Vedavrex Misraria

Wraith/Alexis's page

73 posts. Alias of Alyksandrei.

Full Name





Bard (modified) 3 || AC 14 || HP 20/20 || Initiative +3 || Passive Perception 17 ||

Saves: Str +2 Dex +5 Con +2 Int +6 Wis +3 Cha +1 || Perception +7 Stealth +7 Investigation +6 Insight +5





Special Abilities

XP: 900




Common, Elven, [pick 1 (race)], [pick 2 (background)]

Strength 14
Dexterity 17
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 16
Charisma 13

About Wraith/Alexis

Basic Statistics:

Maximum Hit Points: 20
Base Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 14 = 10 + 1 [leather] + 3 [dexterity]
Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative modifier: + 4 = + 3 [dexterity] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Attack (handheld / thrown): + 4 = +2 [strength] + 2 [proficiency]
Attack (missile / finesse): + 5 = + 3 [dexterity] + 2 [proficiency]
Strength save: + 2
Dexterity save: + 5 = + 3 [dexterity] +2 [proficiency]
Constitution save: + 2 = + 2 [constitution]
Intelligence save: + 6 = + 4 [intelligence] + 2 [proficiency]
Wisdom save: + 3 = + 3 [wisdom]
Charisma save: + 1 = + 1 [charisma]
Insight (passive): 15 (20 with advantage)
Investigation (passive): 16 (21 with advantage)
Perception (passive): 17 (22 with advantage)
Carry: 210 lb maximum


Acrobatics (Dex) 4(5) = +3 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades] (+ 2 [proficiency])
Animal Handling (Wis) 4 = +3 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Arcana (Int) 5 = +4 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Athletics (Str) 4 = +2 [ability] + 2 [proficiency]
Deception (Cha) 2 = +1 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
History (Int) 5(6) = +4 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades] (+2 [proficiency])
Insight (Wis) 5 = +3 [ability] + 2 [proficiency]
Intimidation (Cha) 2 = +1 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Investigation (Int) 6 = +4 [ability] + 2 [proficiency]
Medicine (Wis) 4 = +3 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Nature (Int) 5(6) = +4 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades] (+ 2 [proficiency])
Perception (Wis) 7 = +3 [ability] + 2 [proficiency] + 2 [expertise]
Performance (Cha) 2 = +1 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Persuasion (Cha) 2 = +1 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Religion (Int) 5 = +4 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 4 = +3 [ability] + 1 [jack of all trades]
Stealth (Dex) 7 = +3 [ability] + 2 [proficiency] + 2 [expertise]
Survival (Wis) 5 = +3 [ability] + 2 [proficiency]


Longbow (150/600) +5 1d8+3 Piercing
Longsword +4 1d8+2 Slashing
Sling (30/120) +5 1d6+3 Bludgeoning
Dagger +5 1d4+3 Piercing

Roleplay Stats:

Personality Traits
Nothing about combat surprises me anymore.
Socially awkward
My friends know they can rely on me no matter what.

Live and Let Live

I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

I put too much faith in those who wield power within the military.


Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, Longsword, Longbow, Shortsword, Hand Crossbow, Rapier
Tools: Thieves' Tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, pick 1 (race), pick 2 (background)


Spellcasting Stat: Intelligence
Spell Save DC: 14
Spell Attack Bonus: +6

Minor Illusion (racial)
Dancing Lights

1st Level:
Slots: 4
Silent Image
Color Spray
Disguise Self
Detect Magic

2nd Level
Slots: 2

Traits and Special Abilities:

Race (High Elf):
Darkvision 60'
Fey Ancestry (Adv. saves vs. charmed; immune to magical sleep)
Trance (meditate 4 hrs instead of sleep 8)

Background (Soldier/Sage):
Specialty: Sniper
Skills: Survival, Investigation
Tools: 2 languages
Feature: Military Rank

Class (Arcane Trickster):
* 1 Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6), Darkvision 120'
* 2 Jack of all Trades, Song of Rest (d6)
* 3 Bonus Proficiencies (Lore)[Acrobatics, History, Nature], Combat Inspiration, Expertise
4 Ability Score Improvement, Assassinate
5 Bardic Inspiration (d8), Font of Inspiration
6 Countercharm, Extra Attack (Valor)
7 Evasion
8 Ability Score Improvement, Land's Stride
9 Song of Rest (d8) Magical Ambush
10 Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise, Magical Secrets
11 Reliable Talent, Volley
12 Ability Score Improvement
13 Song of Rest (d10)
14 Magical Secrets, Battle Magic (Valor)
15 Bardic Inspiration (d12) Vanish, Slippery Mind
16 Ability Score Improvement
17 Song of Rest (d12)
18 Magical Secrets, Elusive, Feral Senses
19 Ability Score Improvement
20 Superior Inspiration


leather armor
explorer's pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, torches x5, rations x5, waterskin, rope, silk, 50')
traveller's clothes
quiver of arrows (20)
pouch of sling bullets (20)
belt pouch
bullseye lantern
spell component pouch
191 gold
6 silver
3 copper


Wraith had a normal childhood in a normal family from a normal neighborhood. Around the age of 30, she left home to travel the world for a while. She ended up in the military of a nearby nation, trained as a scout and, later, a sniper. During one particularly nasty skirmish, Wraith (still using her child name) was affected by several powerful spells which killed the rest of her unit. As a result of the unexpected interaction of these spells, she discovered she now had the ability to perform limited magical effects. She quickly learned to harness this magic to allow herself to disappear, often while distracting others with illusions. Nicknamed "Wraith" by her new unit, she continued to serve as a sniper even as she began studying every subject under the sun (and many from below the ground). She had never been a particularly good student, but she suddenly found herself able to understand complex topics with ease, and to remember details and facts she never would have thought herself capable of recalling. Eventually discharged from the military, she declared herself an adult and roamed the world, studying, practicing her magic, and taking whatever jobs and adventures came her way.

Original Concept:

Role: sniper & illusionist
Appearance: small adult female with dark skin, black eyes, and silver hair
good taste in clothes, but nothing super fancy (my randomizer app describes it as "Tasteful: You like to look good but don't take it to an extreme.")
Personality: goal -
easy-going, mostly humorless ("You are serious almost all the time or don't participate in humor."), curious about everything
Birthplace or Home:
Past: event - traumatic event which triggered magical powers
education - average until after discovery of magical powers, then studied extensively everything she could
Religion: agnostic
widespread naturalistic ("Your religion puts emphasis on gods of nature and living in harmony with animals.")
Family: 1-2 siblings, overall average size, liberal ("Your family is open-minded, giving, and trusting."), unremarkable family of average reputation