
Xayden Xailean the Wanderer's page

23 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Xayden Xailean the Wanderer

Race Gnome
Class Cleric (Cayden Cailean) 9 (favored)
Age 68

][[All numbers in work]][

Gender: Male
Deity: Cayden Cailean
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (C5G1)
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial
Home affinity: Varisia

Height 3'2" Weight 38 lbs
Eyes Silver Hair Blue
Skin Smooth with some tattoos...

+0 STR 12-2=10
+1 DEX 12+0=12
+2 CON 12+2=14
+2 INT 12+0=12(+2 HoMS)=14
+5 WIS 16+2=18(+2 HoMS)=20
+3 CHR 12+2=14(+2 HoMS)=16

Hit Points (9d8+18)=61
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ACTF 22/12/20
[+7 armor, +3 Shield, +1 DEX, +1 Size]
Initiative +1
BAB +6 [+6BAB/+0STR/+1DEX/-1SZ]
CMB +6 [+6BAB/+0STR/+1DEX/-1SZ]
CMD 16 [10+6BAB/+0STR/+1DEX/-1SZ]
CMD 20 [+4 Dodge bonus v.(Giants)]
Speed 30 ft [+10ft travel domain]
Fort +7 [+6Base,+1Con]
Ref +4 [+3Base,+1Dex]
Will +11 [+6Base,+5Wis]



+9 +1 mithril rapier [+6 BAB, +0 STR,+ 1enh, +1 Size, +1WF] 1d4+1 P(15-20/x2)
+8 Jester Headed Cane (lt mace) [+6 BAB, +0 STR, +1MW, +1 Size] 1d4+0 B (20/x2)

Trait: Dangerously Curious: You have always been intrigued by magic, possibly because you were the child of a magician or priest. You often snuck into your parent’s laboratory or shrine to tinker with spell components and magic devices, and often caused quite a bit of damage and headaches for your parent as a result. You gain a +1 bonus
on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
[1st] Scribe Scroll
[3rd] Weapon Focus (rapier)
[5th] Dazzling Display
[7th] Selective Channeling
[9th] Shattered Defenses

Racial Abilities


Small: Gnomes are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their
Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Slow Speed: Gnomes have a base speed of 20 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. See Chapter 7.
Defensive Training: Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant type.
Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the gnome’s Charisma modifier.
Hatred: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due
to special training against these hated foes.
Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.
Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Gnomes begin play speaking Common, Gnome, and Sylvan. Gnomes with high Intelligence scores can choose
from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc.

Class Abilities


Aura of Good
Channel Energy 5d6

Dazing Touch(sp) 3+wis=8 per day
You can cause a living creature to become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your cleric level are unaffected. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Charming Smile (sp) 9 rnds/day
At 8th level, you can cast charm person as a swift action, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. You can only have one creature charmed in this way at a time. The total number of rounds of this effect per day is equal to your cleric level. The rounds do not need to be consecutive, and you can dismiss the charm at any time as a free action. Each attempt to use this ability consumes 1 round of its duration, whether or not the creature succeeds on its save to resist the effect.
Domain Spells: charm person, calm emotions, suggestion, heroism, charm monster, geas/quest, insanity, demand, dominate monster.

Travel (granted power: +10 ft base move)
agile feet(su) 3+wis=7 per day
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
dimensional hop(su) 90ft/day
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.
Domain Spells: longstrider, locate object, fly, dimension door, teleport, find the path, greater teleport, phase door, astral projection.

Spells Readied


Level 0 [DC 14] 4:
Level 1 [DC 15] 4+1*(+1Wis):
Level 2 [DC 16] 4+1*(+1Wis):
Level 3 [DC 17] 3+1*(+1Wis):
Level 4 [DC 18] 2+1*(+1Wis):
Level 5 [DC 19] 1+1*(+1Wis):
Gnome Magic:
dancing lights [ ]
ghost sound [DC14][ ]
prestidigitation [DC13][ ]
speak with animals [ ]

Charm Domain Spells: charm person, calm emotions, suggestion, heroism, charm monster, geas/quest, insanity, demand, dominate monster.[i]Travel Domain Spells: longstrider, locate object, fly, dimension door, teleport, find the path, greater teleport, phase door, astral projection.

Armor Check Penalty: -4 (-3/-1)
2+1int/level(9)=27+9 favored=36
+ 0 Acrobatics [1 ranks, +1DEX, -2 Armor]
+ 1 Appraise [0 ranks, +2INT]
+ 3 Bluff [0 rank, +3CHA]
- 2 Climb [0 rank, +0STR, -2 Armor]
+ 7 Craft (Alchemy) [1 rank, +3 class, +1INT, +2 Race]
+ 7 Diplomacy [1 ranks, +3 class, +3CHA]
+ x Disable Device[DEX]
+ 3 Disguise [0 ranks, +3CHA]
- 2 Escape Artist [0 ranks, +1DEX, -2 Armor]
+ x Fly
+12 Intimidation [9ranks (HoMS), +3 CHA]
+ 3 Handle Animal [0 rank, +3CHA]
+ 9 Heal[1R,+3CL,+5Wis]
+ 8 Knowledge (arcana) [3 ranks,+3cl,+2 int]
+ x Knowledge (dungeon) [0 ranks, +2 int]
+ x Knowledge (engineer) [0 rank, +2 int]
+ x Knowledge (geography) [0 rank, +2 int]
+ x Knowledge (history) [0 rank, +2 int]
+ x Knowledge (local) [0 rank, +2 int]
+ x Knowledge (nature) [0 rank, +2 int]
+ 1 Knowledge(nobility) [0 rank, +0 class, +2 int]
+10 Knowledge (planes) [5 rank, +3 class, +2 int]
+ 8 Knowledge (religion) [3 rank, +3 class, +2 int]
+ 7 Linguistics [2 rank, +3 Cl, +2 Int]
+ 7 Perception [0 ranks, +5 wis,+2 keen]
+ 3 Perform (any) [0 rank, +3 cha]
+14 Profession(Brewmaster) ()[2R, +3 class, +5 wis, +2 race]
- 1 Ride [0R, +1 dex, -2 armor]
+ 9 Sense Motive [1R, +3 class,+5 wis]
+ 1 Sleight of Hand [0 ranks, +1DEX]
+13 Spellcraft [9 ranks, +3 class, +1 int]
+ 3 Stealth [0 ranks, +1 DEX, -2 Armor, +4 size]
+ 6 Survival [1 ranks, +5 Wis]
- 2 Swim [0 ranks, +0STR, -2 Armor]
+13 Use Magic Device [6 rank,+3 CHA,+3 Class,+1 Trait]

Bold Skills are class skills
Italicized are not usable untrained
Knowledge is usable untrained up to DC10.

The cleric’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int),Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int),Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge(religion) (Int),Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). (ADD: Use Magic Device - Trait.)

Xayden Xailean, not his original name, He decided to take that name when he became a follower of Cayden Cailean. Xayden is always on the lookout for new adventure, he has known too many gnomes that have fallen to the ghosting...He has taken to calling himself the Wanderer, since he is, Xayden enjoys his alcohol and a good party...

In the planes, he's been able to find many adventures and has even visited a certain multi-planar inn...

Xayden is all bluff and bluster, he can intimidate the hardiest fighter with the dazzling displays of his prowess with his rapier, while in actuality, his skill is no where near that which he displays.


Carrying Capacity:
Medium:xx-xx# (Max Dex +3, ACP -3, Runx4)
Heavy: xx-xx#(Max Dex +1, ACP -6, Runx3)
GEAR 42#+36#
Headband of Mental Superiority (Intimidate)+2
+1 Elven Chain (10#)
+1 mithril rapier (2#)
+1 Mithril Heavy Steel (1.5#)

Belt Pouch 3#


Caltrops x3

Neck Pouch



Handy Haversack
Total Weight:36#


bedroll (5#)
winter blanket (3#)
50' Hemp Rope (10#)
10 days trail rations (10#)
2 waterskins (8#)
Cayden's Prayer Mug.

46k of gear:
HoMS 16k 30
Handy Haversack 2k 28
Ring of Sustenance 2.5k 25.5
+1 Elven Chainmail 6150 10# 19350
+1 Keen Mithril Rapier 10308gp 9042
+1 Mithril Heavy Shield 2320gp 6722 rem
0: (12.5gp)
1: (25gp) 20=500
2: (150gp) 8=1200
3: (375gp) 4=1500
4: (700gp) 2=1400
5: (1125) 1=1125
total in scrolls (minus components = 5725) rem 903gp
MW cold iron cane. (lt mace) 328gp 575gp rem
alchemist fire
tanglefoot bags

Harrowed Background:

Past1. Empty Throne (A boon from a distant locale. What seems like a loss is actually a good thing.)
Past2. Locksmith (Keys of destiny) <---Hmm, do we have a trend here?
Past3. Avalanche (Unrelenting disaster.)

I hope you will forgive me if I don't perform it as I did for Adele. My mind's just not into it at the moment.

Where in Adele's past I saw extreme hardship, in yours there is one single terrible misfortune, but other than that your path has been strewn with one lucky break after another. In fact, it is exceedingly obvious that you have been chosen out by the Gods for some special purpose. I imagine that you were not born a slave but fell into it, and have recently escaped by a strange combination of lucky events and the willing sacrifices of one paladin of Shelyn.

Current1. Wanderer (Treating well the undesired.)
Current2. Twin (Indecision, divided loyalties.)
Current3. Mute Hag (Dark secrets. blood pacts.)

These are the exact same cards that came up for Adele's harrowing. Your paths are intertwined at this time. You have found within each other a common goal for your faiths to act upon. You both have a desire to help the underdogs. You both have the same divided loyalties, the codes that drive you together are the same that keep you apart, and the secret desires that you harbor, for whatever reason, are still present.

(I'm starting to get a romantic vibe between Xayden and Adele, but I'm not pushing anything.)

Future1. Desert (Bleak, lonely path.)
Future2. Vision (Sudden arcane knowledge.)
Future3. Liar (Broken heart, treacherous love.)

Though your paths are bound together for now, ultimately they are unique from one another. You are both destined for great things, but your destinies do not converge, only the paths at this time. Your path may soon split off, with whatever burst of insight the Gods see fit to bequeath. (Adele also got the Desert card.)