damage as a standard action. This can, alternatively, be used to deal damage to undead creatures, requiring a successful melee touch attack that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Mercy (Su)
A cherub can remove the fatigued condition as part of its lay on hands ability. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless its power actually removes the affliction that causes the condition.

Cherubim are the weakest of the Seraphim. They serve as messengers of good tidings, happiness, as healers of the injured, and as inspiring servants of the Light. On the Material plane, they can be bound to good mortals to serve as familiars, acting as spiritual guides, singing songs of creation and otherwise providing aid and music. A 7th level spellcaster of good alignment with the Improved Familiar feat can gain a cherub familiar.

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Yes, I know. that's coming... :P I had limited time for posting. Check the thread later for further creations:

One of the things that I forgot to mention about the personality of the Seraphim, is that they refer to themselves in the plural (I guess like the Borg).

Cherubim (sing. Cherub) opposes Cythnigot
Supranim (sing. Supernal) opposes Iathavos
Malachim (sing. Malach) opposes Augnanar
Illuminim (sing. Illumination) opposes Chernobue
Ophanim (sing. Ophan) opposes Nyogoth
Hasmalim (sing. Hashmal) opposes Shoggti
Tarshishim (sing. Tarshisha) opposes Thulgant

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Bestiary 2 presents a new foe for adventurers to overcome, a deadly assortment of chaotic evil outsiders that resonate with dreadful and disgusting evil: the Qlippoth. Being a Cthulhuphile, I was immediately intrigued by them and set out to do some more research. I found that they may be more based on actual magick, spiritual truth than I believe is spiritually safe: they are based on the Kabbalistic Qliphoth: the embodiment of evil in the sacred Tree of Life.

So I have decided to introduce the counter-beings to the Qlippoth in my own Pathfinder games (in and out of Golarion), also based on Kabbalistic spiritual beings: The Seraphim. (Sing. Seraph)

At the height of the Mountain of Heaven lies a region known only as the Summit of Heaven. "There within its walls, each newborn archon undergoes a mysterious transformation, though none of them quite recalls exactly what transpires" (The Great Beyond, p. 38). The Summit of Heaven lies at the conflux of two dimensions, Heaven and the Chorus of Creation. This realm is unlike any other Outer Plane, but it is higher than the Heights of Heaven and mysterious to many who wonder the realms. Few can even acknowledge its presence (requiring a Knowledge (planes) check DC 40 to be aware of.) Within the Chorus of Creation lies a race of celestials known as the Seraphim. Their origin remains a mystery to most who have attempted to understand them, but it is said they are intricately tied to their plane, the Chorus of Creation itself, which seems to have manifested as a result (or in conflict to) the natural entropy, chaos, and destruction that fills the Cosmos.
Most Seraphim have vaguely human shapes with many massive wings of beautiful energy. A few have other forms, though. Seraphim take on shapes of pure celestial energy, representing the act of creation itself, but perhaps more importantly assuming shapes and powers opposite of their most destructive foe the Qlippoth. And yet, the Seraphim have never completely set out to destroy the Qlippoth, often sending out Angels and Archons to perform such deeds for them. But there may be a reason why the Seraphim do not attempt to kill the Qlippoth. As each Qlippoth was spawned from the nothingness at the beginning of time, so the Seraphim were spawned from the light and creative power infused in the stars themselves. They are mystically tied, the Qlippoth, and the Seraphim. It is rumored the Guardians of Creation and the Guardians of Entropy are trapped in some mystical balancing act preventing the Qlippoth Lords from battling with the Seraphim Lords (Elohim), and vice versa.
The Seraphim inspire both paladins and bards with their beautiful acts of creation. The Seraphim seek to exhibit light in it purest and most beautiful forms with love, hope, and inspiration of creative acts. Even their acts of destruction are mostly creative in nature, and few Seraphim seek to destroy something without recognizing its place in the Song of Creation. To the Seraphim, everything in existence exists for some purpose, a divinely understood purpose, and the Songs that the Seraphim sing help them to understand how Creation and Entropy balance one another.
All Seraphim wish to understand and participate in the acts of Creation, beautiful and harmonious emotions, and the greater effects of goodness that even angels and archons have a difficult time perceiving or understanding. If anything, a Seraphim can be said to embody the purest ideals of goodness and perfection. They care for mortal's emotions, societies, and many aspects of the physical planes. They are concerned when fear, chaos, or confusion tear them apart. Though sorrow has a special place in the beauty of Creation.
Some Seraphim interact regularly with mortals, inspiring them to greater deeds, to produce great works of art, music, and literature, or to engage with all Creation in a meditative way. Even war, for the right cause, is inspired by these beautiful beings. Other Seraphim seek to protect life, and do not engage in war. It seems that the different types of Seraphim know their places well, and act in accordance and harmony with one another, all in accordance with the Song of Creation.
When called via spells like planar ally, seraphim are not judgemental of their host's life or existing alignment. They seek to transform evil into good by helping them understand the beauty of Creation. When not transforming evil to good, they protect pregnant mothers and innocent children from harm.

Seraphim (sing. Seraph) are lawful good outsiders from the Heavenly realm of the Chorus of Creation..

  • Immunity to fire, mind-affecting effects, sonic attacks, and poison
  • Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
  • Beatific Appearance (Su): All seraphim have a benign, beautiful appearance that those who gaze upon them are calmed or blessed by their encounter. A seraph can present itself as a standard action to beatify the senses of living creatures within 30 feet. The exact effects of the seraph's appearance vary by the type of Seraph. This ability is a mind-affecting gaze attack. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the seraph's Hit Dice + the seraph's Charisma modifier) reduces or negates this effect.
  • Truespeech. All Seraphim can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (CL 14th). This ability is always active.
  • Light Being. All Seraphim have an inherent connection to the astral plane, and may access the astral plane at least once a day, as through astral projection (except that the Seraph transfers entirely to the astral plane, converting his or her body into an astral form.) Some Seraphim have the beam teleport movement speed. (6,000,000,000 ft or 1,116,000 miles). A beam teleport movement can move through any space or barrier through which light can move.
  • Harmonious Spirit. All Seraphim are aware of the Songs of Creation, and have a special relationship to music, both inspiring it and being inspired by it. A Seraphim may be inspired (or otherwise positively influenced) by bardic performance, and can also be fascinated, even though these are normally mentally-affecting effects. All Seraphim possess the countersong ability and can use it as a bard with levels equal to its hitdice.
  • Except where otherwise noted, Seraphim speak Celestial.

Wow, how similar can you get? Sensing some artwork imitation, but maybe its just me.

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Try getting your Harrow readings done by someone who actually does tarot. It's both awesome and creepy.

I used to read tarot professionally. I read the Harrow for our CotCT game. I didn't start as DM and the first Harrow reading predicted half the AP. I ended up DM and still read the Harrow and found it predicted player actions. My players were impressed enough that they had me reading the Harrow several times per adventure for tips, kicks, and awesome. Whenever they'd get stuck, out came the Harrow and they used it to get out of being stuck.

My readings only failed at one thing. Lem never did get his beating.

I have done this quite a few times, myself, being a Tarophile. I've developed a way to create character backgrounds with a Harrow reading, and its quite good because it often takes smaller ideas I've been working with and develops them more fully.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania looked up again, as Ash entered, but she recognized a silence-seeking soul when she saw one, so said nothing to distract her from her contemplations.

She spoke instead to the dwarf and half-orc. "You will find better hunting to the northeast. Most likely." After a brief pause she continues, "Be careful of the mossy stump though."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania looks up a mere second before the elf enters the tent.

"Hello, sir. If you like, I can tie your mount to my wagon with my horses. I - Oh yes, I see. Ornerokh might not like that experience. Well, perhaps on the opposite side?"

At the mention of the performance, Zalania's eyes grow wide.

"Now here is knowledge that has evaded me. Does our esteemed proprietor perform music by chance? Anything of the Varisian variety?"

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania does her best to ignore the loud counting of quaffs by the half orcs.

"Ah yes. I was hoping for more genteel big folk. But I can see this is not just an establishment for persons of small stature."

The halfling serving wench walks by again, and Zalania drops a few more silver pieces on her tray, taking a second light ale.

"Not to say that I dislike half-orcs entirely. I had one as a friend in the distant past who suddenly vanished in the woods. He and his dwarf companion. I did manage to save a fox from a hideous trap though... He is sleeping in my wagon. The fox, that is."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Wouldn't it be cool if there were a bulletin board or something in the bar where DMs could post adventurer calls? I mean, in character. Like with an NPC or something... lol. Of course, that won't work with some adventures.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Choosing to not correct the mistranslation, Zalania looks around.

"No, no injustice among friends. Dwarves, gnomes, and halflings... Where are the big folk? Am I the only one?"

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"I thought I sensed danger in the forest. I will not stop to ask what kind, for these things are often better left unspoken. Besides, I relish surprises, when I can find them."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania gestures upwards with a shrug and a whisk of her hand.

"I follow the movement of the stars. Where Desna points, there go I."

She places her hand down as though the dramatic movement were distasteful to her.

"But in all honesty, the wheel of my wagon was about to hit something that would break it, so I decided to stop and see what was here."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

"I do have pretty scarves. I would not be surprised if you do not remember me. Often I remember people I have never met before."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

She shakes her head at the mention of the tea.

"No, no. I am alright now. I was only slightly confused. Forewarnings do not work as well sometimes."

At the mention of introducing herself, Zalania starts.

"But I already-... Oh. Yes, of course. I am Zalania Sapphros, diviner of knowledge, reader of fates and fortunes."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania looks up.

"Ah, yes... of course, the wolf is Thistledown. It makes sense now. Then you must be Betony."

She takes a mug of light ale from the halfling serving wench.

"And of course the owner of this establishment is Boomer."

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

A young woman dressed in typical Varisian attire approaches the tent. A sudden wind snaps up and blows a light branch with dried leaves still attached up behind the woman. She sidesteps at the last moment without looking behind her, then continues into the tavern.

She noted with some approval (and a strange sense of familiarity) the gnome, the wolf and its companion.

"And you must be..... Thistledown." She says, gesturing towards Betony. Her voice bears the telltale signs of a Varisian accent. "By Desna's tears, that can't be right!"

She sits down at the bar and places her hand over her eyes as though experiencing a headache.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Hey all. I'm Zalania, one of the potential replacements. I'm a Varisian Diviner, with a strong interest in the Harrow. I generally have a sense of what's coming before we actually encounter it, though why I can't really say. Zalania was converted from a Beta 20 point buy, so if I messed up on something, let me know.

Okay, sorry about that. She was transferred over from the Beta rules. I've switched Wisdom and Charisma scores to allow for Harrowed feat and removed starknife proficiency.

xyrophobic wrote:

looking for someone to replace a witch character that dropped from my PbP. Looking for a character with a good backstory, willing to roleplay and post most weekdays. Please include a concept to be considered. The party is local to Falcon's Hollow and includes a ranger, rogue, oracle, and druid.

15 point buy.

game thread

Hmm, how about a Varisian diviner? I'm not sure if she's a 15 point buy, but I made her originally for a Falcon's Hollow game that got dropped. EDIT: She was originally a 20 point buy, but I edited her stats. :P

Backstory: Not really connected with the local area, Zalania mostly grew up in a caravan. She acquired an interest in the Harrow Cards from her grandmother, and since then has been fully devoted to understanding their mysteries. She has a knack for knowing things just before they happen.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

After waiting for what seems like hours, Zalania realizes the fox is tired and hungry, so she starts to head back to the noisy logging camp.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner) 7 / Harrower 1

Zalania Sapphros stands before a colorful wooden wagon, scarlet and fuschia curtains over the back.

"Come one, come all! Hear your futures told according to this ancient Varisian art! Only 5 silver pieces to tell you what the Towers of Lady Desna have in store for you!"

You knew it would happen eventually. I'll be glad to do harrow readings for your characters! Stumped on a problem in your game. Having difficulties with one of the other player characters. I can help! Ask your DM if he'll be willing to share suitable information about the future and I'll reveal what I can.

I will also gladly do Harrow Past Readings for those of you who would like more information about your past, or perhaps are developing backstories for your characters.