Xarra Nova
Female Human
Scoundrel 5
Age: 19ish
Ht:1.85m Wt:65kilo
Hair: Red
Eyes: turquoise
Xarra Nova, born on a smuggling freighter, during a spice run, she's never really fit in any place in particular. She never knew her father, except as some scum from Corellia. Her mother (Xallara Nova) was a smuggler as well, up until she got caught, when Xarra was 9.
Xarra has a reputation for doing anything to get what she wants, but most of those are false memories of the weak-minded.
Xarra is constantly on the move, had she been born closer to the core worlds, perhaps she would have had Jedi training, but, her lifestyle suits her well. She's a talker, and when talking breaks down, a little Jedi mind trick goes a long way. When all else fails, it's time to pull out the blaster and let loose.
[+1] STR 12
[+2] DEX 15
[+1] CON 12
[+2] INT 14
[+3] WIS 16
[+2] CHA 15
Force Sensitive (Human Bonus)
Point Blank Shot (scoundrel)
WP: Pistols (scoundrel)
WP: Simple (scoundrel)
Force Training (1st)
Quickdraw (scoundrel 2nd)
Force Training (3rd)
Precise Shot (scoundrel 4th)
Force Suite:
Force Points 7 (d6)
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Mind Trick [ ][ ]
Sever Force [ ]
Negate Energy [ ][ ]
Force Disarm [ ][ ]