
Yoshito "Random Hero" Nakagawa's page

22 posts. Alias of Roidrage.

About Yoshito "Random Hero" Nakagawa

Name: Yoshito Nakagawa
Alias: Random Hero
Race: Ork
Sex: Male
Nationality: Caucasian
Lifestyle: Middle (2 months 10,000)
Karma Spent:

Physical Description:
Yoshi is a little small for a ork, standing only 5’10’’ and has an average build. Yoshi is one of the more human looking orks, his tan skin doesn’t give off a green hue and his tusks stick out only when you get close to him. He has short spikey sandy blonde hair with a constant stubble on his face. He is usually wears a crimson red duster with a series of minor customizations to it to mimic a favored anime gunslinger. He usually wears a mocked up black and silver bike suit underneath to finish the illusion. Though he wears a various amounts of clothes for all his different situations.

Personality:He wishes he could be the cool and collective hero, but in reality he is a little bit of spaz. He gets overly excited about small things, and is always up for an arguement about various anime or pop culture fandom.

Basic History:Yoshi grew up in Redmond, his family was boring the only good they brought him was his dad introducing preawakening anime into his life. Hey grew up outside of the system his dad was a wiz with forgery’s , so there were always a few intresting people around. Yoshi inherited his father’s knack at the computer, and dove into the matrix most of his time living in another realm and getting copies of the old anime. As he got older he didn’t want to settle with little money he wanted the big money! So when he was old enough he left his home and didn’t look back, he ran with some time peeps at first doing a hack job to sell some info here and making a forgery every once in a while. Everybody he ran with always heard him say I wannabe rich, I wannabe Japanese, I wannabe a legend, I wannabe like vash, I wannabe ….. That he started to earn the nickname Wannabe. As he got deeper into the shadows of Seattle, he was getting tired of the little stuff and figured out he should mix to of his passions together and start a business. He always loved anime and when he could afford a gun he got it, and loved all the aspects of firearms. He thought of them like his programs and matrix software, always can modify them to what you want them to look and fire like. So he saved up his money and opened up a custom gun shop/ Ramen noodle stand with forgeries on the side. To the government it was a run down noodle shop with a large work area. He showed off his personal collection to many like his angel arm revolver, or his wolf machine pistol. Though a cop got too nosey and want a huge pay off, so Yoshi lost most of his profits from blackmail, and people started moving away after word got out that a cop hung out around there. He found enough dirt on the matrix to keep that cop at bay, but needed more capital to save his shop, so he got a large loan from a local Loan Shark (leaving it up to the GM). So he started back up with a lot of his clientel gone, so he is forced to run in the shadows to save Yoshi’s Big Bowl.


Body 4
Agility 5(6)
Reaction 5
Strength 3(4)

Charisma 1
Intuition 5
Logic 5
Willpower 3

Edge 1
Magic/Resonance XXXXX
Essence 3.12
Initiative 10(1 pass)
Initiative(matrix):10(3 passes)

[b]Positive Qualities
Codeslinger(Hacking on the fly)
Human Looking
Negative Qualities
In Debt (30,000)

Active Skills
Skill Group
First Aid(1)
Pilot Groundcraft(1)

Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)30 Skill Group
Corporate Matrix Security Procedures(1)
Operating Systems(3)
Matrix Chat rooms(3)
Trid Dealers(4)
Firearm Design:(4)
VR Games(2)
Auction Dealers(1]
Ramen Recipes (3)
Language Skills

Implated Commlink(Modified Farlight Caliban)
Cost 2,000+comlink+programs+OS=$66,450
Notes-w/ Sim Module(modified to Hot sim)
Response:4, Signal:5, System:6, Firewall:6
Progarms:Analyze(4), Browse(6), Command(5), Edit(5), Encrypt(5), Scan(6), Armor(3), Attack(6), BlackHammer(3), Black out(5), Databomb(3), Decrypt(5), Defuse(3), Spoof(5), Stealth(3), Track(5), ECCM(4), Exploit(5), Medic(3), Sniffer(4), 2 Agents(3). VR Games, Virtual weather.

Cybereyes(rating 3)
Cost 11,500
Notes Alpha, Eye Recording Unit, Image Link, Smartlink, Low-Light Vision, Thermographic Vision, Flare Compensition, Vision Magnification.

Cost 500

Control Rig
Essence .5

Cyber ears(rating 1)
Cost 500
Notes Ear Recording unit, Sound link.

Muscle Replacement(1)
Essence .8
Cost 10,000

Spells/Complex Forms/Programs
Program XXXXX


Modified Ruger Super Warhawk 3R 2,600¥
(AP:-2 Damage:6P Ammo:8(cy) Mode:SA RC:1
Mods:Personalized Grip, Melee Hardening, Increased cylinder, Fire selection change(SS to SA), Smartlink, Customized look(2). Accessories:Quickdraw Holster.)
AZ-150 Stun Baton w/ personalized grip, 900¥
(AP:-half Daamge:7S(e) Reach:1 ammo: 8(s) Extra:)
Defiance Protector w/personal grip 475¥
(AP:-half Damage:6S(e) Mode:SA Ammo:3(m)
Accessories:Concealable Holster)
Fichetti Tiffani Needler 850¥
(AP:+5 Damage:8P(f) Mode:SA Ammo:4(c)
Accessories:Hidden Gun slide)
Modified Steyr TMP 3,700¥
(AP:- Damage:4P Mode:SA/BF/FA RC:4 Ammo:30(c) Clips:
Mods:Custom Look(2), Electronic Firing, gas vent 3, smartlink
Accessories:Concealable Holster)
Modified Colt M23 3,115¥
(AP:-1 Damage:6P Mode:SA/BF/FA RC:4(5) Ammo:40 clips:
Mods(internal):Custom Look(2), Foregrip, Gas vent(3), Smartlink, Folding stock, Sling. Mods(external)Sound Supressor, Imaginging scope(Vision Mag and Thermographic))

Armor Clothing 4/0 (500¥)
Lined Coat 6/4 (700¥)
Armor Jacket 8/6 (900¥)
Subvocale Microphone (50¥)
Holo Projector(2) (400¥)
Fake Sin(rating 4, Akira Koh) (4,000¥)
Fake License(for Warhawk:rating 3) (300¥)
Trids (3,000¥)
Armorer Shop (5,000¥)
Armorer Tools(500¥)
Hardware Tools (500¥)
Auto-picker(rating 6) (1,200¥)
Maglock Sequencer(rating 4) (800¥)

Warhawk: 10 speedloaders of regular ammo, 5 speedloaders of Explosive ammo, 5 speedloaders of gel rounds.(980¥ Total)
Needler:5 clips of Flechette (225¥)
Taser:30 darts (150¥)
TMP:6 clips of regular ammo, 2 Clips of explosive (700¥)
Colt:6 Clips of regular ammo, 2 Clips of expolsive,5 clips of gel rounds(1,565¥)

Entertainment Systems Cyclops
Handling +3
Accel 15/25
Speed 100
Pilot 1
Body 4
Armor 2
Sensor 1
Availability -
Notes:Rigger Adaption
Cost 8,700¥

Mr. Kyoto (Antique dealer) Loyalty 3 Connection 2
Derrik Erson (Black Market gun parts dealer) Loyalty 2 Connection 3

Build Point totals Attributes(195) Race(20) Positive Qualities(15) Negitive Qualites(-30), Skills(160), Contacts(10), Gear(30+30,000 from negitive qualites.)