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Vic Wertz wrote:
No change: Not dead, but not currently in active development.

Okay...then how about a deal with another company for ready made adventure paths?

I would buy them for Realm Works (Lonewolf), D20pro or Fantasy Grounds....

I know it's an old thread....but better late than never... :-)

+1 for me. I would buy Golarion and ALL Adventure Paths for Realm Works!

Hi there!

I don't know if this has already been posted here somewhere, but I only just found out that Maptool 2.0, now called "Mote", is coming soon!

Because most (if not all) of you will already know maptool all too well I won't get into the specifics of the open source virtual table top here.
But "Idle Ideas" is breathing new life into this venerable VTT and is calling it "Mote".

Google them for more info or look here: http://geekerskeep.com/2014/02/18/mote-powerful-friendly-open-sourced-virtu al-tabletop/


Some more new about this here:


It seems they were listening when some people were complaining that 26inches was too small!
They increased the size to 32 inch. Yay!!

Count me in as well. As a matter of fact, without this Realm Works probably won't be usable for me because we mainly play the published Adventure Paths....
So please make this happen!

About flash_mcdxcii

I look good.