Artistic Octopus

Xablake's page

10 posts (17 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


Glenn4moose wrote:

"Liar!!! You are a lizard, not a dragon. The only dragons that are here are Marin and me. You are just a reincarnated gnome that was permanently prestied white" says Nuella.

I thought we'd moved past the horrible racism of our parents. I know as a measly green dragon I can't compete with the awesome power of your shiny goldness - but that's no reason to be mean, I am just a baby. What happened to us Nuella, we used to be friends? Damn it - now I've gone and burned through my apron with my acid tears! Waaaaaah...

psionichamster wrote:

May 23, 2010

The party consists of:

Job, a Troglodyte Paladin of Iomedae
Doc, a Gnomish Evoker
Evan, a Human Cleric of Sarenrae
Nuella & Marin, Gnomish Sorcerer (Gold Dragon) and her Fairy Dragon familiar
Jackson, Human Bard and unwilling rebel


With a Scroll of Reincarnate on her (pile of dust) person, Doc was returned from the dead quickly. Unfortunately, she came back as a Kobold, only slightly less “bad” than a Bleachling, at least from a Gnome's perspective.

ahem...I'm unsure as to where these ugly rumors have originated about me having ever been a "gnome" or a "kobold". I am, and have always been, a green dragon of the most regal ancestry. As I'm sure you understand wizardry isn't exactly the expected path of a dragon and I was booted from the nest quite young. My youth, however, is no reason to go about saying such nasty things about my personage. I'll thank you to cease this nonsense.

Dr. Viatrix Abraxas

The Actors:

Chester Wainscott
N Male Human Rogue (Chelaxian)
Player: Male, experienced rpger, 1st time Pathfinder
Pedophile. Crafting fake documents in Cheliax has got him in hot water, on the run. Traveling with Bobo Higgley. Looking for a place to hide out and start over, the lost coast seemed like a safe place. Hoping to “gather” some capital at the Swallowtail Festival.

Bobo Higgley
LN Male Gnome Cleric of Gozreh
Player: Female, exp:WOW, 1st time tabletop
Stalker, POI: Chester Wainscott. Their relationship is questionable.

Mr. Ozwald
LN Male Gnome Bard of Sarenrae
Player: Male, 2nd ed some 3.5., 1st time Pathfinder
Traveling performer - Backstory and Perform TBA

Turwyn "Zoot" Zootku
LN Male Gnome Sorcerer: Draconic (Blue) of Nethys
Player: Male, experienced player, 1st time Pathfinder
Obsessed with being ever vigilant against the Bleaching by keeping continually on the move, Zoot may or may not have planned on traveling to Sandpoint. But since he's on his way, he's ecstatic about the upcoming festival.

Zarathustra Gertzal Seezig Zarzuket
LN Male Gnome Cleric of Lasalla
Player: Male, experienced player and DM
Compulsive adventurer looking for group. It is questionable how much he really knows about the source of his power.

Zebulon Hyram Maxim
LN Male Human Fighter of Irori
Player: Male, experienced player and DM
Lone traveling sword master alla Samurai Jack/Afro Samurai. Happened to be on the same boat as most of the other PCs.

NE Human Expert
Female, experienced player, some DM xp. Previously played a Varisian Bard in RotRL.
1st time running Pathfinder

Playing every week Friday nights. We just finished our character building session. Planning on starting fresh next week with the Swallowtail Festival.
Of the 4 Gnomes and 2 Humans – Bobo, Chester, Mr. Ozwald, Zoot, and Zebulon are coming in on the same ship from Cheliax. While Zarathustra has been anxiously looking for worthy adventurers, posting signs and inquiring all over town, hoping the incoming festival will be his ticket to some action.

I'm looking forward to a game oozing with insanity...though the lawfulness is kind of an odd trend.

PC: Groody, Warforged Fighter/Barbarian and L, Riedran Ardent/Cleric/Monk and Captain of the Wyvern
Adventure: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location of Glory: The Sea Wyvern, Flotsam Ooze
Summary: Save the first mate, save the world.

The Flotsam Ooze does it's thing, ship is listing, the Captain orders Amella to check it out while he prepared to dive in and deal with the supposed Reef issue hands on.

Amella walks over to the port side and looks over, all she gets out is a gasp, and a huge pseudopod rises up and Amella disappears over the side.

This part really shocked me...Between the stoic L, the CE Rogue, the oblivious and cowardly Paladin, and the fleshy disdaining Warforged, I figured Amella was toast and this ship is grounded...But everyone freaked!
They actually cared about Amella and grasped the gravity of the situation! Maybe this should be more of a DM Glories post :)

Anyway! Captain Dives overboard, Groody ties himself to the ship and attempts to dive overboard, gets slammed and adhered to the ooze taking 20+ damage - engulfed, he saves the now unconscious Amella from another slam, taking it himself - another 20+ damage. Makes strength checks to move to Amella, grab her, and pull themselves out of the adhesive goo another 20+ damage. L moves to the 2 trying to escape the Flotsam, hits Amella with a Cure light, still not moving...everyone is very tense. L (with 10ft-40ft immediate and swift action teleports) stays in the oozes attack range, attracting it's attention, and hoping out of it's reach before it can hit him. The Crew, Rogue, and Paladin keep trying to hurt the thing slowly taking it down. Groody, nearly beaten to inert, reaches the deck and moves out of it's reach, first mate in hand. After a few close calls for L, some serious Lay on Hands action, Artificer (L's cohort) Repair Serious's and pretty much everyone's action points, the party is victorious.

The guys needed a break after that, needless to the say there was much patting on the back and knuckle-bumps. I've never been so proud.

psionichamster wrote:

we added the Z Couriers, a chemical/material delivery system, information and item gathering guild, and teleporter's hall.

Run by Z, the changeling Rogue/Psion/Elocator in my game (and founded by the same)

Known for having tons of orphans running around with bright yellow Z patches on their bags, taking lots of speed-increasing drugs, and being everywhere you want to be.

Can post stats later, don't have them here with me at this time.

-the hamster


The ZCurriers: Courier Guild


Drug runners, benevolent spies, and powerful psions, the ZCurriers Guild is a slippery group comprised mostly of young manifesters lead by Z (Changeling Rogue/Psion/Elocator) In your game Z should be a largely mythical being amongst guild members. She uses her disguise skills to hide amongst her own guild and perform currier services while keeping a low profile. Only a few high ranking members know Z actually exists and none know her whereabouts, she typically comes and goes as she pleases.

Z and the history of the Curriers
An orphan from the streets of Shadowshore, Z grew up taking hand outs from devotees of Pelor. In her late teens she adventured with a powerful Raidiant Servant who brought the light of Pelor to Z. The guild was an opportunity for her to do for the children of Shadowshore what Pelor has done for her...
She's still a drug addicted, sneaky, street kid, whose too intelligent for her own good and not wise enough to know the difference – hence The Zcurriers.

The typical currier is 13-25 years old small, fast, and frail due to excessive drug use and living on food made with Psionic Minor Creation, they are usually Rogues, Psions, and Lurks, though anyone with Teleportation abilities from any class are welcome and encouraged.

Prestige classes associated with the Zcurriers are Elocator (Expanded Psionics Handbook) and Wayfarer Guide (Complete Arcane).

Few non teleporters join the guild though divine characters devoted to Pelor and alchemical, poison, or magic crafters are treasured members.
Conversion recommendations:
Alter affiliation bonuses to fit your campaign as necessary.
In a non-psionics campaign make the Zcurriers an Arcane guild for Wayfarer Guides, and the curriers should be multiclass Rogues and Beguilers with wizard, Sorcerer and/or Cleric with access to Teleport or other spells with the teleportation subschool.

In a non-Eberron caimpaign Z should be a Human.

My STAP ZCurrier stats such as they are might need updating:
ZCurriers (spy ring)
Scale 6
Capital 9
Powers Plunder, research, trade
Violence +3/4 (0)
Espionage +1
Negotiation +3/4 (0)

Affiliation score modifiers
Character level +1/2 level
5+ ranks in poisonmaking/alchemy +1
Sucessfully Craft Amp Dust/Black Lotus Poison +5
Is psionic +1
Can teleport +4
Worships Pelor +2
Providing a brand new service to the Curriers exclusively '+1 to +5 at Dm's whim
Complete important service for the Guild. +1 Each service
Elocator or Wayfarer Guide +2 each
Child of shadow feat
or Skill Focus (Craft: Alchemy, Craft: Poison Making, Gather Info, Disguise, or Profession: Drug Dealer) +2 Each
Donates wealth +1/1000 gp
No sneak attack -1
Is evil -4
No ranks in gather information -2
Ever maintaining membership in Lotus Dragons -10

3 or lower None
4-10 +2 to gather info in any area the Curriers has a
presence, ability to purchase (through the guild) a
Currier Watch*see Gear
11-20 Free place to stay at any guildhall and access to
crafting labs and workshops
21-29 Communications network – gather info in any area the
Curriers has a presence regardless of your location.
30+ Zcurrier Watch*see Gear and ability to Summon a Zcurrier (Lurk 6/Elocator 6)to your
location (1 per week) to provide 1 free Currier
service. *Note* a currier will NOT provide combat aid.

Services provided (cost as list price or DM discretion):
Poison Merchant
Drug Merchant
Limited Manifesting Services (Including Psionic Minor Creation)
Spies and Information
Transportation (Can call on a higher level Currier for Greater Teleport if required, this may involve a fee at the DM's Discretion)
Delivery and Shopping
Knowledge Planes
Knowledge Geography
Party Hosts/Caterers (Psionic Minor Creation-ing tables, chairs, decorations, food, drink, drugs in large quantities quality and duration depend on Fee)


Currier Watch: Magic item worth 900 gp
an original creation by Psionichamster
Becomes purchasable for 900 gp at 4+ affiliation score.
Wrist watch with 2 faces keeping separate time, it functions as a stop watch, alarm clock, and Compass.

Zcurrier Watch: Magic and Universal item worth 7200 gp
a bastardized original creation by Psionichamster
Is given to a guildmember of affiliation score 30+
Wrist watch with 2 faces keeping separate time, it functions as a stop watch, alarm clock, and Compass.
1/day can create a holographic map of the currier's location (as the spell Lay of the Land) visible to anyone with line of sight. This map can only be created 1/day but can be dissmissed and recalled
indefinitly until a new map is created.
Under the watch faces is a small rectangular mirror, displaying like a ticker, communications from other watches. This functions as Mindlink, all Zcurrier watches can “text message” with other Zcurrier
watches with a mental action anywhere on the same plane.
The Zcurrier Watch is the method by which a PC would summon a guildmember.

Amp Dust
an original creation by Psionichamster

Save DC 18 1gp/5 Doses – 2 Sp/Dose
Craft DC 30 High Addiction DC 14

Initial effect: +5 Alchemical Bonus to Land speed 1D6 + 4 hours, +1 Alchemical Bonus to reflex
Secondary effect: -1 Ranged Attacks, -2 Will save vs. Fear
Side Effects: Paranoia, -1 will saves
Overdose: Taking 3 doses while under the affect of the drug Fort DC 20 or 4D6 damage, 2D4 Dex Damage, 1D4 Wis damage

Think coke, speed, and meth all in one happy package. You may want to consider playing with Sanity Rules (Call of Cthulhu) if you have a character that wants to play with Amp Dust.

Please let me know if anyone actually plays a Zcurrier, it make me sooooo happy time! XD

Old death from the original DM of our game, who doesn't post here.

Character: Groody, Warforged Fighter/Barbarian
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location: Inside the Lotus Dragon hideout
Catalyst: Ragadessa (or as Groody says "Ragadeshy")

Grapple, Grapple, Crit, more metal man.

They encounter Rowyn as a trio, everything goes according to plan since the supper damage dealer is dead. The Warforged Artificer drags her inert buddy through the streets to the Vanderbournes' front door and the paladin epic-ly diplomacies Lavinia into paying for a Raise Dead for the team's hero.

TracerBullet42 wrote:
Cinnamongrl wrote:
...Monkey St. Twinkles...

At first glance, rather than "Monkey Street," I read this as "Monkey Saint Twinkles."

What a great name that would be...

ha ha...I think I'm going to use that! My group can't seem to keep any names they come across in their heads for more than 10 seconds unless it's something crazy.

The new PC's name is L (introduced as the captain of the Sea Wyvren), they went a whole session in game calling him "that guy" - most captain's don't take that very well. Avner's new name is a little less 'board appropriate'.

Adventure: Between There Is No Honor and Sea Wyvren's Wake
Location: Taxidermist's Guildhall and surrounding area
Summary: The power of psychic smite, smiting like you really mean it.

The paladin - miraculously - convinced Harliss Javell, in Kraken's Cove, to accompany the party back to Sasserine where they will get her healed and think they can protect her long enough to get her safetly back out of the city. (I was not DMing at the time, so I'm not to blame for her accepting the offer.)
They drop her off with the Taxidermist, which they lovingly call "Twinkles", who was intimidated by the rogue into being his pawn in his new attempt to revive and control the LDs. They told him to take care of her and they'd be back soon, but they need to save Lavinia from Dravoras first.

Having barely survived the bullywug's gambit, no magic, no smitey, need healing BAD, they decided to rest and take care of Harliss in the morning.

The Paladin and the Warforged Artificer go to the guildhall first thing in the morning to find Harliss Savage and confused. They fight for a few rounds until she realizes who they are (The paladin she now has a crush on and her saviors) and takes off screaming "don't look at me I'm a monster!"

In the next room is our poor Twinkles...savage and hungry. After a number of rounds of ineffectual combat where the paladin doesn't want to hurt what he thinks he can save and the artificer (in my attempt to stay out of what was supposed to be the paladin's solo adventure) wouldn't "go near that crazy thing, it'll scratch my plating!". Twinkles sees his opportunity to book. Running out into the streets and out of sight. After a moment of bemoaning the horror that his vows have allowed him to unleash on poor Sasserine, he runs out the door determind to save his beloved city.

Somewhere between Dead Dog Alley and Monkey St. Twinkles is attempting to tear into citizens of Azure district, the paladin seizing the moment, Charges releasing his smite and blowing his psionic focus for Psionic Weapon damage, lands a single blow on him exploding the ex-illusionist mightily!

The Pally saves the day and with all the witnesses there's no doubt Mazar'harath will go down in Sasserine history as a Super Holy Smiter of Very Bad Things!

My second go at the Savage Tide. Currently playing in a STAP as written game DM'd by Psionichamster - playing as Z Changeling Psion/Rogue/Elocator/Avenger. Taking over a second game with newbies to be run in Eberron.

Groody - CN Male personality Warforged Fighter w/Mithral Body, Power Attack, Cleave progression. Originally belonging to Cyre, has no alliances other then Zuckerin's Horn. Champion's District, Champion of Sasserine.

Mazar'harath - LG Kalishtar Paladin of il'yanna, also Power Attack route, intended Vassal of Behamut - we'll see about that. Nobles District, don't know regional feat.

Dead - NE Changeling Rogue would-be assassin, Quick Change, Disturbing Visage, Rapid shot, wants to look like a zombie...the paladin thinks he can 'fix' him...ha. Shadowshore District, Child of Shadow.

Quinn - CN Female Personality Warforged Artificer w/Adamantine Body possible Warforged Juggernaut. Merchant's District, Merchants Tongue.

My boyfriend actually started running this game about a month ago and since then we have decided to switch roles, Quinn was my character who will now turn Sasserine bound NPC while his new Character steps in....

L - NG Riedran Human Cleric (Path of Inspiration - see secrets of sarlona)/Ardent/Wizard/Rogue. A 007 type, originally a member of the Edge Walkers of Riedra turn Sea Captain. With possible Human Arificer Cohort addicted to Speed, designated as Q. I believe taking Water Rat Feat.
- Surprisingly enough he made this ridiculous build work out to a really cohesive character focused on movement.

I start my first session as DM this Thursday w/Sea Wyvren's wake.


Quinn claimed ownership of the Sea Wyvren and is now leasing it out to Lavinia for the journey south, as well as signing up the party as her crew. The party will be meeting L as the new captain of the ship while the 'possible cohort' Q is a Cannith Artificer Quinn petitioned to care of her ship on the journey.
The Paladin, in a previous adventure caught a child attempting - sucessfully - to steal his new Sword. During the chase the child is shot by Lotus Dragon's trying to kill the Pally, he saves him and takes the kid to the temple of Dol'Dorn, and pays his way as an apprentice to the clerics there in the attempt to turn him around. Over the course of the game the paladin took great interest in his new ward and I intend to reward him with Tavey Nesk as the young rouge turned cleric (who latches on to him like a father), possible cohort (if he takes the feat)accompanying the party on the journey to Farshore.

This is going to be really fun.
Let loose the Savage Tide!

I'm playing a Changeling Psion/Rogue/Elocator/Avenger w/Human Ardent Elocator Cohort Lvl 15/13 in the Psionichamster's Savage tide - the infamous Z. It's a tough game. The baddies are truely bad-ass. Even still Cohorts are not necessary. I got to 12th level alone - at that time I took a cohort because with all the teleporting it's hard to be in 2 places at once and that was really what Z needed.

Cohorts have their downfalls too. For 1 They suck up your treasure, and if you take the proper interest in the poor sap who decided to follow you into this madness they become a money sink and nice low level target, they also focus a lot of attention on your leadership score - you need to keep that up in order to keep advancing your new buddy.

In my case I've sunk more than half my treasure every time we get to port on getting Escher's gear to match up with Z's and keep the crazy tattooed disintegrator/teleporter occupied.

Our cleric is a big fan of Holy word - he tried the Lawful version but that knocked out almost the entire party and nearly killed the 3 cohorts. Holy word still takes out the cohorts if they are unlucky enough to hear it.

In our party I'm really the only player who's cohort is in the thick of combat (yay bad ass flanking token!). The other 2 are mostly support/knowledge/crafting. I recommend using them that way. Supplement your cohort to take care of you after battle with healing, crafting or transport.

I'm starting to DM a second session of STAP with a new group - they're underpowered by the sheer fact they all wanted to be fighters :\ I've included in the game several npc's/would-be cohorts to flesh out the party but they're services are only available to the PC's if they take the feat. They're all pretty dumb so we'll see how long they last. The Fighter Warforged already died once - if he's smart enough to take the Artificer they know as a cohort maybe that won't happen again.

It should also be noted some players can't handle 2 full round actions in a round. We have at least 2 such players in our game who can barely manage to hold they're attention long enough to take care of their own character much less a second (to be clear, I have been this player at times). Some DM's disallow Leadership/Thrallherd/Mindbender all together, I've made it clear that they are allowed but subject to approval - if I don't think you can handle it I'm not going to put the entire group through your fumbling which serves to slow down the game and can embarrass the offending player horribly.

ALL THAT SAID: as a DM AND a player I'm offended that your's is giving you free cohorts. They're something you should work at, something that should cost you, they're basically secondary PC's and should take something away from your character in order to obtain. But if 1 player gets a free buddy, everyone should - or at least a free feat so they have a choice in the matter.