Maerimydra wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Paizo's "old school" roots aren't in the rules (obviously - calling 3.5 "old school" is just wrong on so many levels - heck, I call 2nd Ed. "middle school" because it was the fifth version of the D&D rules published). Their old school roots are in the way they approach world building and adventure making. Much of it is homage, really, Easter Eggs of a sort in many of the adventures and in the campaign setting.
I wasn't aware of that. Do you have an example (without spoiling anything if possible)?
Well, as a specific example (hopefully not spoiling anything), Golarion has a land with a crashed spaceship in its background. Right at the beginning of RPGs, Dave Arneson put a crashed spaceship in his 'Blackmoor' campaign - the Earth explorator 'FSS Beagle'. Players could visit it to get their hands on advanced technology. Blackmoor and the 'Beagle' were later incorporated into TSR's Mystra/Known World setting, while Gygax himself wrote 'Expedition to the Barrier Peaks', which explored similar themes. I don't know if the Paizo designers are deliberately referencing these, but I suspect so.