Hello Ladies,
I am recruiting on behalf of a DM friend of mine who wishes to run another group through his amazing campaign. He would also like to livestream the sessions after the group makes it past the initial chapters(first 6) to make it a weekly thing that people could watch and witness the groups epic adventure with them. The campaign is very story based and is designed to be a challenge to the players, not tomb of horrors style but the encounters will be difficult and will require teamwork among the characters and strong character builds.
Here are a few FAQ but if there is anything not covered here you are curious about please feel free to contact me on Skype. My contact is Warsor1.
-House rules for the game?
There are a few. The first would be the house rule called Hot streaking. When a PC rolls two natural 20s in a row on an attack roll they enter a hot streak. They roll again until the streak ends, which happens if they roll less then 20-x(the number of hot streak rolls they have made during that particular streak). Depending on how many hot streak rolls you make your crit multiplier will increase on the damage. If they reach all the way to 1 in single streak the streak also ends and an amplified effect happens. Regardless once a hot streak activates the DM will cinematic take control of your character and add up all the damage your critical would have done and if it exceeds the total HP of all the creatures left in the encounter you will epicly defeat them. There is also a healer hotstreak which involves channel dice but it can be explained in detail over skype easier.
The next houserule is called titles. Essentially the campaign has over 400 titles that can be unlocked like an achievement in a video game. These could be for fighting certain creatures, solving puzzles, backstory, character creation options. A character can have 1 title active at a time which grants them the bonus of the title. For example the Hot streaking grants a title called 'The Streaker'. Another example is the 'Toxic Love' title which grants the person using it +1d6 negative energy damage to their melee attacks while the title is active. There are even title for people who die a lot or have a set of skills trained to a point.
The Last houserule(I can recall) is the legacies houserule. These are story and campaign specific benefits that make your characters far more powerful then any other characters. At level 1 each of the 7 players select a legacy from the 7 legacies. You do not know what the legacy will do until level 7 when it unlocks the first legacy ability. As you grow in level new legacy abilities unlock from your legacy. While this is a blind choice, an interesting sidenote is that the DM has designed a unique ability for every legacy, for every different class. So a wizard of the rage legacy is a different power then the cleric of rage and so forth. Sadly the choice is made blindly but all the powers I have seen have been really cool no matter who gets what legacy and their class.
-What 'type' or variant of game will it be ? What is the setting for the game?
Characters can come from the Golarion setting world but will be in another land previously unknown. This will be explained through the plot in game.
-How many Players are you looking for?
Exactly 7 players. For this particular group he wishes to try an all female group. The Valkyrie group of awesome.
-What's the gaming medium?
Skype. Also we will be using Maptool.
-What is the characters' starting status?
Level 1, But more powerful than the average character. Hp is doubled at first level(This means you double your HD, your con mod, and any favored class bonus. It does not include toughness feat HP.)
-How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Due to plot reasons you will start with nothing, however mark on your sheet basic equipment wishlist that you'll be able to acquire at some point during the prologue. Armor(No heavy), a single melee weapon(non masterwork), a ranged weapon, and all class related objects(spellbooks, holy symbol, thieves tools). Everything else must be found in game however he is quite generous in his magic item policy due to the campaign difficulty.
-Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want?
Almost no restrictions. If it is official paizo it is quite likely to be allowed. The one exception would be the Master Summoner Archetype. He has told me he will not allow that Archetype to be used, but the summoner class and its other archetypes are fine. (3rd Party classes case by case basis, but I wouldn't get too much hope up.)
-What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game?
Any Core race is allowed. The special races such as Changelings or Grippli can be allowed if they are approved on a case by case basis.
-By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
30 point buy system
-Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
Any Alignment, Warning evil doesn't necessarily mean party killing. Besides you will need each other through this... or you will die. If you are evil, i wont punish you but you'd better be good at it. I will expect you to Roleplay your alignment.
-Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
Standard rules, the DM intends to take the game from level 1 to level 30 so there is plenty of room for prestige classes. (He has his own epic level rules that i'm sure you'll find quite generous.)
-Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about?
Your character will be FAR stronger than any average character than most games if all. More details once we get things going.
-Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular?
A solid back ground will get you a special reward from the DM. (This could be a special magic item designed for your character or a title)
-Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
Intense Combat, Nigh-Impossible Puzzle solving, And a Grand story with political intrigue travel, war, etc. All of it roleplayed exceptionally.
-Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements?
No, Any Pathfinder book and if you have a special request talk to me about it. You will need every single trick you can find.
If you are interested feel free to post here or send me a skype message at Warsor1