Acadamae Student Korvosa

Xarra Nova's page

83 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Xarra Nova

Changes in progress

Xarra Nova
Female Human
Scoundrel 5
Age: 19ish
Ht:1.85m Wt:65kilo
Hair: Red
Eyes: turquoise

Xarra Nova, born on a smuggling freighter, during a spice run, she's never really fit in any place in particular. She never knew her father, except as some scum from Corellia. Her mother (Xallara Nova) was a smuggler as well, up until she got caught, when Xarra was 9.

Xarra has a reputation for doing anything to get what she wants, but most of those are false memories of the weak-minded.

Xarra is constantly on the move, had she been born closer to the core worlds, perhaps she would have had Jedi training, but, her lifestyle suits her well. She's a talker, and when talking breaks down, a little Jedi mind trick goes a long way. When all else fails, it's time to pull out the blaster and let loose.

Hit Points: 18+4d6=32
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ]

Condition Track
Damage Threshold: 16
[ ] Normal
[ ] -1 Defense/ATK/Ability&Skill Checks
[ ] -2 Defense/ATK/Ability&Skill Checks
[ ] -5 Defense/ATK/Ability&Skill Checks
[ ] -10 Defense/ATK/Ability&Skill Checks 1/2 move
[ ] Helpless

20 RD [10+2DEX+5LVL+2CLASS]
18WD [10+2WIS+5LVL+1CLASS]
16 FD [10+1CON+5LVL]


[+1] STR 12
[+2] DEX 15
[+1] CON 12
[+2] INT 14
[+3] WIS 16
[+2] CHA 15

Force Sensitive (Human Bonus)
Point Blank Shot (scoundrel)
WP: Pistols (scoundrel)
WP: Simple (scoundrel)
Force Training (1st)
Quickdraw (scoundrel 2nd)
Force Training (3rd)
Precise Shot (scoundrel 4th)

Force Suite:


Force Points 7 (d6)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ]

Mind Trick [ ][ ]
Sever Force [ ]
Negate Energy [ ][ ]
Force Disarm [ ][ ]

(2)Force Pilot
(4)Force Focus

Trained Skills [+5 trained, +5 heroic levels]
+13 Use the Force*
+12 Acrobatics*
+13 Perception*
+12 Initiative*
+12 Stealth*
+12 Gather Information*

Untrained Skills [+1/2 heroic levels=2]
+ 4 Persuasion*
+ 4 Knowledge*
+ 3 Climb
+ 5 Deception
+ 3 Endurance
+ 3 Jump
+ 4 Knowledge*
+ 4 Mechanics*
+ 4 Pilot*
+ 4 Ride
+ 4 Survival
+ 3 Swim
+ 4 Treat Injuries
+ 4 Use Computers*

CREDS: 10,250 creds

Well-Cut Jacket with several pockets.
Vest w/2 pockets
Silver/Black Synthshirt
Padded Leather Pants
Black Boots

Quickdraw Heavy Blaster pistol (Military License) 750+150+75=975
-Rangefinder 200
Quickdraw Heavy Sonic Pistol (Military License) 1250+250+125=1625
Hip Holster x2 50
Blaster pistol, sporting (licensed) spring-loaded 600
Concealed holster (left sleeve) 50

Power Charger 750
Utility Belt 500
Bandolier 100
-Extra power packs x6 150
-Cortis Weave Vibro Dagger 240
-2 adhesive grenades 400
-2 cryoban grenades
-2 frag grenades

Glow Rod 10
Datapad 1000
Long Range comlink 1000
Credit chip 100
R2-X4 Astromech 4500 - Stock

Queen's Gambit
X83 75k +1000+20,000=96,000 credits
Increase shields to SR35 (0emplacement, 500x2credits)
Cram Systems +5 emplacement points
Add regenerating shields 2 emplacement points (5000x2creds)
Add Maneuvering Thrusters (+4) 2 emplacement points (5000x2creds)

Creation Stuff

by bribe DC20 Persuasion 2 checks. 150x2 first roll was a 10. 1d20+8=28
license by bribe Persuasion DC10 1d20+8=18