Hunt Mistress

Xaikon Traxnik's page

526 posts. Alias of DarkOne the Drow.


HP: 37/37; Init: +3; Feral Focus: Bull (+2 Str); Spells used: 1: 5, 2: 1; Arrows: 5/20+20; Teamwork: Coordinated Shot

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About Xaikon Traxnik

Xaikon Traxnik

Game: Shadows of Numeria
Game master: DireMerc (started by nightflier)
Setting: Inner Sea
System: Pathfinder

Levels: Hunter (feral) 5

Race: Strix (humanoid)

Alignment: Neutral

1: Hunter: HP: 11=8+2(Con)+1(FC); feats: 1; traits: 3; skills: 6+1; FC: 1 HP
2: Hunter: HP: 6=3(d8)+2(Con)+1; skills: 6+1; FC: 1 HP
3: Hunter: HP: 11=8(d8)+2(Con)+1; skills: 6+1; FC: 1 HP, feat
4: Hunter: HP: 6=3(d8)+2(Con)+1; skills: 6+1; FC: 1 HP, +1 Wis
3: Hunter: HP: 9=6(d8)+2(Con)+1; skills: 6+1; FC: 1 HP, feat


Ability Scores
STR: 10 (+0) = 10(0 points)
DEX: 16 (+3) = 14(5 points) +2(strix)
CON: 14 (+2) = 14(5 points)
INT: 12 (+1) = 12(2 points)
WIS: 19 (+4) = 18(16 points) +1
CHA: 8 (-1) = 10(0 points) -2(strix)
Creation: 28 points

Size: Medium
Speed: walk: 30' / 30', fly: 60' /60' (average)
Vision: Low-light 2x, Darkvision 60'

Deity: nature spirits
Home territory: Devil's Perch in Cheliax
Association/tribe: None - adventurer

Languages: Strix(r), Common(a)

Favoured class: Hunter

Archtypes used: 0 (race), 1 (hunter)

+Acrobatics: 7 = 4(ranks) +3(Dex)
+Appraise: 1 = 0(ranks) +1(Int)
+Bluff: -1 = 0(ranks) -1(Cha)
*+Climb: 4 = 1(ranks) +0(Str) +3(class)
*+Craft (Bows): 5 = 1(ranks) +1(Int) +3(class) [1sp / day]
+Diplomacy: -1 = 0(ranks) -1(Cha)
Disable Device: --
+Disguise: -1 = 0(ranks) -1(Cha)
+Escape Artist: 3 = 0(ranks) +3(Dex)
+Fly: 11 = 5(ranks) +3(Dex) +3(class)
*Handle Animal: --
*+Heal: 9 = 2(ranks) +4(Wis) +3(class)
+Itimidate: -1 = 0(ranks) -1(Cha)
*Knowledge (dungeoneering): 5 = 1(ranks) +1(Int) +3(class)
*Knowledge (geography): 5 = 1(ranks) +1(Int) +3(class)
*Knowledge (nature): 6 = 2(ranks) +1(Int) +3(class)
Linguistics: --
*+Perception: 12 = 5(ranks) +4(Wis) +3(class) [+2 (strix) dim light or darkness]
+Perform: -1 = 0(ranks) -1(Cha)
*Profession (none): --
*+Ride: 3 = 0(ranks) +3(Dex)
+Sense Motive: 4 = 0(ranks) +4(Wis)
Sleight of Hand: --
*Spellcraft: 9 = 5(ranks) +1(Int) +3(class)
*+Stealth: 11 = 5(ranks) +3(Dex) +3(class) [+2 (strix) dim light or darkness]
*+Survival: 9 = 2(ranks) +4(Wis) +3(class)
*+Swim: 4 = 1(ranks) +0(Str) +3(class)
Use Magic Device: --
* = class skill
+ = untrained

Skill ranks per level
Hunter: 6 + Int

Special qualities and feats:
Racial abilities
  • Ability Scores: +2 Dex, -2 Cha
  • Armour Proficiency: No armour or shield proficiency
  • Darkvision: see perfectly upto 60' in the dark
  • Hatred: +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids of human subtype due to special training against these foes
  • Languages: start: Strix; Additional: Auran, Azlanti (ISWG), Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal
  • Low-light vision: see 2x as far as humans do in dim conditions
  • Nocturnal: +2 Perception, +2 Stealth at dim light (night) or darkness
  • Size: Medium: no special bonuses or penalties
  • Speed: walk 30', fly 60' (average)
  • Suspicious: +2 save vs illusion spells or effects
  • Type: humanoid, subtype: strix
  • Weapon Proficiency: None

Class abilities

  • 1: Armour Proficiency: light and medium armour, and shields (except tower shields)
  • 1: Feral Focus (Su): take up hybrid animal forms (cosmetic appearance changes take place, end upon taking up new aspect or ending effect); swift action to activate aspect; bonus based on animal emulated; total duration: no limit, can end as free action; only one aspect at a time; animal companion may also have animal aspect, though no duration limit; swift action can change aspect for self and/or animal companion; aspect for animal companion may be different to hunter
  • - - Bat: darkvision: 60'; at 8th level: +30' darkvision; at 15th level: blindsense: 10'
  • - - Bear: +2 enhancement to Constitution; at 8th level: +4; at 15th level: +6
  • - - Bull: +2 enhancement to Strength; at 8th level: +4; at 15th level: +6
  • - - Falcon: +4 compentence to Perception checks; at 8th level: +6; at 15th level: +8
  • - - Frog: +4 compentence to Swim and Acrobats jump checks; at 8th level: +6; at 15th level: +8
  • - - Monkey: +4 compentence to Climb checks; at 8th level: +6; at 15th level: +8
  • - - Mouse: gain Evasion (rogue class feature); at 12th level: gain Improved Evasion (rogue advanced talent)
  • - - Owl: +4 compentence to Stealth checks; at 8th level: +6; at 15th level: +8
  • - - Snake: +2 enhancement to Attack of Opportunity attack rolls, and +2 dodge bonus to AC against AoO; at 8th level: +4; at 15th level: +6
  • - - Stag: landspeed increases by 5' (enhancement bonus); at 8th level: 10'; at 15th level: 20'
  • - - Tiger: +2 enhancement to Dexterity; at 8th level: +4; at 15th level: +6
  • - - Wolf: gain scent ability with 10' range (20' upwind, 5' downwind); at 8th level: 20' range (40' upwind, 10' downwind); at 15th level: 30' range (60' upwind, 15' downwind)
  • 1: Nature Training (Ex): hunter level is druid level and ranger level for purpose of qualifying for feats, traits, and options that modify or improve animal companions
  • 1: Orisons: prepare a number of 0-level druid spells, though unlimited use
  • 1: Solitary: does not gain animal companion. Ignore aspects of abilities that pertain to animal companions.
  • 1: Spells: DC: 10 + spell level + Wis mod; can't use opposed alignment spells, etc; up to 6 level spells without successful Use Magic Device skill for spell completion or spell trigger magic items; cast # of each spell level per day (see table 1-6); gain bonus spells for high Wisdom score; spontaneous casting from known spell list (see table 1-7) with daily usage (see table 1-6); know all druid and ranger spells for each spell level can cast (take lower of the two if different spell levels)
  • 1: Weapon Proficiency: all simple and martial weapons
  • 1: Wild Empathy (Ex): improve initial attitude of an animal; wild empathy check: 1d20 + Charisma bonus; domestic start at indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly
  • 2: Precise Summoned Animal (Ex): Choose between Precise Shot or Outflanked; prerequisites do not need to be meet; if Outflack is chosen, summoned animals also gain feat.
  • - - Precise Shot: Can shoot or throw ranged weapons as opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard -4 penalty on attack rolls.
  • 2: Track (Ex): add hunter level to survival checks made to follow tracks
  • 3: Teamwork feat: Usage (to change teamwork feat): Wisdom mod per day; Current possible feats listed below, more can be added as character advances; Special: As a standard action, the hunter can choose to learn a new teamwork feat in place of the most required teamwork feat (slot). When gaining a new teamwork feat (slot), the current previous teamwork feat (slot) becomes permanent (non-changing). Must meat the prerequisites for the chosen feats.
  • - - Coordinated Shot: Activate: ally with this feat is threatening opponent and not providing cover to opponent against your ranged attacks. Effect: +1 on ranged attacks against opponent. Special: if ally with this feat flanking opponent with another ally, bonus increases to +2.
  • - - Distracting Charge: Activate: ally with this feat uses charge action and hits. Effect: +2 attack bonus on next attack for target that was charged, be used before ally's next attack
  • - - Intercept Charge: Activate: opponent charges ally with this feat, as immediate action. Effect: move up to your speed toward any position on the path of the charge; if you end in the charge path, opponent must stop adjacent to you and attack you instead of ally. Movement used count against movement of next turn.
  • 4: Wild Shape: Special: same as druid, except no plants or elementals allowed, and druid level equals hunter level.
  • - - To be completed
  • 5: Woodland Stride: Complete...


  • 1: Point-Blank Shot: +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls using ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30'
  • 3: Hover: Effect: can halt while flying without needing to make a fly check; Extra: if size large and within 20' of ground with loose debris, draft forms 60' radius hemisphere. Generated wind can snuff torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small, open flames of non-magical origin. Within hemisphere vision is reduce to 10'. Creatures 15 to 20 feet apart gain 20% miss chance. Creatures at 25 feet or more apart gain total concealment (50% miss chance)
  • 5: Rapid shot: Complete


  • Anatomist: +1 trait bonus on all rolls made to confirm critical hits
  • Adventurous Explorer: when frighten or shaken, reduce penalty to -1 instead of normal -2
  • Master of Peaks: +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against effects of cold and altitude sickness

Limited use abilities:
Spells level 1: 5/(4+1)
Spells level 2: 3/(2+1)

HP: 34
AC: 14 = 10 +1(armour) +0(shield) +3(Dex)
FF: 11
Touch: 13
Initiative: +3 = +3(Dex)
CMD: 15 = 10 +2(BAB) +0(Str) +3(Dex) +0(size)


Fort: +6 = 4(base) + 2(Con) [+2 vs cold effects or altitude sickness]
Ref: +7 = 4(base) + 3(Dex)
Will: +5 = 1(base) + 4(Wis) [+2 vs illusion spells or effects]

BAB: +3
CMB: +3 = +3(BAB) +0(Str) +0(size)
Attacks (melee): +3 = +3(BAB) +0(Str) +0(size) [+1 vs humans (strix)]
Attacks (range): +6 = +3(BAB) +3(Dex) +0(size) [+1 vs humans (strix)]
Confirm critical: +1 on all rolls (trait)

Unarmed Strike: 1d3; x2; type: B; nonlethal
Dagger: 1d4; 19-20/x2; type: P / S
Longsword: 1d8; 19-20/x2; type: S

Dagger: 1d4; 19-20/x2; type: P; range: 10'
Long bow: 1d8; x3; type: P; range 100'

Daily spells

Level 0 unlimited uses per day; DC: 14
Level 1 4 + 1; DC: 15
Level 2 2 + 1; DC: 16

Known spells

Level 0: 6
Detect Magic (Divination)
Detect Poison (Divination)
Guidance (Divination)
Purify Food and Drink (Transmutation)
Read Magic (Divination)
Stabilize (Conjuration)

Level 1: 4+1
Summon Nature's Ally I (Conjuration) Bonus
Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration)
Magic Fang (Transmutation)
Obscuring Mist (Conjuration)
Gravity Bow (Transmutation)

Level 2: 3+1
Summon Nature's Ally II (Conjuration) Bonus
Aggressive Thundercloud (Evocation)
Barkskin (Transmutation)
Resist Energy (Abjuration)

Light: 33
Medium: 66
Heavy/Overhead: 100
Max lift: 200
Push/Pull: 500

Weight calculations done in spreadsheet

Outfit: Traveler's Outfit without boots
Armour (over outfit): Padded
Back: Quiver x2
Shoulder: Longbow
Strapped to thigh: Longsword

Pouch (in tunic)
Bag, Waterproof (left side)
Dagger (right side)
Pouch, Spell Component (front)

Chalk 5
Mirror, small steel
Rations, trail per day
Fishhook 2
Flint and Steel

Coin, copper pieces 2
Coin, silver pieces 12
Coin, gold pieces 5
Coin, platinum pieces 13

Total weight carried: 33.1 lbs
Current load: Light

Storage (camp, room, wagon, etc)

Special items

  • None


  • None

Group equipment
Caltrops (bag) -> Raskir
Sunrods 2 -> Raskir
GP 7 -> Alvoise to make postions
SP 30 -> Alvoise to make postions
500 gp in chest - payment from mayor to rescue androffan girl
divid by 5 so each takes 100 gp
boat costs 15 gp each

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 155 lbs
Gender: Female
Eyes: White pupiless
Ears: Sharply pointed towards back
Nose: Only slitted nostrils
Hair: Short white hair
Skin: Onyx coloured
Dominant Hand: Right
Age: 15 Max: 60
Wings: 12" wingspan black feathered

She is no different from the usual strix of Devil's Perch, having slightly glossy onyx colour slender body complimenting her uncovered large mat black wings folded behind her back. Of her face she has not the typical nose, but only slitted nostrils and pair of backward sharply pointed ears lying over her snow white short hair with matching white pupilless eyes for striking contrast. She wears a simple grey coloured tunic under the padded armour especially make for strix to allow the wings to function unhindered. On the padded armour the shoulders have extra protective leather for the hawk's talons. Generally she has no footwear, relying on her talon-like feet to have better grip on perches. In front she has her spell component pouch, along with dagger on her right side, and small bag on her left holding other small items. She keeps her purse inside her tunic in front, though a few coins in her spell component pouch for the day's purchases. Across her shoulder she has her bow with special designed quiver lying directly over her spine so not to cause issues with flight and prevent arrows falling out during flight. Her cape is normally tied around her waist when not wearing it, usually when she has no intention to fly for a while and wanting to keep warm or keep dry in the rain. Her slender hands are not covered.


She was born in Devil's Perch in the western mountains of Cheliax. Spent her entire youth amongst her fellow Strix, learning of surviving and hating the humans. Training in the art of battle against humans, learning of their vulnerabilities.

Travel from Devil's Perch along the mountain range to Canorate, then boat trip to Caliphas as look out in crows nest.

Adventure history:
Experience: 0 / 2000
  • 0 xp: Starts in Golden Pig Inn in Caliphas of Ustalav.
  • A man is murdered in tavern by androids. Take up job to investigate murder. Person came from Numeria.
  • Arrived at mining town with trading caravan on the way to Numeria. Decided to investigate the mine and cause of the dead miners.
  • Battle some kobolds, capturing two who became guides.
  • Level 2: Going deeper into mine, defeated strange plant creature, then discovered strange structure (crashed starship)
  • Enter the structure, avoiding electrical arcs, to discover medical room, and enter the command deck to see map indicating wrecks.
  • 2 member end up with radiation illness (remove disease needed to cure)
  • Escape ship before it explodes collapsing cavern and sinking mining town, and sealing mine.
  • Level 3: Continue journey to Hajoth Hakados, staying at Green Table, and obtaining information on murdered victim.
  • Innkeeper mentioned a small female of about 12 years for human remained behind when murdered victim left.
  • Visit mayor Andura Jakos, who provides information on small female. Small girl is Androffan, alien race using star ships to travel, which one crash long ago. Mayor used smugglers to take girl to safety, yet ship went north towards Torch.
  • Take steam ship to Torch, 3 days of travel.
  • Speak to town marshal, who reports that their council member disappeared 8 days ago after torch flame went out and reward of 4000 gp for return of councilor Khonnir Baine.
  • Rush to inn after marshal when robot attacks inn.

  • Future possible feats:
    Improved Precise Shot, Nature Spells (Wild Shape) - take at 7th level

    Feats if you going archer I suggest:

    Point Blank Shot - done
    Rapid Shot - done
    Precise Shot - done
    Deadly Aim
    Weapon Focus (Longbow Comp)
    Snap Shot
    Point Blank Master
    Improved Snap Shot
    Clustered Shots

    If you are not going archer then I recommend Hover - done, then Flyby Attack, then Death from Above.

    And yes I'd allow those feats.

Animal Companion: None
Simple Pet: Krist: Hawk (non-combatant normal)