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Organized Play Member. 109 posts (112 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
crosbows start at 19-20x2
you either use the 19-20X3
or if you have improved critical you use the 17-20x2
the effects do not stack. both the multiplier and the die range
are both part of the critical range and are not seperate.
You can however choose witchone you want to use turn.
I do beleave the extra perception and attack do apply if you have both.
Not the threat range tho.
Tell him he need to chose befor he attacks.
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That thread was concerning using items and augmenting them with abilities that effect the spell. Spell Strike does not effect the spell only the method in which it is delivered.
If you are worried about your gm not giving you full vampiric touch hp on an over kill hit then may I suggest a 1st level spell called "weapon wand". Have fun with it.

Activation: Wands use the spell trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a wand is usually a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the spell being cast has a longer casting time than 1 action, however, it takes that long to cast the spell from a wand.) To activate a wand, a character must hold it in hand (or whatever passes for a hand, for nonhumanoid creatures) and point it in the general direction of the target or area. A wand may be used while grappling or while swallowed whole.
Spellstrike (Su): At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon's critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier.
Method of casting is not specified to only memorized spells. Therefor, using a spell trigger iteam suck as a wand counts for the casting of a spell.
Using a wand is is concidered as casting a spell and spellstrike only requires that you cast the spell. It doesn't say how. That's why it wasn't even mentioned in wand wielder.
To use spell combat you would need to have the arcana at wand wielder that allows spell triggers from wands and staffs but not scrolls.
It is my understanding that you can use spells from wands staffs and scrolls with spell strike.
Why is there no description of the scimitar in the main book?
Is it because all that it is is a chunk of metal flattened and sharpened to be a one-handed martial slashing weapon with a crit range (18-20/x2)dealing medium size d6 damage and that weighs 4 pounds?
Is that all or is it an exception to the weapon finesse rules weapon like most people think it is or should be? OR do they have to get weapons finesse and dervish dancer to apply the dex to attack with it?

Weapon Finesse (Combat)
You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
THE SCIMITAR does not have a description in the core book, tho that is where it appears. This is an oversight by pathfinder.
It is mentioned in the dervish dancer feat as acceptable. So one would assume that it qualifies for the feat.
In the 3.5 book is it described
"Scimitar: the curve on this blade gives the effect of a keener edge."
Also, not giving it a clear answer.
Facts as rules as written would be:
One-handed weapon
18-20 X2 crit range
With no mention of weapons finesse being useable unless you have a class or feat that allows you to use the weapons finesse feat in conjunction with another feat or class ability.
It is generally accepted that the scimitar is useable with the weapons finesse feat, especially in pfs where the inner sea guide has dervish dance.
Wand wielder with spellstrike works. That's all I was going for. I just saw an opening to maybe use spell combate again but you where right you need a one-handed weapon for that one. Spell strike has no such requirement and does not require a free hand to use. Thanks for the inputs tho. I do stand corrected. Tho im still working on a good two handed weapon build.
You are correct in saying that spell combate requires a "light" or "one handed weapon".
So, that would discount the use of a two handed weapon all together, but what if the two handed weapon was an elven curved blade?
They use the weapons finesse feat( reserved for light weapons) tho they weigh in at 7 lb instead of the max 3lb on the chart for light weapons.
Would a mithril elven curved blade not fit (3.5) and useable with the weapons finesse feat. But it is still not a one handed weapon so a bastard sword would be the largest weapon you could do this with.
I there for agree after reviewing the (light or one-handed weapon clause)
that no you could still not use spell combat even with weapon wand and wand wielder combo, but you could cast from the wand and still use spell strike or a weapon bonus enhanced touch attack with the wand spell.
That's my point.
So, you see the same thing I do.
For the wand inside the sword you can activate it and take the attack granted by the use of spell combate and the bab granted attacks.
But, YES only for the wand in the sword.
third level magus
wand wielder arcana
two handed melee weapon
weapon wand spell
wand with a touch spell
you can't use spell combat without a free hand
wand wielder replaces the free hand with a wand
a two hand sword must be held in two hands to be wielded
If a magus uses weapon wand to place a wand into a two handed weapon and has the wand wielder arcana he may now use spell combat because he is wielding the two handed weapon at all times and is holding a wand in place of a free hand at all times.
if a wizard somehow wears say a breastplate do the two stack?
Iron Skin (Su): You gain a +2 armor bonus to your Armor Class for 10 minutes; this bonus increases by +1 for every 5 caster levels (maximum +6 at 20th level). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence bonus.

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spell storing for armor in the UE guide:
This armor allows a spellcaster to store a single touch spell of
up to 3rd level in it. Anytime a creature hits the wearer with
a melee attack or melee touch attack, the armor can cast the
spell on that creature as a swift action if the wearer desires.
Once the spell has been cast from the armor, a spellcaster
can cast any other targeted touch spell of up to 3rd level into
it. The armor magically imparts to the wielder the name of
the spell currently stored within it. A randomly rolled suit of
spell storing armor has a 50% chance to have a spell stored
in it already. Spell storing armor emits a strong aura of the
evocation school, plus the aura of the stored spell.
does this use a fictional swift action belonging to the armor, or does it use the wearers swift action? If it uses the wearers swift action what rounds swift action does it use? That is at the start of a round when the weilder goes first does he/she have to save their swift action in anticipation of being hit, or does it count as using up the next rounds swift action? If the bad guys go first it is easy use that rounds. (all this meaning the armmors swift action is the wearers) Also, if the armor is intellegent and does the swift action now count as the armors action anyway?
The two traits at the bottom of each heritage are race traits. You normally get two traits to choose from upon character creation. So just like an elf taking warrior of old you can take one of these traits if you take that heritage. All the reast of the race features listed above that replace "all" the other (traits/race features) of the original teiflings.
forgot to add get intisify spell at level 7 but if you can get a rod at 5

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For a first time magus your overcomplicating things for yourself. Try using a basic magus first (teifling ok).
Your kicking your own arse min maxing for damage and hit.
Black blade will hurt you in the long run since at level 7 you will really want a spell storing weapon witch a black blade can't have.
Hexcrafter is cool but useless if you plan to do alot of damage out of the gate (magus strong point 1)
With a 20pnt buy in i would go with
str 10
Dex 16 (5pnts for 14 +2) (get a belt of dex after you get a ring)
Con 16 (10pnts) (+1 at level 4 i would put in int)
Int 16 (5pnts for 14 +2)
Wis 10 (no need for negatives for perception)
Chr 8 (-2, -1 or not using intimidate is not bad)
trait #1 magical lineage (shocking grasp)
trait #2 Eyes and ears of the city or suicidal
feat level one weapon finesse
feat level three get armor of the pit
feat level five spell focus (evocation)
level 3 magus Arcane Accuracy
feat bonus level 5 magus spell Specialization (shocking grasp)
make sure to take Prehensile Tail instead of fiendish sorcery racial trait. That's so you can have a lesser rod of metamagic elemental spell (acid or cold) so you don't fall into the it's immue to electricity trap.
Magic iteams are up to you but you will need a cloak of resistance a ring of protection and a chain shirt at that level. Aslo, you should get a +1 spellstoring keen (rapier or scimitar) asap. (note at level 5 you can add keen to your weapon already so get spell storing first.
Doing all this will make sure that (shield spell up and mirrior image if you can) you can act as a tank when you run out of shocking grasps. That will give you the staying power that some say you lack as a magus. You just have to have two jobs. Hit them hard and then don't get hit.
All just suggestions btw for a first time magus.
As long as you have your swift action left the answer is yes. It is like using a quickend spell with a condition to cast.
Are the blood of angles and fiends legal for play in pfs. I did not see them on additional resources.
You need one hand to cast. You need one hand to hold the rod.(can't be the same hand) So using the two-handed weapon method with spell strike you would need an additional limb. This can be done with prehencile tail (tiefling) or alchemist extra limb, or a race with more than two hands.
Combine a few of these ideas and you get,
(as they get closer to leveling) You dream," of fighting alongside someone you can't see".
Next dream," the same dream as before, fighting alongside someone you can't see but seem to trust".
Third dream," the same dream but this time you feel as if you can read the other persons mind while your fighting".
Fourth dream," same as before both you and the unseen person not only understand one anothers thoughts but seem to actually be one person.....". You wake up to (your choice encounter) roll initiative.
You feel that same presence from your dream. At the end of the relatively easy encounter have them notice that the weapon they hold is different from there last one.
Grick has it right on how to use multiple touch spells. As far as the twf with a spell goes look at the spellblade i mentioned above, it's really close and probably better.
Once the spell has been cast there are only three ways to get rid of it.
1 use it like grick said up top (there was alot of arguing about wording till the finaly "this is how it works" was decided on).
2 just use regular touch attacks (I think you should discharge a spell or a use when using CBM).
3 release the charge harmlessly.
unfortunatly you can't actually duel wield a weapon and a spell like you want. UNLESS you use the Spellblade arche type, but that is sort of a different ball of wax. Haven't seen may people use that arche type but it would fit the duel wield spell and weapon (sort of).
Third limb sounds good. Thanks everyone. All good ways.
How does a magus use a meta-magic rod.
Does he have to put his weapon down?
Can he hold his sword in one hand and cast the spell with the other then grap the rod as a move and still deliver the spell via spellstrike?
As a cleric of Irori the character is granted proficency unarmed strike from the deitys favored weapon.
Does this mean that the cleric is considered armed if not holding a weapon?
Does this mean the cleric can chose to deal leathal damage without having the unarmed strike feat?
Cerification anyone?
Would pool strike and elemental touch stack?
-arcane pool at that level would give a +1 (cost 1 ap for a min)
-dex say 16 would be +3
-If black blade thats a +1
-the black blade strike +2 (cost 1ap from sword)
That would give him a +7 to add to his d6 no problem.
It is actually doable a couple different ways.
I treat it as an insight bonus. Insight bonuses stack with anything. Yes it applys to touch. Others may treat it as a dodge bonuse. Either way.
Sounds like a yes. Thanks.
If you use the, "This rule also applies to upgrading from a +1 item to a +2 item and so on" and apply it to flame to flam burst (since flamebust is still flaming) would that not be a PFS friendly interpritation. Has this not come up before?
When increasing a weapons enchantment from +1 to +2 we are allowed to subtract the cost of the +1 weapon from the cost of the +2 weapon. In a since just futher enchanting the sword we have.
My question is this: given the above would increasing a +1 flaming sword (+2 total) 8k+ weapon cost, increased to a +1 Flaming burst sword final cost 18k+ weapon cost, cost the player 10k or 16k?
Someone told me you had to pay the full price for the increase.
Tho it aslo says additional damage, just not addtional damage dice.
"When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.
Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total."
vital strike says roll damage dice twice. Both rolls are base damage dice. That is why I ask. It's two rolls not extra dice.
the magus one is:
Perfect Strike (Ex): At 4th level, when a kensai hits with his chosen weapon, he can spend 1 point from his arcane pool in order to maximize his weapon damage. Don't roll for damage—the weapon deals maximum damage. This affects only the weapon's base damage dice, not additional damage from sneak attack, magical weapon properties, spellstrike, or critical hits.
If the kensai confirms a critical hit, he can instead spend 2 points from his arcane pool to increase his weapon's critical multiplier by 1. This ability replaces spell recall.
Does the ability of perfect strike to maximize weapon dice damage include vital strike weapon damage.
Thanks for answering JJ.
I guess I will just sit back and stop arguing the point that it can't be done on the rules forum.
Tho not totally broken it's cracked to hell.
Here see if this helps your views out ... JJ said this after I out right asked him to explain how it could be done.
"a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell."
Can't be part of the spell if your not wielding it.

Spellstrike does say "At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell.
Casting a spell is a standard action that grants a free action.
I said nothing about spell combate, I am assumeing that you are never going to use spell combate if you are using a 2 handed weapon. That is why I said, if you get still spell on the spell you are casting that it looks like you could (cast a spell as a standard action) be wielding the weapon while you where casting the (stilled) spell and there for are able to use the free melee attack granted by spellstrike in place of the free touch attack.
Without wielding the weapon while you are casting the spell you do not qualify for the replacement of the free touch attack with a free melee attack.
Yes you could wield the weapon before and after you cast the spell but not during so the option is just not there, unless you find a way to cast a spell without using your hands (still spell).
Trying to find away around the whole wielded thing you can come across stilled spells and those don't require any hands. Tho, you still can't use spell combate since it states you need a free hand.
If you really want to use a 2 hander and spellstrike in the same round you cast a spell get magical lineage and still spell and then you will be wielding a 2 handed weapon and casting the spell. (I think that would work)

Let me try to explain a little better where I am coming from on the use of spellstrike with a 2 hander.
Since using spellstrike requires you to be wielding a weapon in one hand to use a free melee attack instead of a free touch attack the held 2 hander does not count for a "Free attack".
Yes, casting a touch spell grants you a free touch attack. (standard action)
Yes, spellstrike grants the option of using a wielded weapon melee strike in place of the free touch attack.
Yes, you can move and then use the free attack.
But, since you are not wielding the two handed weapon when the spell is completed you do not get the granted melee replacement for the touch attack when the spell is cast. You only are granted a free touch attack.
Yes, you can wait (hold the charge and not take the free touch attack) till you are able make another (regular) melee attack (to include AoO) and use spellstrike to discharge the spell.
Therefor, you can not cast a touch spell and be granted a free melee attack if you are not wielding a weapon upon compeletion of the spell.
You would have to cast the spell, give up the free touch attack and wait for your next legal melee attack.
It all comes down to the weapon not being wielded at the compeletion of the spell, it is only being held. Spellstrike requires that you use a wielded weapon. Even tho you can grip it again and once again be wielding it. At the end of the spells compeletion you are not weilding no matter how hard you try to. You could just reach out and touch then as a free touch attack tho.
I did just go back and ask james again about spellstrike and how it would work with a 2 handed weapon. Hopfully I was clear enough for everyone so that if he desides to give us his interpritation we will have it. You can do with it what you want.
Hi James,
I am so sorry to keep asking about this issue that is going around the rules question area.
Can you please explain how to or why you can not (I think you already have) as a magus use a 2 handed weapon and spellstrike.
With out using house rules.
A indepth interpritation of how a magus' turn would go would be great.
I thought that since you are not wielding a 2 handed weapon when you cast your spell you could not use the spellstrike ability even if you regriped the weapon with two hands until the next turn.
**Notice to all those reading this that I did not metion spell combate in my question.**
Once again sorry about adding frustration but I think we would love to see at least your opinion even if you have to lable it so.
If you got Jason Bulmahn to pop in and give his two cents I would be over joyed.
Yes but the question was, not can a wizard cast and make attacks of opportunity with a staff, but can a magus use a 2 hand weapon with spellstrike and recieve the free melee attack. The answer is no, because upon completion of the spell (since he has to have a free hand to cast) he is not wielding the weapon in one hand (stipulation of spellstrike for the free attack) he is just carring it.
Could he cast a spell and hold the charge and return his hand to the weapon ant then wait for an attack of opportunity to discharge the spell? Yes. Could he cast the spell one round and discharge it the secound round? Yes. Is he threatening while casting a spell and holding a 2 hand weapon in one hand? No. Is he threatening when he returns his hand to the weapon after he cast the spell? Yes.
so, sound like the answer is No for aid other and yes for trips. But can a cmb be used in place of the free attack granted from spell strike or does the magus have to hold the spell and attempt the trip on the next round?

I did ask about spell strike (I miss types spell combat once) my second question about 2 hand weapons and spell strike got the answer of:
A magus could certainly release his 2-handed grip on a 2 handed weapon in order to cast a spell, but once he does so, he's merely CARRYING that 2 handed weapon, not wielding it, an as such is no longer fighting in the style that a magus uses to cast spells and wield weapons at the same time.
In order to do all the fun magus tricks, you need to be WIELDING your weapon in one hand. And you can't wield a 2 handed weapon with one hand."
Spell strike does state that:
whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is WIELDING as part of a melee attack.
Unfortunately your not wielding the weapon when the spell is completed witch is a requirement to channel the spell threw the weapon.
I do understand what you want to do. I tried the argument myself several months ago. I let it go in hopes of a future arch type that allowed you to channel a spell threw a carried (held) weapon not a wielded weapon.
It doesn't appear to going to happen. I don't use spell combat much myself due to my feat choices and my average roles being very low. I did say if it isn't in a pfs game that if you could convince your dm that it was in concept of your character to allow it to run with it to do so.
We all know rpgs are about fun.
For PFS your stuck with a one hander, that you can grip with 2 hands to 1.5 your strength when using spell strike since your wielding it in one hand when the spell is cast and wielding it in 2 hands when the spell is delivered. Check out the bastard sword it's both and useable for what you want.

Aid other is an attack against ac 10. Aid other says nothing about actually touching the target. So, If you don't touch the target you can't discharge a spell. As far as trip goes, I would say yes, conditionally. Because you are touching the target therefor the spell would discharge even if you didn't want it to, if using your arms or legs. As far as using a weapon tho (other than a weapons with trip) I would say no because the weapon isn't actually charged the spell is just held. "Trip: You can use a trip weapon to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon to avoid being tripped."
Since trip is an attack (even tho it uses cmb (witch does have attack bonus)) it would count for spell strike since" 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack." Question would be does a trip attack count as a melee attack... it is in melee and it is an attack.