Darl Quethos

Xue "Qīngwā" Kunsheng's page

95 posts. Organized Play character for John Woodford.

Full Name

Xue "Qīngwā" Kunsheng


Undine Human (Tian-Shu)


Investigator/2|HP 24/24|Drained 0 Bleeding 0|Speed 25 ft. (10 ft. swim speed)|


AC 17|Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +7|Perception: +11|Exploration: Search|




Qi Zhong, Verity


Common, Tien, Hallit, Skald, Draconic, Sylvan, Thalassic


Forensic Pathologist

Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Xue "Qīngwā" Kunsheng

Male undine human investigator (Forensic Medicine Methodology)/2
Medium humanoid (human)
Init/Perception +11

Radiant Oath
XP: 16
Fame: 12
Reputation-Radiant Oath: 14

AC 17 (trained bonus +4; +1 DEX, +2 armor)
hp 24 (8 human + 16 investigator)
Fort +4T, Ref +7E, Will +9E
Resistances/Immunities None

Speed 25 ft. (10 ft. swim speed)
Melee dagger +5/+8 (T), (1d4+1P) (agile, finesse, thrown 10', versatile S)
Melee shortsword +5/+8 (T), (1d6+1P) (agile, finesse, versatile S)
Melee light mace +5/+8 (T), (1d4+1B) (agile, finesse, shove)
Ranged composite shortbow +5/+8 (T), (1d6P)
Special Attacks +1d6 strategic strike

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 10


Acolyte: You spent your early days in a religious monastery or cloister. You may have traveled out into the world to spread the message of your religion or because you cast away the teachings of your faith, but deep down, you’ll always carry within you the lessons you learned.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost (Wisdom).

You’re trained in the Religion skill and the Scribing Lore skill. You gain the Student of the Canon skill feat.

Undine Undine Heritage (Uncommon)
A water elemental ancestor influences your bloodline. You gain the undine trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You gain a swim Speed of 10 feet and the amphibious trait. Like all creatures with the amphibious trait, you can breathe both water and air. You can choose from undine feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.


Forensic Medicine Methodology You've learned that in most cases, especially murders, criminals tend to leave more evidence of the crime on the body than they'd like to believe. Information from bruising, bone fractures, blood spatters, and even the life cycle of carrion insects can provide valuable clues that help reconstruct the scene.

You're trained in Medicine and gain the Forensic Acumen and Battle Medicine skill feats. When you use Battle Medicine, on a success the target recovers additional Hit Points equal to your level, and the target becomes temporarily immune for only 1 hour, not 1 day.

Pursue a Lead: You spend 1 minute examining the details of one potential clue, designating the subject related to that clue as the target of your active investigation. This subject is typically a single creature, item, or small location (such as a room or corridor), but the GM might allow a different scope for your investigation. You don't need to know the identity, purpose, or nature of the subject, but you do need to be aware of its existence. For instance, finding a footprint is enough to investigate the creature that left it, and seeing a hasty sketch of an item or location can be enough to start your investigation of that subject.

Whenever you attempt a Perception or skill check to investigate a designated subject, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the check. The exact checks this applies to depend on the actions you use to investigate and are determined by the GM, but checks to investigate are typically Perception checks or skill checks that use Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

You can maintain two active investigations at a time. If you Pursue another Lead after that, the subject must be different from any of your current investigations (or rather, they must be different as far as you know), and you give up on a current subject of your choice. Once you've given up pursuit of a subject, you can't Pursue that Lead again until after the next time you make your daily preparations.

Clue In: You share information with the triggering creature. They gain a circumstance bonus to their check equal to your circumstance bonus to checks investigating your subject from Pursue a Lead. The GM can add any relevant traits to this reaction depending on the situation, such as auditory and linguistic if you're conveying information verbally.

Devise a Stratagem: You assess a foe's weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a plan of attack against your enemy. Choose a creature you can see and roll a d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later this round, you must use the result of the roll you made to Devise a Stratagem for your Strike's attack roll instead of rolling. You make this substitution only for the first Strike you make against the creature this round, not any subsequent attacks.

When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.

If you're aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead you're pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action.

Ancestry Feats
Natural Ambition: You were raised to be ambitious and always reach for the stars, leading you to progress quickly in your chosen field. You gain a 1st-level class feat for your class. You must meet the prerequisites, but you can select the feat later in the character creation process in order to determine which prerequisites you meet. (L1) (That's Odd)

General Feats

Class Feats
That's Odd When you enter a new location, such as a room or corridor, you immediately notice one thing out of the ordinary. The GM determines what it is, or whether there's nothing reasonable to pick up, skipping obvious clues that can be easily noticed without a check or specifically looking for them. You learn only that an area or object is suspicious, but not why it's suspicious. For example, if you entered a study with a large bloodstain on the ground, the bloodstain is so obviously suspicious it's evident to you already, so the GM might note that there's something suspicious about the desk drawer instead. You would then need to investigate the drawer further to find out what specifically is out of the ordinary. That's Odd doesn't reveal whether creatures are suspicious.

You don't typically get any benefit when you leave and come back to a place, though if a major change has happened there and time has passed, the GM might determine that you do. (human bonus)

Takedown Expert You've mastered combat practices that let you get up close and bring down perpetrators alive. You can use your Intelligence modifier on attack rolls when you Devise a Stratagem if you're using a weapon of the club group in one hand (like a club, staff, or sap), in addition to the usual weapons, and those Strikes qualify for your strategic strike. Additionally, you can make any of your Strikes nonlethal without taking the normal –2 penalty. (L1)

Athletic Strategist You know how to calculatedly manipulate joints and body weight. In addition to using Devise a Stratagem to modify a Strike, you can use it to modify a Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or Trip attempt, substituting your Devise a Stratagem roll for the Athletics check. You must apply the substitution to the first eligible attack you make, whether it's a Strike or one of the Athletics actions.

You can also use your Intelligence modifier instead of Strength for the Athletics check when you substitute your Devise a Stratagem roll, unless you're using a weapon for the maneuver and the weapon doesn't fit the restrictions for using Intelligence with a stratagem. (L2)

Skill Feats
Student of the Canon You’ve researched many faiths enough to recognize notions about them that are unlikely to be true. If you roll a critical failure at a Religion check to Decipher Writing of a religious nature or to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of faiths, you get a failure instead. When attempting to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of your own faith, if you roll a failure, you get a success instead, and if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. (background bonus)

Battle Medicine You can patch up wounds, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn't remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day hour. (methodology bonus)

Forensic Acumen You understand the principles of forensic medicine, making you better at examining a body to determine the cause of death or injury. You can perform a forensic examination on a body, as described under Recall Knowledge in the Medicine skill, in half the normal amount of time it would take (to a minimum of 5 minutes). If you succeed at your check, you can attempt an immediate check to Recall Knowledge to follow up on something you found, with a +2 circumstance bonus. This check is usually related to the cause of injury or death, such as a Crafting check to identify a poison or weapon that was used or an additional Medicine check to identify a specific disease. If you prefer, you can instead attempt to Recall Knowledge about the type of creature whose body you were examining, using the appropriate skill and gaining the same circumstance bonus.

The circumstance bonus increases to +3 if you have master proficiency in Medicine and +4 if you have legendary proficiency. (methodology bonus)

Streetwise You know about life on the streets and feel the pulse of your local settlement. You can use your Society modifier instead of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to know the same sorts of information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather Information. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you know the information without spending time gathering it. If you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information normally. (L2)

Lore (Scribing) +8 T (Background bonus)
Acrobatics +5 T
Medicine +9 E
Performance +0
Religion +7 T
Diplomacy +0
Intimidation +0
Crafting +8 T
Arcana +8 T
Occultism +8 T
Society +8 T
Survival +7 T
Nature +7 T
Athletics +5 T (+8 T w/Athletic Strategist)
Thievery +5 T
Stealth +1
Deception +0

Racial Modifiers none

Languages Common, Tien, Hallit, Skald, Draconic, Sylvan, Thalassic


Gear studded leather armor (30/1), dagger (2/L), shortsword (9/L), light mace (4/L), composite shortbow (14/1), 20 arrows (0.2/2L), religious symbol (1/L), adventurer's pack (backpack, bedroll, 2 belt pouches, 10 pcs. chalk, flint & steel, 50' rope, 2 weeks' rations, soap, 5 torches, waterskin) (15/1), artisan's toolkit (toolmaking) (40/2) (in storage), healer's tools (50/1), basic crafter's book (1/L) (in storage), repair kit (20/1), thieves' toolkit (30/L) 20 gp, 1 sp, 6 cp, 5 Bulk, 7 light


Networking Points:

3 Scrolls

Current benefits: Scribing Lore; 1 minor healing potion

Botting directions: