Yargoyle AKA Endarire's page

29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I wasn't sure where was the best place to post. I assumed someone on the Paizo forums would know best.

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Greetings, all! I ask this here and now since it seemed like the best place to ask.

Let's assume hypothetically I were to make to video game for commercial distribution using Pathfinder 1e's OGL rules but not use any copyrighted material (Golarion, Cheliax, etc.)

1: What sort of license would need to be placed in this game so people knew this was OGL content? I know D&D 3.5 had the 1.0a OGL Rules from Wizards of the Coast.

2: Could I legally mention this game used Pathfinder First Edition OGL rules?

3: What else should I know and be prepared for to properly and legally make and market and release this game using this ruleset?

Note that Knights of the Chalice is a for-profit video game that uses the 3.5 OGL rules.
