Full Name |
Zadrick Morrin |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Barbarian 1st |
Gender |
Male |
Alignment |
CG |
Deity |
Gorum and Desna |
Strength |
16 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
18 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
10 |
About Zadrick
Appearance: Zadrick is a tall Varisian with black hair and a scarred up face. He wears a red embroidered vest over his chain shirt, black pants with an orange belt. His arms are covered varisian tattoos. His left is covered in vibrant flames, his right vines and flowers. He has several braclets made of silver and braided string and hair. His giant sword strapped to his back looks out of place with is colorful varisian cloths.
Init: +5
Senses: + 4
AC:17 Chain Shirt +4 (Dex +3), touch 13, flat-footed 14
Rage: 15
HP: 22
Rage: 24
Current: 22
Rage Points: 8
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0
Languages: Common, Varisian
Speed: 40' (8 squares)
Melee: +4
Ranged: +4
Base Atk: +1; CMB: 4; CMD DC: 14
Skills: 4 + 1 (Human)
formula: Rank, Ability, Class, Mis
Acrobatics 1+3+3-1= 6
Climb 1+3+3-1= 6
Intimidate 1+3= 4
Perception 1+3=4
Stealth: +0+3+0-1= 2
Survival 1+3= 4
Swim 1+3+3-1= 6
Traits: Reactionary, Armor Expert
Feats: Big Game hunter, Overhand Chop, Dodge
Class abilities
Fast Movement
Master Work Greatsword, Two-Handed - Attacks: +5; Damage: 2d6+6 (Slashing); Critical: 19-20/x2.
Rage: Attack: +7; Damage: 2d6+10.
Throwing Axe, One-Handed: Attack +4; Damage: 1d6+3 (Slashing); Critical: x2; Range: 10ft.
Rage: Attack: +6; Damage: 1d6+5
Shortbow, Two-Handed - Attacks: +4; Damage: 1d6 (Piercing); Critical: x3; Range: 60 ft.
Armor: Chain Shirt
On Body: 3 Throwing Axes, Shortbow
Belt pouch: Acid, candle, thieves tools, flint and steel, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 10 pp, 44gps, 8sp, 6cps
Backpack: candle, flask, arrows X 20, rations X 4, bedroll, water skin, Sunrod x4, Torch x3, Lantern (hooded), oil x2.
Experience Points: 0