About Zaitherin SomerasZaitherin Someras, Fetchling Oracle I would like to present Zaitherin Someras. She is a follower of Gorum. Terminally ill, she finds that as long as she furthers Gorum's name, and revels in glorious battle, her illness is kept at bay. She is a young priestess, called to Gorumat a young age, and is currently on track to be a high-ranking member of the church. She is a sort of gish character, with melee abilities and spells in equal measure. Some buff spells, some healing, some social abilities. I have a backstory I'm working on. I will post it soon; I'd love any input. A little about me as a player: I’ve been in play-by-post games off and on for years. I’ve run a few; been in several. As for posting, I can do 2-3 a day on the weekends, but since I can (and do) get on the Paizo website at work, can basically post as much as needed Monday-Friday. So I made a talkative character to capitalize on that. Character Sheet:
Statistics HP: 35 AC: 20 Touch: 13 Flat-Footed: 17 Initiative: +3 Speed: 20 ft Base Attack Bonus: +3 Melee: +8, +7 when Power Attacking Combat Maneuver Bonus: +7 Combat Maneuver Defense: 20 Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +3 Skills:
Class Features: Battlefield Clarity: Once per day, as an immediate action, whenever you fail a saving throw that causes you to become blinded, deafened, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, or stunned, you may attempt that saving throw again, with a +4 insight bonus on the roll. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. Surprising Charge: Once per day, you can move up to your speed as an immediate action. War Sight: Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. Racial Traits:
Favored Class Option:
Spell Slots Per Day:
Spells Known:
Magic Items:
Adventuring Gear Carried:
Currency Carried:
GP Expenditures:
Background: Spoiler:
Zaitherin was often sick, at a very young age. Several healers have tried to correct her health problems, but to no avail. It was magic in nature, and even those spellcasters hired by her parents couldn't succeed. The truth is, Gorum had cursed her to die, unless she served him. No one knows this, least of all Zaitherin herself. All she knows is that when she defended herself from bullies, her health would improve dramatically. She didn't feel sick when she fought, and her health would continue to improve for several days after each fight. Eventually she put it together, and experimented with arms training. The weapon training didn't work as well as actual fighting but it did keep the sickness at bay. She trained in the use of several weapons, and in armor. Eventually she was taken in by a wandering minstrel who sang tales of glorious battle. He escorted the young girl to a temple of Gorum, and there she stayed. She came to find that as long as she maintained a lifestyle of frequent battle, she would live a healthy, relatively normal life. Gorum even blessed her with spells! she has been a loyal member of the church ever since. The Church of Gorum has been inundated with visions that there is a coming conflict in Karpan, something that could turn into a larger conflict if not corrected. Many in the Church were initially confused, but then Zaitherin's mentor, an old soldier, and a high-ranking priest of Gorum, explained. "There is trouble brewing. If we leave it unchecked, one side or the other will massacre the other. That will be the end of it. But the Lord in Iron tells us that if we send agents there to restore peace, Great Conflict shall arise later, as well as our agents basking in the glory of combat...and apparently we'll get a few converts too!" So Zaitherin was sent to investigate. She is much more intelligent than many of her comrades, and so was sent to use her intelligence to find out the source of the conflict, and correct it.
Personality: Spoiler:
Zaitherin has the bouncy and upbeat personality of a child, but with the battle-hardened determination and dedication of a career soldier. Many mistake her optimism for a lack of maturity, but that isn't the case. She has just learned that people underestimate you when you are friendly and smile. And, as the student of an excellent tactician, she is always on the lookout for any advantage she can possess. Appearance: Spoiler:
Zaitherin looks like a 14 year old girl, or perhaps a young looking 16. Fetchlings age slower than humans, and she is actually 30. She isn't quite full grown, but Gorum has blessed her with tremendous strength. Overall, she is in fantastic shape, and doesn't look at all like the threat she poses. -Roycilo |