Xylen's page

4 posts. Alias of Plinke.

After reading several threads about what to do with "evil" magic items or finding unwanted magic items (+2 battleaxe and no one wants to use it) I decided that there should be a feat or something to either:
1) Deconstruct a magic item into gp equivalent material components, or;
2) transfer specific weapon qualities to another weapon (at a cost of +1. A +1 blinding heavy shield could be transfered to another +1 bashing heavy shield to obtain a +1 blinding bashing heavy shield).

I was wondering if there is a feat that would accomplish this or is it covered under creation rules?
Should I just house rule it?

Improved Spontaneous Casting
You can cast spells that remove or inflict status ailments spontaneously; doing so expends one channel energy attempt.
Prerequisite: channel energy class feature, spontaneous casting class feature.
Benefit: Your spontaneous casting is expanded to include remove fear, remove blindness/deafness, remove paralysis, remove curse, remove disease and neutralize poison spells if can channel positive energy. Doing so expends one channel energy attempt per spell as well as the appropriate spell level slot. If you are able to channel negative energy, your spontaneous casting is expanded to include: cause fear, blindness/deafness, hold person, contagion, and poison. Doing so expends one use of channel negative energy and the corresponding spell slot.
Normal: You can only spontaneously cast "cure" or "inflict" spells.

I'd figure it would scale with levels as the normal version does; you have to be 7th level to cast neutralize poison. This feat could also be easily avoided with carrying around scrolls of the individual spells, but I wanted to add some flavor and enchance some core abilities.